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环球卓越 www.geedu.com环 球 卓 越www.geedu.com2006同等学力申硕英语水平全国统考考前辅导基础班翻译写作讲义(内部资料 翻印必究)主讲:颜 炜电 话:010-82503220/21网 址:www.geedu.com地 址:北京市海淀区人民大学北路金桥写字楼102室(本讲义仅供环球卓越学员内部使用)06同等学力英语辅导基础班翻译写作部分翻译基础一、句子的种类与基本句型1、句子的种类1.1 按照功能分析1.1.1陈述句:说明事实或陈述说话人的看法A.描述事实(社会)例句1:Along with the improvement of living standard, old people live longer.练习1:随着我国社会经济的迅猛发展,我国老年人的数量明显增加。_B.发表看法(观点、倾向)例句2:Critics point out that we should take some measures in an effective way.练习2:有识之士指出,我们应该正确看待这一问题。_1.1.2 疑问句一般疑问句:情态动词/助动词 + 主语 + 主要动词 + 其他句子成份 (不带疑问词的)例句1:Are you from China?例句2:Are there any good news about?例句3:Will you attend the party? *例句4:Do you know who the winner in the game is? (从句)练习1:情态动词A:May I see your driving license and vehicle registration card, please?B:_A.Sorry, dont write me a ticket. B.Ok. But I was driving at 65 miles per hour.C.Sure. Did I do anything wrong? D.Yes. But I dont think I am a bad driver.练习2:助动词Man:Did you tell Sally she has failed the exam again?Woman:No. I didnt have the heart to tell her.Question: What does the woman mean?A. She doesnt like a heart to heart talk with Sally.B. She thinks the topic is too serious for her.C. She thinks the news is too bad for Sally.D. She dares not to tell Sally the bad news.特殊疑问句:疑问词 + 一般疑问句语序疑问句 + 陈述句语序例1: What is the writers attitude towards globalization? What is the passage mainly about?例2: Which of the following could be the best title of the passage?问题: He wonders whom the murder in the case is.(陈述句?疑问句?)练习1:How much _?A.cost local phone callsB.local phone calls costC.does local phone calls costD.do local phone calls cost练习2:“My watch is broken.” “Why dont you _?”A.it take to a jeweler B.take it to a jewelerC.take to a jeweler it D.to a jeweler take it练习3: “The foreman is not in favor of Jones promotion.”A.will he not be promotedB.there will be no promotingC.he wont be promotedD.no promoting him练习4: “I am exhausted, but lets go.”“Why _ rest a while?”A.dont weB.not letsC.not weD.lets not练习5:为什么我们优秀的企业enterprise不采取同样same 明智sensible的做法idea呢?(反问)_选择疑问句:一般疑问句 + or + 一般疑问句或简略形式例1: Do you like the red one or (do you like) the blue one?例2:Are you a teacher/tutor or a student/leaner?反意疑问句:陈述句 + 一般疑问句的省略形式(逗号隔开),肯定和否定形式例题1:You are a new student, arent you?练习1:The concert was great, didnt it / wasnt it?练习2:You havent finished already, havent you / have you?练习3:There isnt room for another person, isnt there / is there?A:The experiment has been completed, hasnt it?B:_A.Yes. We need another week to complete it.B.Yes. It has been completed beautifully.C.No. It was completed last week.D.No. I have no idea about it.疑问句的写作策略:题目来源2005年写作真题要求:写一篇不少于150字的作文,关于:Whether College Students Should Be Allowed to Get Married Outline:1. Choose either of the two positions: College students should (not) be allowed to get married.2. State your reasons for or against the issue3. Conclusion(首段疑问句 提出问题)我们应该允许大学生结婚吗?一些人表示他们的担心,因为他们认为这对于大学生的发展不利。Should we allow college students to get married? Some people feel worried about the case, since they believe that it is detrimental to the growth of college students.什么是大学生的任务,学习还是享受生活?人们对此持有不同的观点,并且彼此不能够相容。What is the principal task of college students, to study or to enjoy their life? Opinions vary from people to people, and they can hardly make an agreement with each other / agree with each other. (过渡疑问句 承上启下)在婚后,大学生真的能集中精力来学习吗?学生的父母表示怀疑。Can college students really concentrate on their study after getting married? Their parents hold a suspicious attitude.学生的父母是唯一的反对者吗?其他的人也包括学生的老师也表示反对。Are a students parents only opponents? Other people including his or her teachers are against the idea.(结尾段疑问句 总结上文)既然大学生还不足够成熟到管理他们自己,那么为什么我们不禁止他们过早的组成家庭呢?Now that college students are so mature to manage themselves, why do not we stop them building a family?1.1.3祈使句第二人称祈使句,第一、三人称祈使句Look out!Be careful!Dont be late!Never give up!Be cautious of theft and robbery! Let me know if you come to Beijing.Dont leave your children alone in your home.1.1.4感叹句强调名词、形容词、副词或动词例题1:What a lovely day we spend! (We spend such a lovely day.)例题2:How cold it is getting!(It is getting so cold.)例题3:How fast they run!(They run so fast.)例题4:How the price grew!(The price grew sharply.)1.2 按照结构分析1.2.1简单句:由一个主语和
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