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此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。4分钟英语演讲稿范文一篇演讲稿要有一个集中、鲜明的主题。无中心、无主次、杂乱无章的演讲是没有人愿听的。一篇演讲稿只能有一个中心,全篇内容都必须紧紧围绕着这个中心去铺陈,这样才能使听众得到深刻的印象。以下是由小编为大家推荐的4分钟英语演讲稿范文,欢迎大家学习参考。 4分钟英语演讲稿范文一 As everyoeknows,ngisivry mprtant odayt has eenuse erwher i th orldIt has beom hemost commo langage o Ineret and fr intrntona trde f we can spaEnglish well,w ilhave more ac osucced.Becuse mr an o people have tenntcefit,the umb of e peple who go to learn English has increased at a hig pe Bt fryself, ern gish ntolbecauseof its mpoendit usefnes,bt alo ecase of myove o it.hn Ilean Englsh, I an fe a ifft way of thinkigwhich ie m more roo to toc te world.Whn read Englsh ovels,I can fee t pleaure fom thebokwh is difrtfromreingth trnlaion.WnI speak Engl, Icae he cfdentfry wrd.When I write nlish,I canse tbeauy ihinot sam r Chise. love ngish,itgves me colorful dem.I hopeI ca rvl arod theord one da.Wit myodEnish, an mke fends wt mn eople rom differentcotes. ansee may pacs ogrea ntrsts. dramtt I can go to Lonon,becus t iste bt plae of Eglish Ialo want to my godEnlis introduce urgtpacsoheEglishspoke eple,I hopethatthey ca loveu coutr like u know, me as not uilt n a day. elee tat fer continuou hard tud, ne y asek nglish very wel.If yu wntbe lved,you shold learn to ad be obleSo belie s le nglis veyday , will lvm to. m sr tht I will reliz my dreamo day!Thnk you! 4分钟英语演讲稿范文二 Ladiean Genlemn: Good mrni! Im v hay t artipate in this nglish mmer Proram becaus t lps me to irov my ngsh. ac dy Iarriv erl for cla;an si ntefist rowhch iseareto te teacher s a Ican her te teachcleal. I hv attended evryls, not mise a sinlone,onl ecausecesis pponiy to arn spek Egs el eacris wonerfl teachr he speaksEnglish slowy and carl o tt wecaasil unestad her. Setrie ar helpuswith pronuciaion, intonaionand hyt anteaches s ospeak nglh smothly. he helps everyone ith very diicult sound. he telsusstores nd teachs lifeskills, whch i beueful to us in thfuture.She is vey kind tousan w all lov her Ithe egining, manof our stuentser hy abustann p in font o the clas to peak Engsh, but wt h hp of o eache;adwth he enouragem of orteach every oof ourclas an owstadsp nd speak Eglish loudy.ur teachesees nt to b anep on lagues She ds not tel ustaheord“;goob”;orignall eas:&rquo;god be with yu&rs;or “;god blss you”; whenweae lkigbot th bc epronf syinggoodbye. S oes t telus sh thngs. She ltachs useverday Enishto hel to cmmunicate hothers. Andthas jus wha Ieedd. So, this rramhaeen vey helpfu t m hoe thee wll oe uch progrmsi the ture sohat many ore people can benefit fom it. Nw, Iav dream! Mdreams ta ne d Icn goto Amrica fr a hinee Smmer program toteahAmecansto speahinee an tthmaout Chinayeam is at Cinee a Americasundertand ach otrbeter, il begodfriesfoeer! Tan ou fr giig me prtunity tomproe orl Eglish. Tank you!
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