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8B Unit6知识点词型1. blind-blindness2. excellent-excellently-more/the most excellent3. fit-fitness4. wise-wiser-wisest一 短语词组1. train for a charity walk2. need more food during the walk3. other parts of Asia and Africa4. a tough hike5. have to finish walking a 100-kilometre trail within 48 hours6. without sleep 7. plan everything together8. keep you comfortable9. raise at least HK650010. with tired bodies11. the process of learning skills12. the willingness of people13. for a special purpose14. be in the same team15. two more people16. fitness and training17. form groups of four18. the aim of sth.19. provide us with food20. a tough charity walk21. a fund-raising event22. donate my pocket money to support Ben23. buy him some milk (buy some milk for him )24. exercise to keep fit25. flat land for flying kites26. the route of the walk27. 5 kilometres south of Sunny Street28. the only hill close to the town29. enjoy the beautiful view of the country30. a large area of flat land31. early in the mornin1.眼盲 adj.-n.2.极好的 adj.-adv.3.健康 adj.-n.4.明智的为一次慈善行走而训练在行走途中需要更多的食物亚洲和非洲的其他地方一次艰难的行走不得不在48小时以内走完一个100千米的路程没有睡觉休息在一起计划所有事情保持你舒适至少募集6500港币带着疲惫的身躯学习技能的过程人们的意愿为了一个特殊的目的在同一个队里另外两个人健康和训练组成四人小队做某事的目的给我们提供食物一次艰难的慈善行走一场基金募集的活动捐出我的零花钱来支持Ben给他买牛奶锻炼来保持健康放风筝的平地行走路线在阳光大街南面5千米处靠近城镇的唯一一座小山欣赏乡村美景一大块平地清晨的早些时候32. hear birds singing 33. the perfect place for the charity walk34. find the information useful35. take turns to give suggestions36. what else37. carry enough water38. design a web page39. advertise the event40. a chance to study/of studying41. first ten people to finish the walk42. call sb. on43. be interested in hiking44. miss the chance45. get an application form46. download it from our school website47. on or before 15th May48. collect all donations49. receive a certificate50. organize a charity walk51. take part in it52. learn a lot from this walk 53. have/give/catch a chance to do sth.54. take a chance to do sth.55. keep a record of sth.56. break/hold the (world) record57. train as sth. /sb.58. take the place of sth/sb.59. be in contact with sb. (keep in touch) 60. do sth. by chance二 句子1. Its meaningful to support charities.支持慈善事业是有意义的。2. I dont think youll ever finish your walk.我不认为你将会完成你的行走。(think否定前置)3. It was known as Trailwalker before.它从前是作为“毅行者”而有名的。(be known as = be famous as) 4. People over eighteen can group themselves into a team of four and join (in) this charity walk.十八岁以上的人可以自行组成四人一组,参加这次慈善行走。听见鸟儿歌唱(举行)慈善行走的完美地方发现这些信息有用轮流提建议别的什么带足够多的水设计一个页面为活动作广告一个学习的机会前十个完成行走的人在(号码)上呼叫某人对徒步旅行感兴趣错过这个机会得到一张申请表格从我们学校的网站上下载它在5月15日那天或之前收集所有的捐赠品得到一张证书组织一次慈善行走参加它在这次行走中学到很多有/给出/抓住一个做某事的机会冒险做某事保持某项纪录打破/保持(世界)纪录为(成为)某事/人而受训练取代某事/人的位置和某人保持联系偶然做某事,碰巧5. It is an excellent chance for people to learn team spirit.这是一个给人们学习团队精神的绝好机会。6. It is necessary for you to support and help each other before and during the event.对你们来说,在活动前和活动期间支持帮助彼此是必要的。7. You should plan what you are going to carry during the event.你应该计划好行走过程中你要带的东西。8. It is useful to have support teams to bring you food and drinks.有后援队来给你们提供食物和饮料是有用的。9. The money is used to help poor people and to support development projects.这些钱被用来帮助穷人和支持发展项目。10. It is necessary that you start training a few months before the walk.你在行走前几个月开始训练是必要的。11. This will be an experience you will never forget.这将会成为你永远难忘的一次经历。(you will never forget是定语从句用以修饰experience)12. Have you heard about a money-collecting event called Oxfam Trailwalker?你又没有听说过一个叫做“乐施毅行者”的基金募集活动?13. Im thinking of joining it.我在考虑参加它。(think of 表示考虑,think about 表示想出)14. Its a good chance to learn about working together.这是一个学习了解团队合作的绝好机会。15. That would be great.那样很好。(would 强调语气)16. When does Oxfam Trailwalker take place every year?每年“乐施毅行者”什么时候举行?17. Whats the job of a support team?后援队的工作是什么?18. It is necessary that we help the elderly.我们帮助老年人是必要的。19. It is wrong that some people look down on blind people.一些人看不起盲人是不对的。20. It is sad that some children in poor countries cannot go to school.一些贫困国家的孩子们不能上学是令人伤心的。21. It is meaningful to join the Tree-planting Club.加入植树俱乐部是有意义的。22. It is good to help blind people cross the road.帮助盲人过马路是好的。23. It is fun to do voluntary work. .做志愿工作是有乐趣的。(fun 为形容词,有乐趣的)24. It is impossible for you to join Oxfam Trailwalker.对你来说,参加乐施毅行者是不可能的。25. It is important for Ben to drink milk to keep fit.对Ben来说,喝牛奶以保持健康是很重要的。26. It is not a difficult walk for teenagersit just takes about two hours.对青少年来说它不是一个艰难的行走,只需约两个小时。27. What do I need to pay attention to if I want to join a charity walk?如果我想参加一次慈善行走,我需要注意什么?(pay attention to sth.注意某事,what 是它的宾语,所以to 不可以省略)28. Bring an umbrella if (it is)necessary.如果需要的话带上一把伞。29. Its wise to t
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