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2022年商务英语中级情景口语:兼并 Dialogue1: A:I heard a rumor this morning.It seems Trusten Tools is going out of business.Another competitor is going bankrupt.That could be good news for us. B:I think you must have heard wrong.The truth is we are going to be taken over by Trusten.We are being bought out,and our company will be merging with our largest competitor.It”s not good news at all. A:What?We are merging with Trusten?I never thought that would happen.Will we be getting new owners?Will it affect our jobs? B:Probably.The new owners will be coming to start alignment meetings nextweek.One of the big question is what to call the new conglomerate company. A:Wow,with such a big change.We won”t have the same name? B:It”s not only the name of our company that will change.I expect that after this acquisition,there”ll be a ton of things up in the air. Dialogue 2: A:Did you hear the news?Two of our major supplliers,Murphy Music and U-Tunes are merging!If they are conglomerated into one company into one company,it would have some serious affects on our market strategy. B:Are you sure?Who told you that?I highly doubt that they would take the step to merge into one company.They”re supposed to be bitter enemies,the strictest of competitors.It must be a rumor.It can”t be ture. A:I read it myself on the financial page.They”re really going to join together.U-Tunes was bought out by Murphy”s,they will take over the company as of next month. B:The competition must have been too stiff for U-Tunes.Otherwise why would they allow themselves to be taken over by their sworn enemy? A:I guess they must have figured it would be easier to merge than to keep up the cutthroat competition.If you can”t beat”em,join”em.
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