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温馨提示: 此题库为word版,请按住ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,点击右上角的关闭按钮可返回目录。 中考题库6 数词一、选择题1. (2009孝感中考) -There is a wrong word in line _. -Where? -In the _ line. A. two; two B. two; second C. second; two D. second; second 【解析】选B。表示“在二/三排”应用in line two/ three或in the second/ third line两种表达方式。分析比较四个选项可排除A、C、D三项,故选B。2. (2009连云港中考) -I hear your pen friend is visiting Lianyungang again. Is it the _ time for him?-Yes, and he will come for a third time next spring.A. first B. second C. third D. fourth【解析】选B3. (2009东营中考) _ years ago, very large animals called dinosaurs _ in some areas of the world.A. Many million; have been living B. Million; had livedC. Several millions of; are alive D. Millions of; lived【解析】选D。表示“百万年以前”用millions of years ago,由此可先排除B;另million前面有several时其后不能加-s,也不能加of,由此C也错误;另结合题意“数百万年以前,被叫作恐龙的巨物生活在世界的某些区域”可知第二个空要用一般过去时。4. (2009哈尔滨中考) -Good news! Bill won_ medal in the long jump just now. -Really? Thats his_ one at our sports meeting. A. a; four B. an; fourth C. a; fourth【解析】选C。medal是以辅音音素开头的单词,先排除B;另结合题意可知第二个空要用序数词,故舍A选C。5. (2009长沙中考) Fathers Day is on _ Sunday of June.A. three B. third C. the third【解析】选C6. (2009贵阳中考) “What time do you usually get up, John?” “I usually get up at _.”A. half past six B. half to six C. half after six 【解析】选A。6:30的正确表达为half past six; 当分钟数小于或等于30分钟时,结构是“分钟+past+该点钟“意思是“几点过几分”;如果分钟大于30,就用to来表示,结构是“分钟+to+下一点钟”意思是“差几分到几点”;注意15分钟可以用 quarter来表达,而30分钟可以用half来表达。7. (2009泰安中考) It is reported that people in the world are suffering from the H1N1 flu.A. several thousands of B. ten thousands C. thousands of D. thousands【解析】选C。当thousand前面有具体的数字时,后面不能加-s,也不能加of,反之其前面有具体的数字时,后面要加-s,加of。故排除A、B、D三项,选C。8. (2009宿迁中考) Today is my mothers _ birthday. I will buy her a gift.A. fourteenB. fourteenthC. forty D. fortieth【解析】选D9. (2009广东中考) A war took place in _.A. the 1720s B. 1720s C. 1720s D. the 1720【解析】选A。考查年代的表示法。表示“在十八世纪二十年代”要用 in the 1720s,故正确答案为A。10. (2008泰州中考) Its not easy for trailwalkers to finish walking a _ trail within 48 hours.A. 100-kilometre B. 100-kilometres C. 100 kilometres D. 100 kilometres 【解析】选A。考查“数词+单数名词”的用法。数词用连字符号加上名词的单数形式常常构成复合形容词,用来修饰名词。故正确答案为A。11. (2008攀枝花中考) There were about six _ students in the school building during the earthquake, and _ of them didnt run out.A. hundred, two third B. hundred, two thirdsC. hundreds, two thirds D. hundreds, two third【解析】选B。考查hundred的用法和分数的表示方法。hundred前面有具体的数字时,后面不能加-s,先排除C、D;另分数中的分子大于1时,分母要用复数形式,故舍A选B。12. (2008汕头中考) The old man began to learn to drive a car at the age of . A. sixty B. the sixtieth C. sixty years old D. sixties【解析】选A。“在60岁时”用英语意为at the age of sixty。故正确答案为A。13. (2008陕西中考)Peter, how old is your father this year?-_. And we just had a party for his _ birthday last weekend.A. Fortieth; forty B. Forty; forty C. Forty; fortieth D. Fortieth; fortieth 【解析】选C14. (2008无锡中考) About _ of the workers in the factory were born in the _.A. two-thirds; 1970 B. two-thirds; 1970sC. two-third; 1970 D. two-third; 1970【解析】选B。考查分数和年代的表达法。表示分数“三分之二”用two thirds,另表示“二十世纪七十年代”时用in the 1970s,故正确答案为B。15. (2008山西中考) Excuse me, how many students are there in your art club?There are _.A. twelve B. twelfth C. the twelfth【解析】选A。考查基数词的用法。根据问句题意“打扰了,在你的艺术俱乐部有多少学生?”可知本题要用基数词,故正确答案为A。16. (2008恩施中考) -How old is your daughter?-_. We had a special party for her _ birthday last week.A. Ninth; ninth B. Nine; nine C. Ninth; nine D. Nine; ninth【解析】选D。根据问句“How old is your daughter?”可知第一个空要用基数词;结合题意“我们上周有一个特殊的聚会为她的第九个生日”可知第二个空要用序数词。故正确答案为D。17. (2008长沙中考) All the teachers live on _ floor. A. the second B. two C. second【解析】选A18. (2008宿迁中考) The work is too difficult for Mr. Zhu to finish in a week. He needs _ days.A. more two B. two more C. two another D. another more【解析】选B。根据前面的题意“对于朱先生来说,那项工作在一周内很难完成”和所给选项可知本题考查“基数词+more”或“another+基数词”的用法。分析比较四个选项可知A、C、D都是错误的,故正确答案为B。19. (2008鸡西中考) _ soldiers and doctors have been in Wenchuan to help the people there.A. Thousand of B. Two thousands C. Thousands of【解析】选C 20. (2008哈尔滨中考) Shanghai has opened its _ TV chapel (频道) that sends programs in foreign languages.-Great! I can improve my English over it.A. first B. a first C the first【解析】选A。形容词性物主代词出现后序数词前不加任何冠词,故选A。 21. (2008厦门中考) The _ letter in the word “develop” is “v”.A. second B. third C. fifth【解析】选B22. (2007怀化中考) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, _
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