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旅游饭店职业英语初级教材Lesson 1 Welcome to our hotel! 欢迎来到我们酒店Talking to the Guest(情景对话)一、Key words(关键词汇)1. welcome / welkm / v. 欢迎2. doorman /d:mn / n. 门童3. luggage /lid / n.行李Doorman: Good morning, Sir. Welcome to our hotel.门童:先生,早上好。欢迎来到我们酒店。Guest: Good morning。客人:早上好。Doorman:Im the doorman. Let me help you with your luggage.门童: 我是这个饭店的门童。让我来帮您拿行李吧。Guest:Thank you客人:谢谢Notes(注释)Let me help you with your luggage. 句中的help with 是连用结构,意思是“帮某人干某事”。例如:let me help you with your work. 我来帮您做这项工作吧。二、Key Words(关键词汇)1.very /veri / adv. 非常 2.glad /ld / adj. 高兴的3.problem /prblm / n. 问题 4.follow /flo / v. 跟随Doorman: Good afternoon, Madam. Very glad to have you here.门童:女士,下午好。很高兴您来我们饭店。Guest: Good afternoon. Can you help me with my luggage?客人:下午好。你能帮我拿一下行李吗?Doorman:No problem,Madam. The Reception Desk is over there. Follow me, please.门童:没问题,女士。前台就在那边,请跟我来。Guest: OK客人:好的。Notes(注释)1. Very glad to have you here. 此句为“Im very glad to have you here”的省略说法.“Im glad to do sth.” 意思是“我很高兴做某事”。例如:Im glad to see you again. 很高兴又见到您。2. No problem, Madam. 没问题,夫人。当客人提出要求时,员工一般使用No problem,Sure 或Certainly等回答,让客人感受到员工服务的热情周到。We may also use these sentences in our work(工作中我们可能还会使用下面这些句子)1. Its nice to see you here again, Mr. Smith. 很高兴又见到您,史密斯先生。2. This way, please. 请这边走3. Ill take care of your suitcase. 我来照看您的箱子。Do you know this? (知道吗?)英语中常用的称呼语对男士的称呼,常用Mr. 加上姓氏,英语中人名的顺序为“名字+姓氏”,名字为Given name,姓氏为last name, family name 或surname. 例如:对John Brown 先生应称为Mr. Brown. 对女士的称呼,常用Mrs. , Miss或Ms. ,对不同的对象应使用不同的称呼:对于已婚的女性应使用Mrs. 加上丈夫的姓氏,例如:Mrs. Brown; 对于未婚的女性使用Miss 加上姓氏,例如Miss Brown;对于婚姻状况不明的女性应使用Ms.加上姓氏,例如:Ms Brown.Your turn to try now(试试看)Listen to the words and repeat(跟读单词)1. case /keis/ 箱子2. bggage /bid / 行李3. carry-on / kri / 手提行李箱4. shoulder bag /old / 挎包5. suitcase / sut,kes / 衣箱,手提箱6. belongings /biliz / 物品、财产7. article / rtikl / 物品8. wallet /wlit / 钱包9. handbag /hnd,b / 手提包10. backpack /bk,pk/ 背包Listen to the sentences, repeat and translate(跟读句子并翻译)1. Ill take care of your luggage.2. Youve got three pieces of baggage. Is that right, Sir?3. May I put your suitcase here?4. Would you mind my putting your baggage here?5. Shall I show you to your room?Listen and complete the dialogues(听录音完成对话)1. Doorman: Good morning, Madam. Guest: Good morning.Doorman: Im the doorman. Guest: Thank you.3. Doorman: Good evening, Mr. Taylor. Nice to see you again.Guest: Good evening.Doorman: and show you to the Reception Desk. Guest: Thank you.
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