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2023年度职场礼节商务英语口语(完整文档)下面是我为大家整理的2023年度职场礼节商务英语口语(完整文档),供大家参考。职场礼节商务英语口语1陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作。他刚好遇到美国同事Amy.(Office ambience)C:Hi Amy, how are you?A:I am fine, thank you. And you?C:有件事一直让我摸不着头脑。A:About what?C:我的新同事Carol很奇怪。每天早上,如果我不主动跟她打招呼的话,她肯定不会主动理我。A:You mean she doesnt say, Good Morning unless you say it first?C:没错。我昨天就没主动跟她说早安,结果不出所料,她真的没有主动理我。A:Does she talk to you during the day?C:谈工作的时候她倒是跟我讲话,就是从来不主动问好,或是打招呼。A:She sounds rude. It must be difficult to work with someone like that.C:是啊,跟她相处让我觉得挺不自在。A:You need to talk to her. Otherwise things are going to get worse.C:其实现在已经影响到我的工作了。我们天天在一起工作,但她却好像没我这个人似的。A:An unfriendly co-worker is bad for morale and productivity.C:我今天得找机会跟她谈谈。*陈豪下班后在车站遇到了Amy,两人一起等车。A:Chen Hao, how did it go? Did you get a chance to talk to Carol today?C:我专门等周围没人的时候去找了她。A:That was good that you waited until no one else was present. You wouldnt want to talk about a sensitive issue in front of others.C:我记得你以前提醒过我,这种敏感的事情最好是等周围没人的时候谈。A:Tell me what happened? What did you say?C:我问她为什么早上从不主动跟我打招呼,是不是我有什么地方得罪她了。A:What did she say?C:她显得很吃惊。她说自己总是第一个来上班,因此后来的应该主动跟先来的打招呼。我不主动向她问好,会让她觉得受了冷落。A:Youre kidding. Thats the silliest thing I ever heard.C:我当时也是这么想,但是没敢直说,只是说谁主动跟别人打招呼跟先来后到没关系。A:You are absolutely right. No one should wait for anyone else to speak first, smile first or even make eye contact before acknowledging the other person.C:对呀,如果真那样的话,办公室里干脆谁也别理谁算了。我希望这次谈话能有助于改善跟Carol的关系。A:So how did you leave the situation?C:她最后向我赔礼道歉,说没想到会让我觉得不自在。我想,明天早上上班就知道今天的谈话有没有效果了。A:You were right to discuss it with her. You dont have to be best friends with all the people you work with, but you should treat each one of them with courtesy and respect.C:是啊,有的时候,一句“早上好”就能给一天带来一个好的开端。职场礼节商务英语口语扩展阅读职场礼节商务英语口语(扩展1)商务英语口语的3篇商务英语口语的1O: International Trading Co. . Good morning.L: Good morning. May I speak to Mr. Smith, please?O: May I ask whos calling, please?L: This is Miss Li from the United Textiles.O: Just a minute, Miss Li.(Switches lines) Mr.Smith,Miss Li from UnitedTextiles wants to speak to you.S: Put her through, please. Hello, Mr. Smith speaking.L: Good morning, Mr. Smith. Im calling about the draft agreement you sent me- 这是国际贸易公司。早上好。- 早上好。我想和史密斯先生 通话,可以吗?- 请问您是哪位?- 我是联合纺织品公司的 李小 姐。- 请稍候,李小姐。(转线路)史密斯先生,联合纺织品公 司的李小姐想和你通电话。- 请把电话接过来。你好,我 是史密斯先生。- 早上好,史密斯先生。我打 电话是为了你寄给我的那份 协议草案商务英语口语的2A: (on the phone) Hello? Smith here.B: Oh, Mr. Smith, my name is Melva Miller. You dont know me, but Im a friend of Mike Black.A: Oh, yes?B: When I told Mike I was coming to live here he gave me your name, and suggested that I give you a ring. I was wondering if you could give me some advice.A: Ill be pleased to if I can. What can I do for you?B: Well, Im looking for a place to live. Mike thought that as youre an estate agent you might know of something suitable.A: Yes, I think I can help you. Why dont you come round and see me? Do you know where my office is?B: Yes. Ive got the address.A: Good. Where are you now?B: Im at the post office.A: Oh, well, thats just a few minutes walk from my office. Come round and see me now.B: Thank you very much, Mr. Smith.A: Not at all.- 您好,我是史密斯。- 哦,史密斯先生,我是梅尔薇米勒。您不认识我,但我是迈克 布莱克的一个朋友。- 哦,是吗?- 当我告诉迈克我要来这里时,他给我您的名字,他还建议我给您打 个电话。我想知道您能否给我一些建议。- 如果可以的话,我很乐意。我能为您做点什么?- 哦,我在找一个住的地方。迈克想您是一位房地产商,可能知道 一些合适的信息。- 是的,我想我能帮你。你为什么不过来找我呢?您知道 我的.办公 室在哪里吗?- 是的,我有地址。- 太好了,你现在在哪里?- 我在邮局。- 哦,那里离我这里走路才几分钟。现在过来找我吧。- 非常谢谢你,史密斯先生。- 不客气。商务英语口语的3A: Good morning. Marketing Department. Can I help you?B: Good morning. This is Mr. Kubat. I ordered five barrels of your pure water a week ago, but they havent arrived yet.A: Oh, Im sorry, Sir. Ill check it immediately. Can I have your full name, address and phone number?B: Yes. Bruce Kubat, 480 Jinling Road, 5653-0198.A: Thank you, Sir. Ill check it with our delivery department and call you back in fifteen or twenty minutes. Please accept our sincere apologies.B: Oh, thats all right. Ill be waiting for your call. Bye-bye.A: Bye-bye and thank you for calling.- 早上好,市场部,有什么可以帮忙的吗?- 早上好,我是库巴特先生。我一个星期前订购了五桶纯净水,但是 还没有到货。- 哦,对不起,先生。我立刻查一下。您能告诉我您的全名、地址 和电话号码吗?- 好,布鲁斯库巴特,金陵路480号,5653-0198.- 谢谢你,先生。我会检查一下我们运输部,将在十五分钟或者二十 分钟内给您打电话。请接受我们真诚的道歉。- 哦,没关系。我会等您的电话,再见。- 再见,谢谢您打电话过来。职场礼节商务英语口语(扩展2)商务英语口语3篇商务英语口语1为时一周的英语口语实训已经结束了,真是受益匪浅。通过这一周的实训,我极大的提高了自己的英语口语能力,学到了许多英语知识。 本实训旨在使学生更加重视英语口语训练并掌握口语表达的有效技巧,使学生进一步强化英语口语能力以适应职业的需要,从而培养较强的英语口语实际交际能力。通过给我们看地道的美语发音来纠正读音和组织辩论赛,力图克服学生开口难的畏惧心理,最终为学生提高英语的应用能力、增强英语口头沟通能力,从而建立起语言学习能力。本次英语口语实训主要包括两个部分。第一部分:基础语音训练。第二部分:口语技能训练。第三部分:考核。通过这三个部分的训练,培养学生用英语朗读各种题材书面材料的能力,培养学生在没有文字凭借的情况下用英语表达自己的观点的能力,清楚而逻辑的论证自己的观点的能力。实训要
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