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奥巴马演讲稿【三篇】奥巴马演讲稿【一】我从来不是最有盼望的候选人。一开头,我们没有太多资金,也没有得到太多人的支持。我们的竞选活动并非诞生于华盛顿的高门华第之内,而是始于得梅因、康科德、查尔斯顿这些地方的一般民众家中。我们的竞选活动能有今日的规模,是由于辛勤工作的人们从自己的微薄积蓄中拿出钱来,捐出一笔又一笔5美元、10美元、20美元。而竞选活动的声势越来越大则是源自那些年轻人,他们拒绝承受认为他们这代人冷漠的荒谬说法;他们离开家、离开亲人,从事酬劳微薄、极其辛苦的工作;同时也源自那些已经不算年轻的人们,他们冒着寒冷酷暑,敲开生疏人的家门进展竞选宣传;更源自数百万的美国民众,他们自动自发地组织起来,证明白在两百多年以后,民有、民治、民享的政府并未从地球上消逝。这是你们的成功。我知道你们的所做所为并不只是为了赢得大选,我也知道你们做这一切并不是为了我。你们这样做是由于你们明白摆在面前的任务有多艰难。由于即便我们今晚欢呼庆祝,我们也知道明天将面临我们一生之中最为艰难的挑战-两场战斗、一个面临危急的星球,还有百年来最严峻的金融危机。今晚站在此地,我们知道伊拉克的沙漠里和阿富汗的群山中还有英勇的美国子弟兵醒来,甘冒生命危急爱护着我们。会有在孩子熟睡后仍难以入眠的父母,担忧如何归还月供、付医药费或是存够钱送孩子上大学。我们亟待开发新能源、制造新的工作时机;我们需要修建新学校,还要应对众多威逼、修复与很多国家的关系。奥巴马演讲稿【二】U.S. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Hello, Morehouse! (Applause.) Thank you, everybody. Please be seated.AUDIENCE MEMBER: I love you!U.S. PRESIDENT OBAMA: I love you back. (Laughter.) That is why I am here.I have to say that it is one of the great honors of my life to be able to address this gathering here today. I want to thank Dr. Wilson for his outstanding leadership, and the Board of Trustees. We have Congressman Cedric Richmond and Sanford Bishop both proud alumni of this school, as well as Congressman Hank Johnson. And one of my dear friends and a great inspiration to us all the great John Lewis is here. (Applause.) We have your outstanding Mayor, Mr. Kasim Reed, in the house. (Applause.)To all the members of the Morehouse family. And most of all, congratulations to this distinguished group of Morehouse Men the Class of 2022. (Applause.)I have to say that its a little hard to follow not Dr. Wilson, but a skinny guy with a funny name. (Laughter.) Betsegaw Tadele hes going to be doing something.I also have to say that you all are going to get wet. (Laughter.) And Id be out there with you if I could. (Laughter.) But Secret Service gets nervous. (Laughter.) So Im going to have to stay here, dry. (Laughter.) But know that Im there with you in spirit. (Laughter.)Some of you are graduating summa cum laude. (Applause.) Some of you are graduating magna cum laude. (Applause.) I know some of you are just graduating, “thank you, Lordy.” (Laughter and applause.) Thats appropriate because its a Sunday. (Laughter.)I see some moms and grandmas here, aunts, in their Sunday best although they are upset about their hair getting messed up. (Laughter.) Michelle would not be sitting in the rain. (Laughter.) She has taught me about hair. (Laughter.)I want to congratulate all of you the parents, the grandparents, the brothers and sisters, the family and friends who supported these young men in so many ways. This is your day, as well. Just think about it your sons, your brothers, your nephews they spent the last four years far from home and close to Spelman, and yet they are still here today. (Applause.) So youve done something right. Graduates, give a big round of applause to your family for everything that theyve done for you. (Applause.)I know that some of you had to wait in long lines to get into todays ceremony. And I would apologize, but it did not have anything to do with security. Those graduates just wanted you to know what its like to register for classes here. (Laughter and applause.) And this time of year brings a different kind of stress every senior stopping by Gloster Hall over the past week making sure your name was actually on the list of students who met all the graduation requirements. (Applause.) If it wasnt on the list, you had to figure out why. Was it that library book you lent to that trifling roommate who didnt return it? (Laughter.) Was it Dr. Johnsons policy class? (Applause.) Did you get enough Crown Forum credits? (Applause.)On that last point, Im going to exercise my power as President to declare this speech sufficient Crown Forum credits for any otherwise eligible student to graduate. That is my graduation gift to you. (Applause.) You have a special dispensation.Now, graduates, I am humbled to stand here with all of you as an honorary Morehouse Man. (Applause.) I finally made it. (Laughter.) And as I do, Im mindful of an old saying: “You can always tell a Morehouse Man (applause) but you cant tell him much.” (Applause.) And that makes my task a little more difficult, I suppose. But I think it also reflects the sense of pride thats always been part of this schools tradition.Benjamin Mays, who served as the president of Morehouse for almost 30 years, understood that tradition better than anybody. He said and I quote “It will not be sufficient for Morehouse College, for any college, for that matter, to produce clever graduates but rather honest men, men who can be trusted in public and private life men who are sensitive to the wrongs, the sufferings, and the injustices of society and who are willing to accept responsibility for correcting (those) ills.”It was that mission not just to educate men, but to cultivate good men, strong men,
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