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Module5 Unit2 教学设计 一.教材内容分析 本节课是新标准三年级起始第三册第五模块第二单元的内容,本课的语言功能是谈论能力,主要是学习strong和star两个单词,以及用can来询问他人能力和相应的回答。本课教学对象是四年级学生,他们学了一年多的英语,具有很强的好奇心,非常渴望学得更好,但是,他们的英语水平不同,需要老师的帮助和鼓励。二.教学目标1.知识目标( 1 )掌握四会单词strong和star。( 2 )掌握重点句型:Can Sam play football?/Can Ling ling play basketball? Yes, he/she can. /No, he/she can.2.能力目标( 1 )用can来询问他人能力和相应的回答。( 2 )能正确朗读,理解课文和表演课文。3.情感目标( 1 )培养学生良好的合作和竞争意识。( 2 )培养学生良好的听说读写的学习习惯。三.教学重难点1.重点:( 1)掌握四会单词strong和star。( 2 )掌握重点句型:Can Sam play football?/Can Ling ling playbasketball? Yes, he/she can. /No, he/she can.2.难点:用can来询问他人能力和相应的回答。四.教学用具贴画 电子白板 多媒体 单词卡五.教学方法教法:任务型教学,以学生为中心教学学法:以活动为基础学法,个人活动,两人活动和小组活动六.教学时间一课时七.教学过程Step1 : Warm-up 1. Greetings T:Hello, everyone! T: How are you today ?2. Say a chant Can you swim? Can you fly a kite? Can you skate? Can you ride a bike?(1) Look at the video and listen to it(2) Listen to the video and say the chant3. Lets say and do the actions. 【设计意图】:通过交流、唱歌等活动,为学生们营造欢乐的学习气氛, 调动学生的积极性,使他们很快进入学习英语的状态.Step2 :Lead-in 1. Ask and answer T: I can play football ,Can you play football? S1: Yes, I can. T: I can play basketball,Can you play basketball? S2: No, I cant. T: I can run fast,Can you run fast? S3:Yes,I can. T :I can swim,Can you swim? S4:Yes,I can. T: I can jump high,Can you jump high? S5:No,he cant. 【设计意图】:通过一问一答的方式,帮助学生复习有关运动的短语,巩固“Can you?”句型,同时引出本课重点句型“Can he/she?”,学生很喜欢游戏,让学生在游戏中练习此句型,充分体现了“学中玩,玩中学”的教学原则。而且充足的练习让学生熟练的操练本课重点句型,使新授语言更容易的让学生得心应手,在活动中让学生操练句型有利于学生掌握。 Step 3 :Presentation 1. New words (Point to the picture) T:Who is he? S1: He is Yao Ming. T: Can Yao Ming play basketball? S2: Yes,he can. T:He can play basketball, he s tall and strong. He s our star.(教 strong和star)2. Do exercise(1) Read the words after teacher (2) Big voice and small voice (3) Flash word card3. Study the text(1) Listen to the tape and answer the following questions Can Sam play football? Can Ling ling play basketball? Who is strong? Who is our star?(2) Check the answers and read the sentences(3) Listen and repeat (4) Read after teacher (5) Read in roles(6) Read together【设计意图】:学生通过听录音和对句型的基本操练,大体掌握了本课重点,学生带着不同问题,观看课件,问题难度不断递增,使学生对课文的理解逐渐加深。寻找答案的过程就是理解课文和呈现重点的过程,教师提出的问题也为新授课之后的任务操练做好了铺垫。Step4 Do exercise1.Look and answerT: (Point to the picture)I can run fast ,can Amy run fast? S1:No,she cant.T: Amy cant run fast.(read the sentences after teacher) T: (Point to the picture)I can make dumplings ,can Ms Wang make dumplings? S1:Yes,she can.T: Ms Wang can make dumplings.(read the sentences after teacher) T: (Point to the picture)I can sing songs ,can Ling ling sing songs? S1:Yes,she can.T: Ling ling can sing songs.(read the sentences after teacher) T: (Point to the picture)I can jump high ,can Daming jump high? S1:No,he cant.T: Daming cant jump high.(read the sentences after teacher) T: (Point to the picture)I can play football ,can Sam play football? S1:Yes,he can.T.Sam can play football.(read the sentences after teacher) 2. Look and say 3. Call a student describe the picture one by one4. Describe the picture together【设计意图】:我利用电子白板的优势,使用了聚光灯拖动屏幕,让学生一个一个来描述图片,学生一看见聚光灯,感觉很稀奇,对本部分充满了好奇心和求知欲,当然,取得的效果也是很不错的。Step5 Extension 1. Read and match 【设计意图】:图片更形象更立体的呈现了新知,通过看图选句子,既复习了重点知识,又培养了学生综合运用语言的能力,让学生能够学有所用。2. Look and fill in the blanks【设计意图】:课堂拓展练习不但给学生提供了使用英语、展示所学知识的平台,而且给学生提供了自由发展的时间和空间而且提高他们综合运用语言的能力,让学生体验到用所学知识解决问题成功后的愉悦,知道学英语就能用,并且培养学生的综合实践能力。Step6 Summary1.Say a chant 【设计意图】:一首英文歌使得本节课快乐的拉下了序幕,既总结了本课学习的重点,又培养了学生学习英语的兴趣。 2.Emotional educationHelp others,help themselves.Step7: Homework1. 听读52三遍; 2. 给家人或同伴演唱新学的 歌曲。 【设计意图】:课后作业把课堂学习延伸到课后,让学生有更多练习的空间,学有所用,给予学生学习策略的引导。要练说,得练看。看与说是统一的,看不准就难以说得好。练看,就是训练幼儿的观察能力,扩大幼儿的认知范围,让幼儿在观察事物、观察生活、观察自然的活动中,积累词汇、理解词义、发展语言。在运用观察法组织活动时,我着眼观察于观察对象的选择,着力于观察过程的指导,着重于幼儿观察能力和语言表达能力的提高。八.板书设计: Module5 Unit2 Can Sam play football? Can he/she run fast? Yes, he/she can. No, he/she cant.九. 教学反思:利用 chant 复习旧知,活跃气氛。以 Chant 开始本课的学习,既活跃气氛,又为接下来的学习做好了充分的准备。 以新习旧,注重语音语调。在巩固句型的过程中,可加入以前学过的动作词语进行操练,注意升调的运用,后面副词可以重读,起到强调的作用,整个句子说起来抑扬顿挫,学生也都非常喜欢。
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