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第八册Module3Unit1Thesunisshining教案 Teachingobjectives: KnowledgeAims:1.Words:shine,everyone 2.Sentences:Thesunisshining.Thebirdsaresinginginthetrees.Theducksareeatingourpicnic. AbilityAim:引导学生运Teaching objectives:Knowledge Aims:1.Words: shine, everyone2.Sentences: The sun is shining .The birds are singing in the trees. The ducks are eating our picnic.Ability Aim: 引导学生运用所学内容进行表达与交流,学以致用.Main points: “am / is / are / + ing”Difficult points: 使用学过的有关天气和现在进行时的语言知识对图片进行描述。Teaching tools: multimedia, tape recorder, pictures.Teaching procedures:一、Warmer1. Greetings2. Review Module 2 unit1(ppt:课本P6图片)Q1: When are they going to eat lunch?Q2:What time is it?Q3:What are they going to do?Q4:How is the weather going to be like?Q5:How are the ducks?Q6:Are the ducks eating the picnic?二、Leading1、 review the weather has learnt in last lesson.2、 T: Look, there is a big sun in the picture. The sun is shining.(ppt2太阳)Today well learn Module3 Unit1.The sun is shining. Teach “shine-shining”照耀(ppt3The sun is shining阳光明媚。)3、T: look, what am I doing?(教师做动作,学生猜。)Ss: You are playing basketball./ You are reading a book./ You are walking.T:(教师放课件)What is he/she /they doing?(ppt4游泳、唱歌、打乒乓球、吃汉堡、喝可乐、堆雪人和在公园野餐)Ss: He is playing table tennis/He is running/They are playing football(复习动词的ing形式,为后面的学习作好铺垫,同时营造英语学习氛围。(ppt5V-ing)三、Text teaching1、T:(教师出示课件ppt5玲玲的信).Look, this is Linglings letter.Do you know who give the letter to Lingling?Ss:Daming.T: Yes, on Saturday, Simon, Simons mum and Daming, they went to the park and had a picnic. but their picnic was eaten by some ducks. Its very funny, so Daming wrote a letter to Lingling. Now listen, what did Daming say? (出示课件录音)2、T: Play the tape. Have students look and listen , find out and underline these words:“sending、shining 、singing”.3、T: Explain the words and sentences then read them out. T:Whats the meaning of a very funny day and sending some photos?Ss:有趣的和发送照片。(教师教学funny and send 两个单词)。T:I think go shopping is funny.I can buy some new clothes, do you think so?S1:I think play computer games is very funny.S2:I thinkSs:read the letter together.4、Have Ss follow the tape.5、Learn the sentences about the photos(ppt6课本P10图片打乱动画)T: These are Damings photos. Whats in the photos?Ss: the sun ,the birds, the ducks, the treesT: Listen carefully then identify which picture are you listening?(学生听音分辨图片,初步感知图片训练听力。)T:The sun isS1: The sun is shining.S2: The birds are singing in the trees(教师板书句子,教读句子,学生认读shineshining.学生齐读,指名读,轮读。)(教师做简单的归纳)T: who can describe this photo? (发贴画,鼓励说出句子的学生。)学习另外两张照片,方法同上。现在进行时ppt7四、 Practices. 1、Chant (进一步巩固所学词语及句型,便于记忆)shining shining shiningThe sun is shining.singing singing singingThe birds are singing.eating eating eatingThe ducks are eating.2、Just now, we describe photos in Now tense, now we describe the other photos in Now tense. Frist, please practice in your groups. Activity1:Part2 Listen and sayClose the books ,look at the pictures and talk about them.Activity 2: 看图模仿例子,小组讨论,说一说。(学生四人小组讨论,然后教师出示课件,学生分组竟答。)Step8 ConsolidationT: These are my photos. In this photo, Im walking on the beach Can you describe your photos, we will have a race continue, ok?(学生分小组练习,然后教师指名学生在大屏幕上展示,并且讲解,教师鼓励并评比优胜小组。)4、根据图片中的短语用现在进行时说出句子。五、Homework六、Summary板书设计:Module 3Unit 1 The sun is shining.The sun is shining.The birds are singing in the trees.
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