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汉古尔河中学 英语 预学导案备课活页 课 题:Unit6Entertainment and Friendship Topic1 I would rather watch sports shows than those ones. Section D授课教师:陈立明时间:2015/3/24课标要求:能听懂接近自然语速,熟悉话题的简单语段,识别主题,获取主要信息并能在上述的口语活动中使用正确的语音,语调和能在教师的指导下参与角色表演等活动。学习目标:1 Grasp new words and useful expressions .2 Be able to understand 1a and finish 1b. 3 Be able to listen and talk。预习案使用说明和学法指导:1根据音标自学单词,读会并熟记并根据图片预测听力内容。2阅读理解对话并在文中勾画出生词和短语,完成预习自测题目。3将预习中不能解决的问题或文中不懂的内容标注出来并写在“我的疑惑”处。4 20分钟独立完成。预习导学:1) 将本课的四个单词及汉意写在横线上_2) Useful expressions spend(in) doing sthhave a huge influence on be known to provide sb with sthinstead of doing sthdo with预习自测( ) 1. Do you take exercise every day? Yes, I always _ half an hour walking after dinner.(2014内蒙古赤峰) A. spend B. take C. cost D. pay ( ) 2. Where is Mr. Zhao? He _ to Mount Fanjing. Hell come back _ a week. (2014贵州铜仁) A. has been, in B. has gone, after C. has gone, in D. has been, after 我的疑惑:请将预习中不能解决的问题写下来。_新知识储备达标检测探究词组1. have an/(a huge) influence on对。有着(很大的)作用/影响3. provide sb. with sth.=provide sth for sb. 为某人提供某物 The school provides us with warm classrooms.4.do with处理,处置,常与疑问代词what连用。e.g.:What will you do with the rubbish?拓展:deal with处理,应付,多与how连用e.g.How are you going to deal with the computer?5.as is known to all=as we all know众所周知,作插入语放在句首。6.way of doing sth.=way to do sth.做某事的方法/方式 7.after all 毕竟 根据汉语提示,完成句子。1.电脑对我们的生活有很大的影响。Computer_ _ _ _ _our lives.2.众所周知,吸烟有害健康。_ _ _ _ _,smoking is bad for our health.3.唱英语歌曲是学习英语的好方式。Singing English songs is a good_ _ _ _.4.我不知道该怎样处理这些报纸。Idont know what _ _ _these newspapers.5.别生他的气。毕竟他还是个孩子。Dont be angry with him._ _,he is a kid.课后反思:学导流程案Everyday English: I would rather watch sports shows than those ones.教学流程5)Work in groups and read。(查缺补漏,理解全文。5分)Step 3 【说写提升,合作探究】1) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of television in groups. Then report it.(通过操练,加强学生的运用能力和口语表达能力。5分)Step4【课堂检测,巩固提升】(4分)Step5本节课你都学到了什么?(1分)Step1 【创设情景,出示目标】1)Warming up(活跃课堂气氛,引导学生进入情景1分)2) read the teaching aims (明确学习任务和目标,1分钟)Step2 【自主探究,互动质疑】1)Have a competition.(检测学生的预习情况,5分)2)Look at the screen and know about influenceS of TV (为课文学习做铺垫,2分) 3 Skim the passage to find out its topic sentence and underline it. (培养学生快速捕捉信息的能力。5分)4)read 1a and complete the table(带问题读1a ,培养学生的快速阅读能力,4分)3) Read 1a again and understand the passage. (通过对文本的再次阅读来更深入的了解课文。7分)4) Work alone Group Work: 自学新知识储备,并找出本课中出现的定语从句小组讨论课文重点并汇报.(自学群学,独立解决问题的能力和小组的合作能力以及对知识点理解和运用能力。5分)
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