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Module 8 AccidentsUnit 2 I was trying to pick it up when it bit me again.课型Reading and vocabulary教学目标Knowledge: To guess the content of the passage through the picture To understand the main idea of the passage To understand the sequence of the events To find specific information in the reading passage Key vocabulary: climb, hide, throw, fridge, pain, worse, medicine Key structures: While the snake was lying on the table, Henry quickly picked up his mobile phone and took a photo with it. When Henry was trying to find the snake, his hand began to hurt badly. As the doctors were checking him, the pain got worse.教学重点能够根据图片预测下文,理解作者通过故事要传达的信息,理解故事发生的顺序。教学难点 用过去进行时谈论在特定时间内正在发生的事情教学方法PWP Communicative教学用具Multi-Media (or Tape recorder, OHP)教学过程Reading and vocabulary1. Work in pairs. Talk about what you can do with a mobile phone. * Hold up a mobile phone. Ask and say what people can do with it by giving the examples in the book.* Put the students in pairs to discuss more about what they can do with a mobile phone.* Elicit and write some ideas on the board.2. Look at the picture. Say what is happening.* Look at the picture with the class and ask some questions to help them better understand it. For example: 1) Where is the man? 2) What can you find in the kitchen? 3) How do you feel about snakes? Why?* Elicit the key vocabulary by telling the students to answer the questions.* Put the students in pairs to describe the picture and say what they think happened before and is happening now.* Elicit some ideas and write them on the board for a prediction task.3. Read the passage and check your answer to Activity2.* Ask the students to focus on the title and think about when people say Smile, please! (i.e. when they take a photo) Elicit that this tells us there will be something about a photo in the passage. ,* Ask the students to read the passage to see if their predictions in Activity 2 were right.* Go through the points on the board with the class and check whether they were right or not.* Write the events in the passage on the board or dictate them to the class. Ask the students to work in pairs and put them in order, so that they can better understand the story: a) The snake bit Henrys hand. b) A box of bananas arrived. c) Henry went to hospital. d) Henry left hospital. e) Henry took a photo. f) The doctors sent the photo to a zoo. g) The snake climbed out of the box. h) The doctors gave Henry the right medicine. i) Henrys hand began to hurt. j) The snake hid behind the fridge.* Ask the students to check their order of the events with another pair.* Elicit the correct order around the class.4. Choose the correct answer.* Tell the students to read the questions in pairs and try to answer them without looking at the choices.* Tell them to read the passage again and scan for the information. Ask them to underline the answers when they find them.* Ask the students to choose the correct answer on their own and then check with their partners.* Elicit answers from the whole class with the students reading out the full sentences.5. Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.* Ask the students to read the passage and think about whats missing.* Read the words in the box with the students. Then ask them to read the passage again and complete it.* Tell them to check their answers in pairs.* Elicit answers in full sentences.Writing6. Write a short story about an accident.* Go through the words and expressions with the class. Ask what they all refer to and elicit they are time markers.* Tell the students to read the passage in Activity 3 again and circle the time markers when they find them.* Put the students in pairs to discuss if each time marker here is related to a continuous action or something that happened or is finished and how they are used to tell the story.* Circulate and monitor as they work. Help if they ask.* Look at and read out the model start for the story with the students. Tell them they are going to finish the story any way they would like to.* Elicit some ideas of how they think the story may continue (e.g. how she hurt her hand).* Ask the students to create a new story, using the time markers as a guide for their order of the events.Nominate a few students to share their stories.Learning to learn * Go through the suggestions with the students.* Check what they have understood.* Tell them to pay attention in their writing that the time and the verb should agree.
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