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牛津小学英语6A知识点Unit 1一、单词:书后词汇表所有单词(包括蓝色和黑色)全部要过关。二、词组和日常用语:No smoking 禁止吸烟 No littering 禁止乱扔杂物No parking 禁止停车 Do not touch 禁止触摸 Danger! 危险 No eating or drinking 禁止吃喝 keep off the grass 离开草地 walk on the grass 在草地上走be quiet 保持安静 keep quiet保持安静his cousin 他的表弟 on the wall在墙上a lot of questions许多问题 ask sb. some questions about sth.问某人一些有关某事的问题only four years old仅仅四岁 a lot of public signs许多公共标志mean different things意味着不同的意思 walk on the grass在草地上走make noise发出喧闹的声音,制造噪音 go in 入内,进去know a lot about public signs知道许多有关公共标志的知识the sign on the birds cage在鸟笼上的标志 climb the tree爬树stay away from the building远离那座建筑物 at home在家give me ten yuan给我十元 take a walk 散步take photos拍照 a ten-yuan note一张十元纸币look around环顾,往四下看 walk to the note走向纸币pick it up 拣起它 pick up your pencil拣起你的铅笔come up to him来到他面前 a park keeper一个公园看守人point to 指向 the boy in the green sweater穿着绿色毛衣的男孩shake ones head摇头 on the Internet在网上三、句子:1. What does this sign mean? It means No smoking.It means you shouldnt smoke.这个标志什么意思?它意味着“禁止吸烟”。它意味着你不应该吸烟。2What does it mean? It means Keep off the grass.It means you shouldnt walk on the grass. 它的意思是什么?它意味着“请勿践踏草坪”。它意味着你不应该在草地上行走。3.What does it mean ? It means Be quiet. It means you shouldnt make noise here . 它的意思是什么?它意味着“保持安静”。它意味着你不能在此处发出喧闹的声音。4. Can I watch TV ? No, you cant. You should go to bed now.我可以看电视吗?不,你不能。你现在应该睡觉了。5Can I go in ? No , you cant . You must stay away from the building .我可以进去吗?不,你不能。你必须远离那座建筑物。6. Now I know a lot about public signs . They mean different things .现在我了解很多关于公共标志的知识。它们表示不同的意思。四、语音:/e/ bread breakfast head sweater ready五、部分语言点解析:1.作为标志语来说时,开头字母要大写,如B版块的8个标志语;若作为词组来说,则不需要。写的时候要注意分清。2.单数名称的所有格,直接在其后加s,如Bens class(本的班);若是复数,本身以s结尾的,则直接加,如Teachers Day(教师节)。3.动词如果在No后表示禁止做某事,动词要用ing形式,如:No swimming;如果前面是dont 或者do not后面跟动词原形,如:Do not touch.4.情态动词+动词原形must 表示必须一定做到的事情;would表示想要做的事情,would like to do sth.should(shouldnt)表示应该或不应该;can表示能够,会做某事;may表示可以或允许做某事。must,should, can, may都是情态动词,后面都跟动词原形。5always总是 usually通常 often 经常 sometimes有时,常用于一般现在时。6.动词加介词的词组,再加名词的话,可以放中间,也可以放后边,如pick up your pencil/pick your pencil up(拣起你的铅笔);而如果是代词,则只能放中间,如pick it up /pick them up(拣起它/它们)。7.在肯定句中用and来连接两个并列成分,表示和,但在否定形式中and应改为or,这时否定词对or的前后部分同时加以否定。如It means you shouldnt eat or drink.( 它意味着你不应该吃喝)。Unit 2一、单词:书后词汇表所有单词(包括蓝色和黑色)全部要过关。二、词组和日常用语:in March在三月 the ninth of June六月九日on the thirty-first of October在十月三十一日 the fifth day 第五天in Bens class 在本的班里 live near Ben 住在本附近visit Jim 拜访吉姆 visit him/her拜访他/她(人称代词宾格)go home together 一起回家 after school放学后talk about Bens birthday 谈论本的生日 in the bay 在海湾come to my birthday party 来参加我的生日聚会 have a birthday party 举行一场生日聚会 as a birthday present作为生日礼物wait and see等着瞧 a VCD of Japanese cartoons一张日本卡通片光碟a cake with lots of grapes一个带有许多葡萄的蛋糕on the phone 在电话中 a big birthday cake 一个大生日蛋糕 take off his costume 脱下他的戏装 put on your coat 穿上你的外套blow out the candle(s)吹灭蜡烛 make a birthday card 做一张生日卡片a piece of paper一张纸 early this morning今天早上早些时候Chinese New Year 中国的新年三、句子(书上A勾画的句子和C、D版块全部要过关):1What day is it today ? Its Monday.今天星期几?今天星期一。2. What date is it today?/ Whats the date today? Its the twelfth of March.今天什么日期?三月十二日。3. Whens your birthday ? My birthday is on the twentieth of August.你的生日在什么时候?我的生日在八月二十日。4. What would you like as a birthday present? Id like some flowers.你想要什么作为生日礼物?我想要一些花。5. Ben and Jim often go home together after school.本和吉姆放学后经常一起回家。6. They are talking about Bens birthday.他们正在谈论本的生日。7. Do you usually have a birthday party?你通常举行生日晚会吗?8. Would you like a VCD of Japanese cartoons ,too? Yes , Id like to . 你也想要一张日本卡通片的光碟吗?是的,我想要。9. Would you like to come to my birthday party? 你愿意来我的生日聚会吗?10. When can we watch it?我们什么时候看它?11. Lets wait and see.让我们等着瞧。12. Id like some fish as a birthday present. 我想要一些鱼作为生日礼物。(其中fish作鱼肉时不可数,作鱼时可数,但表示数量时单复数相同,表示种类时复数用fishes.)四、语音dear hear near year theatre五、部分语言点解析1、序数词的用法1)表示次序的数词称为序数词。序数词一般以与之相应的基数词加词尾th构成,如tenth (第十)。但以下这些基数词在变为序数词时,有特别的地方:* one first; two second; three third; five fifth; eight eighth; nine ninth; twelve twelfth。 * 以-ty结尾的词,要先变y为i, 再加-eth,如twentytwentieth 和fortyfortieth。* 以one, two, three, five, eight, nine收尾的多位数词,要照第一条办法变。如:twenty-one twenty-first; twenty-two twenty-second; thirty-five thirty-fifth; ninety-nine ninety-ninth* 序数词有时有缩写形式:1st=first; 2nd =second; 3rd=third; 4th =fourth; 22nd=twenty-second2)序数词主要用作定语,前面一般要加定冠词或物主代词:Tom is their second son. 汤姆是他们的第二个儿子。The computer room is on the third floor. 电脑房在四楼。3)有时序数词前面可加不定冠词表示“再一”、“又一”的意思。Well have to do it a second time. 我们得重做一次。2、would like 想要的意思。可用于表示邀请。1)would like to + 动词原形。如:Would you like to watch Alad
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