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_牛津小学英语3A期末测试卷听力部分(40%)一 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10%)( )1.A. book B. look C. cook( )2.A. Yes B. Nice C.S( )3.A. BLUE B. BIRD C.CHAIR( )4.A. bookcase B. cakes C. yes( )5.A. cat B. cats C. elephant ( )6.A. dress B. shirt C.T-shirt( )7.A. blouse B. bookcase C. plane( )8.A. bed B. red C. green( )9.A. glass B. please C. cup( )10.A. dog B. father C. sister二 听录音,根据录音内容选出正确的应答句。(10%)( )1. A. Im fine, thank you. B. All right.( )2. A. Good night, Mum. B. See you.( )3. A. Its nice. B. Not so good.( )4. A. Im Nancy. B. Hello, Nancy.( )5. A. Im sorry. B. Lets go!三 听录音,判断所听内容是否与所听内容相符。对的打“”,错的打“”。(10%)( )1. I can see an orange desk.( )2. Heres a nice Tshirt.( )3. What is it?( )4. Lets go to Beijing by plane.( )5. A glass of milk?四.听录音,写下你所听到的字母的大小写。(10%)笔试部分(60%)一写出下列字母的左邻右舍(4%)Gg Yy Mm Jj 二选择题(10%)( )1. I can see some _.A. apple B. apples C. an apple ( )2. Look, this is _dress.A. she B. his C. her( )3. Lets go to the park by bike. -_.A. Thank you B. All right C. Goodbye( )4. What color is this pencil? -_.A. Blue B. Yes C. Thank you( )5. Open the windows, please. -_.A. Thank you B. Ok C. Not so good( )6. Look at my new blouse. -_A. How nice! B. Thank you. C. All right.( )7. I can see _ elephant.A. some B. a C. an ( )8. Turn _ the TV, please.A. open B. in C. off( )9. Go to_ home now.A. / B. to C. is ( )10. Lets go to _ Great Wall _ plane.A. /; by B. the; by C. /; the三请在栏中选出相应的答句填入栏中,填序号。(10%) ( )1. Look at his shirt. A. Nice to meet you, too.( )2. Nice to meet you. B. Fine, thank you. And you?( )3. A glass of milk? C. Im sorry.( )4. Go to school now, Nancy. D. All right.( )5. How are you? E. Its smart.( )6. Turn on the TV, please. F. Red.( )7. Not so good. G. Im Yang Ling.( )8. Good afternoon. H. Ok. Goodbye.( )9. Whats your name? I. No, thank you.( )10. What color is it? J. Good afternoon.四 给下列单词找房子。(16%)A.fridge B.sofa C.dress D.bus E.ruler F.plane G.skirt H.rubber I.bike J.T-shirt K.book L.table M.car N.pen O.chair P.jacket 文具 服装 家具 交通工具五 连词成句(10%)AB1. A.to B.plane C.go D.Lets E.Xian F.byB2. A.see B.some C.I D.apples E.canBD3.A.is B.his C.blue D.T-shirt E.Look, F.thisC4.A.to B.,too C.meet D.you E.Nice5.A.Shanghai B.from C.am D.I六情景对话(10%)( )1.口渴了,你想来杯橙汁,会对营业员说:AA glass of orange juice, please. B. A glass of orange juice?( )2.想告诉别人你来自中国,会说:A. Im from London. B. Im from China.( )3.“Heres a brown bookcase.”的中文意思是:A.这儿有一个棕色的书橱。 B.这是一个棕色的书橱。( )4.衣服夹在门缝里,你会对别人说:A. Open the door, please. B. Turn on the door, please.( )5.“BIRD FRIDGE TELEPHONE”的中文意思分别是:A小鸟电话大象 B.小鸟冰箱电话命题人:王小燕单位:新街小学联系电话:13815962566牛津小学英语听力材料及答案听力部分(40%)一 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10%)1.book 2. Nice 3. BIRD 4. cakes 5. elephant 6. shirt 7. blouse 8. red 9. glass 10.father答案:15 ABBBC 610 BABAB二 听录音,根据录音内容选出正确的应答句。(10%)1. How are you?2. Go to bed now, Nancy.3. Look at my new skirt.4. Hello, Yang Ling.5. Lets go to Xian.答案:AAABB三 听录音,判断所听内容是否与所听内容相符。对的打“”,错的打“”。(10%)1. I can see an orange desk.2. Heres a smart Tshirt. 3. Its red.4. Lets go to Beijing by bus.5. A glass of orange juice?答案:四听录音,写下你所听到的字母的大小写。(10%)Pp Oo Ww Qq Uu笔试部分(60%)一写出下列字母的左邻右舍(4%)Ff Hh Xx Zz Ll Nn Ii Kk二选择题(10%)15 BCBAB 610 ACCAB三请在栏中选出相应的答句填入栏中,填序号。(10%)1. E 2. A 3. I 4. H 5. B 6. D 7. C 8. J 9.G 10.F四给下列单词找房子(16%)文具:E.H.K.N.服装:C.G.J.P.家具:A.B.L.O.交通工具: D.F.I.M四 连词成句(10%)1. D C A E F B 2. C E A B D3. E F A B C D4. E A C D B5. D C B A 五 情景对话(10%)ABAABWelcome ToDownload !欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!精品资料
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