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状语从句和特殊句式1、 in good condition , it cannot run too fast, (seem)虽然这辆车似乎状况良好,但它跑不快。2、 , nobody was injured in the accident, (as)这次事故没有一个人受伤,尽管这听起来可能很奇怪。3、Using a washing machine means as washing by hand.(use)机洗意味着用水是手洗的三倍。4、 The room is very clean. I thinkthat did the cleaning this morning.(it) 房间很干净,我想一定是Tom在早上打扫了卫生。5、I told him that he could keep the book for. (long)我告诉他,这本书他喜欢看多多久就看多久。6、It is generally acknowledged that itpeople will realize the valueof it.(until)人们普遍认为,直到人们失去某物的时候才会意识到其重要性。7、The little girl had just come from school for the winter holidaya wintercourse to practice playing the piano, (sign)这个小女孩一从学校放寒假回来,她的母亲就让她报了冬季培训班,让她练习钢琴。8、There7s no doubt , but I wonder whether you have really got everythingready, (succeed)毫无疑问你会成功的,但不知你是否已经把一切都准备好了。9、he approached me that I noticed he was wearing sunglasses.(until)直到他走到我跟前的时候,我才注意到他戴着太阳镜。10、I feel it won7t be long himself.(rely)我想,用不了多久他就能独立了。11、Youthe club so long as you agree to our rules.(admit)只要你同意我们的规则,你就能被俱乐部接纳。12、Weforeign experts, engineers and technicians are given preferentialtreatment in pay.(see)我们将保证国外专家、工程师和技术人员在工资方面得到优待。13、There is appearances, because behind them there is nothing to see.(see)透过外观观看是没有意义的,因为在它们背后没有什么可看的。14、these photos, they will call up memories of my visit to the EastLake, (look)每当我看这些照片的时候,它们就会使我想起去东湖旅游的经历。15、So that only a few persons managed to escape from the burningbuilding, (spread)大火蔓延的速度如此快以至于只有少数几个人成功地从着火的大楼里逃出来。16、How long do you think it will be her own International SpaceStation?(build)你认为还要多久中国才会建立自己的国际空间站呢?17、The flat Im living in is only, but Im living closer to work.(half)我现在住的这个单元房只有原先那个房子的一半大,但我住的地方离工作的地方更近了。18、Hardly the office when he sensed something wrong.(step)他刚走进办公室就觉察到有点不对劲。9、As winter , different tastes of hot pot are becoming more and morepopular with the local people.(approach)冬天就要来临,各种风味的火锅越来越受当地人的欢迎。20、he realized that he was not fit for that kind of work.(it)没过多久他就意识到,他不适合做那种工作。21、Not until I switched on the light that something must havehappened, (aware)直到我打开灯,我才意识到一定是发生了什么事。22、No matter , you are still way ahead of one who isn7t trying.(make)无论你可能会犯多少错,你都远远走在没有在进行尝试的人的前面。23、, Ill give a party tomorrow.(rain)不管明天下不下雨,我都要搞聚会。24、it went wrong and the passengers aboard were badly injured!(instant)飞机一起飞就出问题了,机上的乘客伤得很厉害。25、, he couldnt earn enough to support himself.(as)尽管他努力工作,他也不能挣足够的钱养活自己。26、, the problem may lead to misunderstanding between the twosides, (handle)如果不妥善处理的话,这个问题就会造成双方的误解。27、the young pop singer, she looked a bit nervous.(time)当我第一次去采访那位年轻的流行歌手时,她看上去有点紧张。28、I told my mother scarcely my eyes when I started to think of theterrible scene.(close)我告诉母亲晚上我一闭上眼睛就开始想那可怕的情景。29、The longer I live, of attitude on life.(influence)我活的时间越长,越意识到态度对生活的影响。30、, you should think about those supporting you behind you.(point)无论你准备什么时候放弃,你都要想想那些在背后支持你的人。31、natural disaster, we will eventually overcome the temporary difficulty aslong as we dont lose heart.(although)尽管正在遭受如此严重的自然灾害,只要我们不丧失信心,我们最终还是会克服暂时的困 难的。32、Come and see me .(whenever)如果你方便的话,任何时候都可以过来看我。33、The sooner one adapts to the new living conditions, for his work andlife, (good)越早适应新的生活环境对他的工作和生活越有好处。34、 in bed for nearly a month, he had difficulty passing theexamination, (ill)因为生病近一个月,所以他通过考试相当困难。35、 , the fire grew bigger and was spreading much faster.(think)他还来不及仔细考虑,火势就变得更大并且蔓延得更快了。36、Such knowledge is still useful to similar situations in othercountries, (when)当在其他国家被应用到类似的情境时,这些知识仍然有用。37、Be careful! The machine starts the button.(moment)当心!你一按下按钮这部机器就会开始运转。38、However ,1 could not read his handwriting.(try)无论我怎样努力,还是没法看清他写的字。39、I dont often lose things, so I was quite surprised my wallet and foundit wasnt there.(reach)我不常丢东西,所以当我拿钱包却发现钱包不在时,大吃一惊。40、I didnt go downstairs .(shut)我一直等到非关窗不可的时候才下楼去。41、 , there is a theme park for you! (like)无论你喜欢哪一个,不管你喜欢什么,都会有一个适合你的主题公园。42、 I would pass the exam, I never thought I would get an A.(while)虽然我总感觉这次考试我能及格,但是我从来没有想到会得A。43、Leave your key with your neighbor out one day.(lock)留把钥匙给你邻居,以防哪天你把自己锁在门外。44、一Our holiday cost a lot of money.Did it? Well, that doesrft matter .(enjoy)我们这次度假花了很多钱。是吗?没关系,只要你们玩得高兴就行。45、Today, we will begin so that no point will be left out.(stop)今天我们接着昨天停下的地方开始讲,免得遗漏要点。46、If you happen to get lost in the wild, you d better and wait forhelp, (stay)如果你碰巧在野外迷路的话,你最好待在原地等待救援。47、To show our respect, we usually have to take gloves off .(whoever)为了表示我们的敬意,我们无论与谁握手,通常都要摘掉手套。48、He had no sooner finished his speech .(start)他刚一结束演讲,学生就开始欢呼起来。49、The engineers are so busy that they have zero time for outdoor activities,the interest.(have)工程师如此忙碌,以至于没时间做户外活动,即使他们对户外活动很感兴趣。50、YouM better not leave knife . (get)你最好不要把药品放在孩子们可以拿到的地方。51、Tom
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