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11密封圈 Sealing ring铰链 Hinge把手 Handle平衡块 Balance block焊接 welding坡口 groove单面坡口 Single groove双面坡口 Double groove形坡口 Square grooveV型坡口 Single v grooveU型坡口 Single u grooveX形坡口 Single v grooveK形坡口 Single bevel groove12Y形坡口 Single v groove with broad rood face坡口面 Groove face坡口角度 Groove angle焊缝倾角 Weld slope接头根部 Root of joint根部间隙 Root gap钝边 Root face焊接接头 Welding joint对接接头 Butt joint角接接头 Corner jointT形接头 T-joint搭接接头 Lap joint十字接头 Cross shaped joint母材 Base metal(parent metal)13填充金属 Filler metal热影响区 Heat-affected zone(HAZ)过热区 Overheated zone焊合线 Bond line(fusion line)焊接区 Weld zone焊缝区 Weld metal area焊缝 weld连续焊缝 Continuous weld断续焊缝 Intermittent weld纵向焊缝 Longitudinal weld横向焊缝 Transverse weld对接焊缝隙 Butt weld角焊缝 Filled weld并列断续角焊缝 Chain intermittent fillet14交错断续角焊缝 Staggered intermittent fillet焊缝正面 Face of weld焊缝背面 Back of weld焊缝宽度 Weld width焊缝长度 Weld length焊缝余高 Reinforcement焊脚 Leg(of a fillet weld)焊脚长度 Leg length套管接头 Muff joint手工电弧焊 Manual arc welding(shielded metal arc welding)直流电弧焊 Direct current arc welding交流电弧焊 alternating current arc welding弧焊变压器 Arc welding transformer15弧焊整流器 Arc welding rectifier自动焊 Automatic welding埋弧自动焊 Submerged arc welding 半自动焊 Semi- automatic welding氩弧焊 Argon-arc welding二氧化碳气体保护焊 CO2 gas shielded arc welding氧乙炔焊 Oxy-acetylene welding气割 Gas cutting碳弧气刨 Carbon arc air gouging水下切割 Underwater cutting等离子弧切割 Plasma arc cutting连续焊 Continuous welding断续焊 Intermittent welding点焊 Sport welding16对接焊 Butt welding角焊 Fillet welding搭接焊 Lap welding返修焊 Re-welding补焊 Repair welding定位焊 Tack welding封底焊 Back sealing welding打底焊 Backing welding堆焊 Surfacing(overlaying)塞焊 Plug welding槽焊 Slot welding盖面焊 Consmetic welding前倾焊 Forward welding后倾焊 Backward welding17分段退焊 Back step welding分段多层焊 Block welding深溶焊 Deep penetrating welding跳焊 Skip welding陶质衬垫焊 Ceramic backing welding引弧 Striking the arc焊接工艺参数 Welding condition焊接电流 Welding current焊接电压 Welding voltage 焊接速度 Welding speed 电弧电压 Arc voltage焊丝间距 Wire spacing空载电压 Open circuit voltage 熔化速度 Melting rate18送丝速度 Wire feed rate气体流量 Gas flow rate焊丝伸出长度 Wire extension极性 Polarity正极/阳极 Positive electrode负极/阴极 Navigate electrode左焊法 Leftward welding右焊法 Rightward welding电流密度 Current density线能量 Heat input预热 Preheat后热 Post-heat预热温度 Preheat temperature 后热温度 Post-heat temperature19层间温度 Inter-pass temperature焊后热处理 Post-weld heat treatment锤击 Peening全焊透 Full penetration welding熔池 Weld-pool熔深 Penetration弧长 Arc length喷射过渡 Spray transfer短路过渡 Short circuiting transfer熔滴过渡 Metal transfer焊缝成形 Appearance of weld焊缝成形系数 Form factor of weld熔敷系数 Deposition coeffcient熔敷效率 Deposition efficiency20熔合比 Penetration ratio等速送丝 Constant wire-feed system变速送丝 alternate wire-feed system电弧静特性 Static characteristic of arc电弧动特性 dynamic characteristic of arc焊接性试验 Weldability test焊接结构 Welded construction焊道 Bead 焊层 Layer正接(正极性) Straight polarity反接(反极性) Reversed polarity焊接位置 Position of welding平焊 Flat position welding横焊 Horizontal position welding
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