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Lesson 4 Whats your name? 教材分析本课是三年级上册英语第四课,要求学生能掌握课本有关词汇和句型。通过扮演、录音使学生听懂,会说your, please.,初步能听,能认并知道Hh-Nn七个字母的顺序,培养学生运用英语的能力。通过游戏让学生在娱乐中学习并能够熟练询问他人姓名,根据问句说出答语。 教学目标【知识目标】1. 能听说读 monkey, bear, bird, hen, panda 2. 能掌握 Whats your name? My name is句型。【能力目标】(1)能够通过师生说、两两说和自主听读体验交际式英语教学的一般过程,掌握英语说听的基本方法; (2)能够通过两两说和综合说体验合作学习的过程和方法; (3)能够仔细倾听老师和同学的发言,有语言表达和与同学交流的愿望。【情感目标】(1)激发和保持学生英语学习的动机,实现“趣能”两得; (2)在学生两两交流和小组合作交流中,培养孩子合作意识和合作精神,能够相互配 合完成一段通顺流畅的说话训练。 教学重难点【教学重点】能听说读 monkey, bear, bird, hen, panda【教学难点】能掌握 What is your name? My name is句型。 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程Step 1. Greeting and IntroductionBegin by greeting the class with a smile!T: Good afternoon, students.S: Good afternoon, teacher.Step 2. New wordsmonkey 猴子bird 鸟bear 熊panda 熊猫Step 3. Lets talk.Im Dongdong. Whats your name, please?My name is Eve.Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.Good morning.Good morning.Sit down, please.Im Miss Li. Whats your name?My name is Qiqi.Step 4. Lets learn-Whats your name?-My name is Qiqi.Step 5. Lets singStep 6. Make and practiceFold a piece of paper to stand on the table, write a name, and ask two students to perform role-playing Step 7. A gameDo alphabet games: Listen to instructions, students raise letters cards.Divide the students into two teams and do the Pick Apple contest. The teacher hung out two apple trees on the blackboard, and it was covered with apple. Each apple had a letter. The teacher said the letter and the student quickly found the apple and picked it off. The first score is high.Step 8. Listen and choose Listen to the recording and choose it, and imitate the tone of the voice in the recording to see who is more like imitation.Step 9. Read and writeFollow the recording and spell it. See who remembers fast and accurate. And let the students try to write a simple conversation according to the content of this section and then read it to the students. The student or teacher corrects the instructions.Step 10. HomeworkRecite the dialogue well and practice the words. 教学反思略。
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