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考研英文自我介绍考研英文自我介绍范例 gd morig, my nmes lili, iisrel a great hoo o ve this opportunit foa ntriew, i ld liketo answer whatver youmay rais, anhoe i cn make good forcetoday, eentuall erol this prsigiousuivers in setember.now wi introdue myself befl,i a 21 yers ld,ornn elogng prince ,nothastofchina,i am curuntl senio stnt t beijing x uni.mymajor spackagng ngineering.and wllrecive myachlo degrefte m grauton injne.in thepast 4 yeas,i ed most of mytime on stdy,i hav pased cet4/with ease. andi have aqurdbc kwlde fpckaig an lsin oth in theor nd iractc. besides,ihve attend several ackagin exibtinold in ejin, s our atge stdy her, ihavetae a tortsoe bg factoryan cpany trgt i hve a deply undrtnding of domstc akaging indstry. compared o dloedountries such as us, nfotuntely, athowe hav mad extraoinayprogress snce 1978,our packaig ndustry are sti nerdeveped, ess, stable, the situatn oploees in thi ie are akard. bu i hve full cnfidnc a brightfutue if ony ur eonoy can ke th growth cetl. ue ou aye inestedinthersn chtolaw, ad wh s my pl durig adtesuy life,i would lke to el you that prse aw is one o my llggl,iiemy maorcking and i wo ge up,f i can ursmy ater degre hre iwillombine lwwith y fomer educationi will or ard inthsefelds ,ptent,tademar, coyiht, the se of m eas suy in departmnt of p&p,my caracti annotdescribeit well, but iknow i am optimisi and confdt. somtmes i prefer sty on,reading, istenng t msi, ut i an lonel, i li tohat wth my classtes, almst ta everything ,m frie patimisvalball,playingcrsr suoline.though colegelif,i learnow t balne teen study and ertanmen y heway, i wsa actr of ouraazngam club. hada few glorous mmry ote.at is y pide
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