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Christmas In Australia教学案例一、教学目标:1、掌握几个圣诞节的词汇。A、Merry Christmas B、Christmas tree C、Father Christmas 2、掌握“How形容词”的感叹词和简单用法。3、学唱“Merry Christmas ”这首歌曲,初步了解圣诞文化。二、教学重点,难点:重点:圣诞文化的输入。难点:如何设计一个比较真实而实用的相关圣诞节话题的情景。三、教学准备:Self made software, some masks, some flowers, some toys。四、教学步骤:Warm up演唱一首自己创作的歌曲 “lets come on together 。”T : Hello!Everyboday。 Ss: Hello! Miss He 。T:Do you like singsing?Ss: Yes,I do。T:Do you like dancing?Ss:Yes,I do。T:Ok,lets sing a new English song and dance together。教师演奏电子琴并且主唱,在高潮部分启发学生一起跟唱。T:Do you like this song?Ss:Yes,I do。T:Yes ,I like it very much,too。All of us should come on all the time 。Lets come on together,ok ?鼓励学生积极向上。PresentationT:Today I am your English teacher。 Nice to meet you!Ss:Nice to meet you ,too !T:Whats your name,please?S1:My name is s1。T:Nice to meet you。S1:Nice to meet you,too!T:Is this your new bag ?S1:Yes,it is。T:Oh,how beautiful it is!Whats you name ,Please?S2:My name is S2。T:Nice to meet you !S2:Nice to meet you,too!T:Is this your new pencilcase?S2:Yes,it is。T:Oh,how beautiful it is! Boys and girls,say after me ,how beautiful it is !Ss:How beautiful it is!T:Ok,please look at the blackboard。(把中文“12月25日”字牌贴上黑板)What day is it? Its December 25th 。Its Christmas。Do you know Christmas?Its just as the same as the Spring Festival of China,In western countries,children are very happy at Christmas ,because they can get many gifts from Santa。Are you happy at Christmas?Ss:Yes,we are。T:So lets say “Merry Christmas”。Ss:Merry Christmas!T:S3,Can you say “Merry Christmas”?S3:Yes,Merry Christmas!T:And you,S4?S4:Merry Christmas!T:Great!Now ,lets say it one by one。This group,please。S5:Merry Christmas!S6:Merry Christmas!T:Yes,Merry Christmas!(唱起歌曲Merry Christmas,唱完之后再教唱歌曲,并板书:I wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year。)T:Oh, whatsthat?S7:Its a tree。T :Yes,its a Christmas tree 。There are so many things in the tree。 Its so beautiful。 How (教师语速放慢,表情夸张,暗示学生说出该句)Ss:How beautiful it is!T:Whats this?Ss:Its a Christmas tree。T:(指向穿圣诞节老人服饰的一名学生,)Whos that over there?S8:Its Father Christmas。T:Yes,its Father Christmas,Santa 。Say after me ,Father Christmas 。Ss:Father Christmas 。T:(走向圣诞老人)Merry Christmas! Santa 。Santa:Merry Christmas!T:Welcome to China Santa:Thank you。T:You are welcome 。Boys and girls,please say “Merry Christmas” to Father Christmas。Ss:Merry Christmas!Santa:Merry Christmas!T:And say “Welcome to China to him。”Ss:Welcome to China。Santa:Thank you。Ss:You are welcome。ApplicationT:Boys and girls ,now Ill introduce a friend of mine to you 。Dou you want to know him ? Please look at the picture 。(打开课件图片)Look ,this is my good friend ,Peter。He is in Australia 。You know ,its very hot in Australia now ,and Peter wants a white Christmas very much 。So he is coming to Beijing,China on Dec25th what should we do then? Lets welcome him ,Ok?Ss:Ok。T:Yes,why dont we have a Christmas party to welcome him? Do you like a Christmas party?Ss :Yes。T :Now ,lets practise having this party 。Ill act as Peter 。You may say “Merry Christmas” and “Welcome to China” to him when he is coming 。Lets begin。(和圣诞老人一起走到讲台后,带好面具出来。)Peter:I wish you a Merry Christmas(带动学生一起唱起来。)Peter:Are we in China now,my dear Santa?Santa:Yes,this is China。Peter:Wow,so many People!中国的人口太多了!(模仿外国人的生硬普通话。)Peter:Oh,we re in Beijing now 。 Beijing is so beautiful。How(启发学生往下接。)Ss:How beautiful it is !Peter:Yes,China is very,very beautiful。But to my disappointment,there are no flowers for me 。No flowers!(语调夸张,用眼神暗示学生来献花。)Ss:Merry Christmas! (学生在受启发之后争先恐后上来献花并且问候。)Peter and Santa:Thank you。Ss:Youre welcome。Santa:Boys and girls,here are some gifts for you 。 Look, a ball,a doll,a dog,a panda and a Teday bear。Whats this? Can you guess?(把东西放在包里,让学生猜。)S9:Its a ball。Santa:Yes,you re right。Here you are 。And whats this?S10,Can you guess?S10:Its a doll。Santa:Great,you can get it。And whats this? S11,can you guess? T: Now who will act as Peter and Santa? (两名学生上来扮Peter和Santa进行操练。)T:Boys and girls ,now work in groups 。Please light your candles and put on your masks。打开课件,屏幕上出现一个时钟,时间显示为2006年12月24日,12秒倒计时后,屏幕时间转换为2006年12月25日,同时平安夜音乐响起,每组学生分别有人扮演Peter和Santa,大家在音乐声中互相问候交谈。T:Please look at the screen and listen carefull。(播放课件对话,听完一遍后逐句跟读一遍。)T:Boys and girls。Time is up。I have to say “goodbye” to you now。Please practise a lot at home。Maybe Peter is really coming next month。Goodbye!Ss: Goodbye!
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