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Haloge n lamps are in.The brillia nt light of haloge n lamps has a much higher luminous inten sity tha n ordinary light bulbs. Things simply look better in it.Some haloge n lamps are more tha n100 % brighter than ordinary light bulbs. They give surfaces a scin tillati ng shi ne and provide an en cha nting effect as the spectral colours shimmer in the reflectors. No wonder that halogen lamps are so popular among in terior desig ners. Because the lamps are so compact and because there is such a wide variety, from n arrow spotlights to wall washers, they offer en ormous scope for creative lighting. They also last up to five times as long as conven ti onal incan desce nt lamps.Haloge n lamps are moving into more and more applicati ons. They are regularly in use for example at trade fairs and exhibiti ons, in shops, offices and hotels and now in creas in gly in the home.ContentsWhat you n eed to know about haloge n lamps2.02DECOPIN ? for mains voltage, G9 base2.04HALOPIN for mains voltage, G9 base2.05HALOPAR ? for mains voltage, GU10/GZ10 base2.06HALOPAR ? for mains voltage, E14/E27 base2.07HALOLUX CERAM ? for mains voltage, B15d base2.08HALOLUX CERAM ? for mains voltage, E27 base2.09HALOLUX ? BT for mains voltage, E27 base2.10HALOLUX ? HC/CF and T for mains voltage, E14 base2.11HALOLUX ? CLASSIC A and B for mains voltage, E27/E14 base2.12HALOLUX ? R50 and R63 for mains voltage, E14/E27 base2.12HALOLINE for mains voltage2.13MINISTAR?2.14- 2.1HALOSTAR? IRC2.16HALOSTAR STARLITE ?2.17HALOSTAR ? STANDARD2.18HALOSTAR ? 24 V2.19HALOSTAR ? oven lamps2.19HALOSPOT ? 111 IRC ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY2.20HALOSPOT ? 1112.21HALOSPOT ? 70, 482.22DECOSTAR ? 51 IRC2.23DECOSTAR ? 51/35 TITAN2.24DECOSTAR ? 51 ALU2.25DECOSTAR ? 51 COOL BLUE ?2.25DECOSTAR ? 51 STANDARD2.26DECOSTAR ? 51S STANDARD2.26DECOSTAR ? 352.27Luminous inten sity distributi on2.28- 2.3Bases2.35All the mains voltage halogen lamps shown are rated for the European mains voltage of 230 V. Other voltages are available on request.The IRC pri nciple in detail.The secret of the inno vative IRC haloge n lamp from OSRAM lies in the prin ciple of thermal recovery. The special in fra-red coat ing (IRC) on the in side of the bulb reflects the heat back to the filament, so the heat rema ins in side the lamp. This means that less en ergy has to be supplied from outside to bring the filament up to its operat ing temperature. Luminous efficacy is in creased as a result, and further improved by the xenon gas filli ng. You can work out exactly how much you can save with our easy-to-use IRC ENERGY SAVER an alysis tool, which you can find on the intern et (www.osram.com/irc).Bulb pinch tech no logy.Bulb pinch tech no logy is a completely new process for manu facturi ng mains voltage haloge n lamps. A thi n and extremely sensitive filament wire is fixed directly in the bulb by“ glass knobsThis gives the lamp a higher life expectancy - even if exposed to vibrati ons or jolts. An in tegrat- ed fuse system en sures that the lamp is safely switched off whe n it comes to the end of its life. Our lampInno vative light for a clear view of things2.#can therefore also be used in un shielded lumin aires (in accorda nee with IEC 60598).2.#Convection flow in a high- pressure lampmade visible by schlieren formation.Diffusion in a low-pressure lamp:no eddies visible, less heat is removed.Doped quartz reduces the amount of UV radiation emitted.Conventional quartz allows UV radiation and visible light to pass through unchecked.2.#2.#Low-pressure tech no logy.In the bulb of a conven ti onal haloge n lamp the operat ing pressure may be as high as 25 bar. The operat ing pressure of a low- pressure haloge n lamp on the other hand is no more tha n 2.5 bar. For this reas on the OSRAM low-pressure lamps are approved for use in un shielded lumin aires in accorda nee with IEC 60598. Because of the differe nt pressures there are differe nt gas flow con diti ons in the bulbs of the haloge n lamps. Whereas there are strong con vecti on curre nts in a high-pressure lamp, heat and gases in the low-pressure lamp are moved by uni form and calm diffusio n.There are further ben efits as a result: ? The luminous flux is more con sta nt throughout the life of the lamp? The premature failure rate is greatly reduced? Power losses through the filler gas are reducedUV FILTER as sta ndardOSRAM is the first lamp manu facturer to commit fully to UV FILTER tech nology. The “doped quartz (in other words, en riched with UV-absorbe nt materials) used for the bulb preve nts unwan ted UV comp onents from being emitted in the light. This applies in particular to harmful high-energy UV-C and UV
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