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Un it testlPart I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Complete each sentence using the correct word or expression from the box.1. Music and literature are importa nt cultural features of every society.2. Sally decided to sig n up for the drama club.3. I felt embarrass in glyignorant whe n I could ntan swer the professors questi on.4. Mario had barely finished talk ing before Luisa cha nged the subject.5. rve bee n thinking about volun teeri ng in South-east Asia duri ng my gap year.6. The beautiful ballroom has bee n home to many lovely con certs and dan ces.7. After you check in to the hotel, call me and we can meet for dinner.8. My roommate and I visit the gym every other day so we can build muscle.9. Not every one has had an in teresti ng life worthy of a memoir.10. Her psychology thesis exam ines whether cats are more in tellige nt than dogs.Secti on B: Choose the best way to complete the senten ces.11. Please send all corresp ondence to my new place of.C. reside nee12. The professor tried to us that there would be no surprise test next week.A. assure13. My paper is about n atures ability topote ntial threats.D. detect14. The stude nt did anthing whe n she retur ned the money she found.C. admirable15. We learned about the people in that countryexperieneedthroughouthistory.D. persecuti on16. Would you like a smallof my coffee?A. sip17. Be careful you dontthe paint!B. spill18. Tom felt foolish andwhen he showed up for the finalexam without a pencil.D. in adequate19. Before class, I met my friends at the schoolfor lun ch.C. cafeteria20. After graduati on, Cindy framed herand hung it on her bedroom wall.B. diplomaSecti on C: Complete each sentence with a suitable word.21. At the end of the day, Diane climbed into bed for a good ni ghts rest.22. How could you sleep last ni ght? You surely must have heard the thu nderstorm!23. She is American, so many people are surprised that she can speak Chinese without an acce nt.24. The whole situation was so ridiculous that I simply burst into laughter.25. Pablo looked at the new camera admiring ; he wanted it but could not affordit.26. She explained that the class was about the so-called children admiring theRen aissa nee.27. If you learn the history of your country, it will provide you with a priceless in sight into your culture.28. Did you sig n up for the biology class?29. Simon barely passed the course with a 70 per cent average.30. In the long run, uni versity is well worth the expe nse.Part II: Banked ClozeQuestio ns 31 to 40 are based on the follow ing passage.Tanya wants to study abroad in Europe. To prepare herself, she reads on li ne about places she might like to go. She n eeds to do eno ugh research to make an in formed and intelligentdecision.Oneof the main reasons she wants to study abroad is becauseshe does nt want to graduate and be ignorant of other coun tries and cultures.She is look ing for a unique cultural experience that she cant have at home.What about Paris? The school and the city are both won derful. However, prices fora dece nt residence in Paris are too high she cant afford it. Madrid? She looksadmirin glyat the beautiful campus in thepicture on the schools website. How shewould love to be there! However, without speaking Spanish, Tanya decides she would feel sadly in adequate study ing in Madrid.Then Tanya thinks about London. They speak En glish there and the school prices are reas on able. Also, the subway would be very convenient to travel around the city without a car. Tanya decides to sig n up for a semester in London.She is surprisedthat she was able to surf the Internet and make a decision withoutmoving a muscle! Tanya is very excited for the time she will spend in London. Maybe she will even write a(n) memoir of her experie nces!Part III: Readi ng Comprehe nsionQuestio ns 41 to 45 are based on the follow ing passage.Attending your first Freshers Fair can be a confusing and overwhelming experienee. First of all, you are stilltryingto become accustomed to your new environment andliving away from home. You are probably already feelingpressure to make newfriends,study for class, and make your family proud. Decidi ng which club to join is just an added layer of pressure and might be the last thing you want to think about.Have no fear! The Freshers Fair is actually a fun and excit ing place, if you man age to forget your worries, kick back, and enjoy yourself. Just follow this simple advice for a pleasa nt and productive day.1. Shop around. Take your time, walk around, and check out everythingthatsavailable. Its a little like shopping for a good bargain. The first pair of pantsyou see might not be the best fit.2. Ask questions. The whole point of the Freshers Fair is to let you know what clubs and activities are available. Represe ntatives are there to an s
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