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七年级下Unit7教学设计方案临淄区实验中学 程莉学校 临淄区 实验中学学科英 语班级初二一班 人数48课题Unit 7 Whats the matter?教时课型第一课时词汇句型课 执教程莉日期2019.4.18一、教学目标本节课教学目标:1. 聚焦关于疾病的单词短语,90%以上学生会表述常见的身体疾病。2. 能简要分析得病的原因,为第二课时看医生的时候描述病程做好铺垫。3. 70%左右学生能就同伴之间生病这个话题展开合乎社交习惯的对话。二、教学目标确定依据:(一)教学内容分析:本节课是第七单元第一课时,常见身体疾病的表述是本节课的重点也是难点。其中stomach, stomachache, sore throat, 这几个词的发音是学生遇到的第一个难点。如何构成病症的词的分类是学生遇到的第二个难点。有的疾病要添加-ache来构成,比如headache, toothache, stomachache.另外一些疾病要加sore来构成,比如sore throat, sore back等。同时小学五年级课本出现过have a cold , have a fever, have a cough以及如何询问别人,这三个短语学生比较熟悉,本节课只做简单的复习回顾。在看医生的时候医生可能会询问最近做过什么之类的问题,以便能够做出诊断对症下药,因此对自己得病的简单的原因分析也很重要。这一部分学生的难点是学生的思路可能会拘泥于课本上给出的这些表述,不会结合自己真实的生活经历来表述。也就是语言的语用功能得不到充分的锻炼。达成这一目标需要创设情境,让学生在情境中打开思路,自由表达。(二)学生分析:生病这一话题是生活中比较常见的话题,在日常生活中会经常用到。同时小学五年级有一个单元专门学习了如何询问别人的身体状况以及一些简单的病症和给出一些简单的建议。但是由于学生来自不同的学校,不同的老师可能会有不同的要求,因此不能太高估学生,认为课本出现过的学生就会了。课本出现过的只能说学生并不陌生,但要做到掌握还需要在课上花时间练习巩固。本次讲课的初二一班全班48人,班级氛围平时比较活跃,但是不排除看到有很多听课老师后学生会紧张而导致比较沉闷的可能。其中,刘恩同,张开翼等同学词汇量比其他同学要丰富。陈锦瀚,边博洋,张雨涵,王紫宜等同学知识落实比较扎实。聂彤恩,刘通,刘珈雨等同学学习能力比较弱,学习新知识比较慢。因此在课上需要重点观察这些学生的掌握情况。教学过程:教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1:Lead-in1. Play with the song2. Check the homework: Do you remember our body parts.3. Four new words about the body parts: stomachache, throat, neck, back.4. Play a game: Show me yourFeel your1 Sing the song and touch their body parts.2. Teacher acts, while students say the names of the body parts.3. Read after the teacher.4. First play with the teacher, then play with your partner.1.歌曲导入,活跃气氛2. 学生已知知识唤醒。3. 词汇新授4. 游戏的形式巩固词汇,调动学生肢体语言,增强记忆效果。Step 2:PresentationT:Mandy works as a volunteer in the school clinic, she saw some friends in the clinic.1. Guess: Whats the matter with David?He has a stomachache.Whats the matter with? He/ She has a headache/ toothache.2. Talk about the health problems of the three students.3. Brainstorm: How to ask about the health problems.4. Judy has a sore throat. The old man has a sore back. 5. Whats wrong with the three students:He/ She has a cold/fever/cough.6. Act and guess.1. Maybe he has a cold/feverRead and practice.2. Talk about the health problems of the three students in a short passage.3. Whats wrong /the problem with .?4. Read and practice.5. Speak in a short passage.6. Do you have a?1. 开放性问题,调动学生已知知识。看哪些是学生已知的,哪些是未知的,为下一步确定教学重点提供依据。2.从单句练习慢慢过渡到形成一段话。让学生形成语段表述的能力。3. 开放性问题,调动学生已知知识,同时体现语言的丰富性,而不是仅仅局限与课本上给出的句子。4.sore构成的两个短语整合在一起。5.以语段的形式复习学生已知。6. 调动肢体语言加强对新知识的理解记忆。Step 3:PracticeT: Five students are also talking about their health problems.1. Listen and fill in the blank.2. Listen and match: What did they do?3. Talk about what their health problems are and how they got ill(Talk about the first two persons as a model)4 Read and imitate.5. When someone is ill, what should you say first?1. Listen and fill in the blank.2. Listen and match What did they do?3. Challenge yourself:Who can talk about one person?Who can talk about two persons?Who can talk about three persons?4. Read and imitate.5. Im sorry to hear that./ Its terrible./ Are you OK?1. 关键词抓取。2. 进一步理解听力内容,为下一环节打基础。3. 第一个第二个教师引导学习,是教结构的过程。后边三组放手让学生自己尝试,是用结构的过程。对优秀学生发出挑战,让学生能成段表述。4. 落实基础5. 情境中补充社交规则,形成真实的符合社交习惯的对话。Step 4:Group work T: If you were sick, you saw your friend Mandy. Tell her whats the matter with you and the reason why you got ill(疾病)1. Work in groups,2. Presentation.给出详细的评价标准,学生可以根据板书形成真实完整的对话。Step 5:Homework必做: Write down your conversation选做: Preview 2b, try to find out how to talk with the doctor when you dont feel well.板书设计Whats the matter/problem with?Whats wrong with ?He has a cold/ fever/ cough. a stomachache/ headache/ toothache. a sore throat/ sore back.Im sorry to hear that. /Are you OK?.You should go to a doctor.
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