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教学设计(教案)模板卜芽基本信息学 科英语年 级八年级教学形式教 师卜芽单 位周至县哑柏初级中学课题名称Unit4 How do you get to school?学情分析分析要点:1.教师主观分析、师生访谈、学生作业或试题分析反馈、问卷调查等;2.学生认知发展分析:主要分析学生现在的认知基础(包括知识基础和能力基础),要形成本节内容应该要走的认知发展线;3.学生认知障碍点:学生形成本节课知识时最主要的障碍点。从学生的认知水平出发,以交际法语言教学和任务型语言教学为理论依据,努力创设贴近生活的语言情境,以任务为本,以学生为中心,让学生在完成任务的过程中达到交际目的,通过对目标语言的操练习得新知,使得完成学习任务的过程变成了具体的社会交往活动,从而让学习贴近生活,让学生成为主角,引导学生把学英语当成一种乐趣。 教学目标分析要点:1.知识目标;2.能力目标;3.情感态度与价值观。1、技能目标:学生读懂并理解短文内容而展开的一切活动;能将了解到信息提升至书面表达内容;能就能将本课重难点理解透彻,灵活恰当运用。2、知识目标: kilometer,mile,How do you get to school? How far is it from to? How long does it take you to get to school?3、情感目标:让学生感受到他们是英语学习活动中的主体和中心,以此来激励他们在英语课上积极参与,追求创新,使学生爱学英语,爱说英语,想说英语。教学过程Step Revision1. Listen to a songHow do you get to school?How does he/she get to school?How do your parents get to work?2.Brainstorm:How many words about the means of transportation do you know?3. Show two pictures and ask the students to work in pairs. A: How do you get to school? B: I walk ride a biketake a bus take a cartake the subway /take the train/ to school.4.First ask two students to ask and answer in pairs.Then ask the other students A: How does he/she get to work? B: He/She walks rides a biketakes a bus takes a cartakes the subway /takes the train/ to school.Step II Reading: Work on 3a 1. Read the passage and pay attention to these questions above it. 2. Read this text again by yourself and try to answer the questions 3. Explain the text and check the answers. ( Answers: by bike and by bus, 35 minutes. 10kilometers)4.Ask some students retell the passage. 5. Suppose one student was Lin Fei and his/her partner ask him some questions. Make the other conversations in pairs.(Give them five minutes)Step III Pairwork 1. Pay attention to the conversation in 3b. 2. Ask one pair to read the conversation. 3. Ask some pairs to act the conversations.4. Show some pictures and ask the students to work in pairs.such as:T: How does he get to school? S: He walks. / He gets to school on foot. T: How long does it take? S: It takes twenty-five minutes. T: How long does it take you to get to from home to school? S: It takes me 10 minutes to go to school by bus.StepDo some exerciseA: How do you _ _school?B: I _ ride my bike, but sometimes I _ the train.A: _ _ does it take?B: It _ about forty-five minutes to ride the bike and fifteen minutes by train. Step Puzzles1. A:How far is it from Baoji to Xian?B:About 200 kilometers. 2. A:How long does it take from Xian to Sanya by plane?B:4 hours and 10 minutes. Step Summary Let the students sum up what they have learnedIn this lesson.Step Homework Writing; 1. Listen to the song again and fill inthe chart .Then ask and answer in pairs. How do you/does he get to school? How far is it from your home to school? WhoHow How farHow longyoubike 3 miles20 minutesYourmotherbus5 miles30 minutesYourfahter train8 miles15 minutes How long does it take ?2.Write a short passage according the Chart .用与课文有关的歌曲自然导课,通过小组写单词竞赛及法学生兴趣。创设英语语言学习氛围,使学生快速地溶入到真实情景中来。真实的环境有助于孩子们语言的输出。真实的图片容易吸引学生的注意力,提高学习效率。同时对上一课时的教学内容进行巩固。加强动词的单数第三人称在所学句型中的练习与使用。通过阅读来巩固学生所学句型。通过小组对话来加深对这篇文章的理解。展示图片特别是明星照片激发学生兴趣引入本节课所要学的重点,遵循有易到难的原则,同时又有知识的拓展与延伸。增加英语语言练习的量。这部分内容为学生提供了口头和笔头的练习。这是一项贴近学生实际生活的活动,集交际,任务等目标等于一体,旨在通过实践,参与和合作等途径,培养学生积极的学习态度,发展学生语言活动中的思维能力让学生自己总结本课所学的句型。在前面听懂会说的基础上进行写的训练, 不仅为学生提供了感性的书写材料,而且减轻了难度.课外知识拓展,不仅可以延伸学生的知识面,而且还可引发学习英语的趣味性。板书设计How do you get to school? I walk to school. How does he get to school? He rides a bike to school.作业或预习 1. Listen to the song again and fill inthe chart .Then ask and answer in pairs.WhoHow How farHow longyoubike 3 miles20 minutesYourmotherbus5 miles30 minutesYourfahter train8 miles15 minutes2. Write a short passage according to the chart.自我评价通过大量练习,学生对于本节课的重点句型和短语基本掌握并会运用。组长评议或同行评议(可选多人): 评议一单位: 姓名: 日期:
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