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参赛教案设计仁爱版英语八年级( 下册) 第6单元第3话题 Topic 3 Bicycles are popular.Section B德江县青龙中学 尚应仙Teaching objectives(教学目标)1. Aims of basic knowledge(知识目标): (1)Learn the new words: helmet, light-colored, fine, crossing, warn, motorcycle, Britain, left-hand, trouble(学习新单词) (2) Adverbial clauses of condition.(由if引导的条件状语从句)2. Aims of abilities(技能目标): Enable students to talk about traffic signs ,rules and safety.( 学生能简单地用英语表达交通标识、交通规则和骑自行车的安全规则。)3. Aims of emotion(情感目标): Enable students to love lives, to care for livesand connect knowledge with our lives, try to be a polite man.(学生能热爱生活,关爱生命,和我们的生活联系起来,做文明礼貌的人。)Teaching procedure (教学过程):Step 1 Listen to the song “Hope in the heaven not to have the vehicle incoming ”, then ask: How does it sound ?It sounds sad. Then tell a story of a accident.(听天堂里没有车来车往这首歌,然后问,“这首歌听起来怎么样?”使人悲伤.然后讲述一个交通事故 。)T: Many people get hurt or lose their lives in traffic accidents every year. Last Saturday, Liao Yueyue ,from our school, lost his life in a traffic accident . Traffic accidents are really terrible, so we must obey the traffic rules, we should know about the meanings of the traffic signs.(每年都有很多人在交通事故中丧失生命。上周,我校的八(6)班的寥跃跃就在交通事故中丧失了生命。交通事故真的很可怕,因此我们必须遵守交通规则,我们应该知道更多的交通标识。)Step 2 Lead to 1b in Section B.(导入Section B的 1b )。 Let students skim 1b, and let them finish it.(让学生浏览1b,并先完成它。)Step 3 Show the pictures on the scream, check the answers of 1b together, then explain the first two traffic rules, using adverbial clauses of condition,and a key sentence.(在屏幕上出示1b图片和单词提示,然后出示答案,核对学生答案。选择其中的第一,二两副图及单词提示,用“条件状语从句”造句举例。例如:)(1) If the traffic lights turn yellow, you should wait.(2)If you see the sign ”danger”, you must be more careful. (2)It warns us to be more careful.(warn sb. to do sth./warn sb. not to do sth.)Step 4 Ask students to search for more traffic signs, and tell more traffic rules with adverbial clauses of condition , then finish 2.(要求学生去收集更多的交通标识,并用条件状语从句写出更多的交通规则,完成2)Step 5 Sum up adverbial clauses of condition.(归纳条件状语从句的构成特征。)Step 6 T: If we break the traffic rules, we may get much trouble. Please look the pictures. Discuss the results of breaking the traffic rules, using ”if” and given expressions, ask students write them down , and ask two students to answer them.(如果我们不遵守交通规则,我们可能就有麻烦。请看这些图片,用条件状语从句,讨论不遵守交通规则的结果,并请2个学生上黑板写出。然后检查答案。)Step 7 T: Kangkang and Michael are talking about how to ride safely, too. (1)Do you know what their advice is? (2)What should we do to keep us safe when we ride bicycles? Lets listen to the tape, and find out the answer. (Kangkang 和Michael他们也正在讨论怎样骑车才安全。问:“(1)你们知道他们的建议是什么吗?(2)我们在骑车时,应该怎样做才安全呢?”请听录音1a,并找出答案。)The answers答案:(1) Yes, I do.(2) We should never ride too fastWe can wear bicycle helmets when riding. If we ride at night, we should have lights on the bicycle or wear light-colored clothes.We should know more about traffic rules.Step 8 Sum up and educate the students. T: We know something to keep us safe when we ride bicycles. We know adverbial clauses of condition. Its important for us to know about traffic signs and obey the traffic rules, we should love lives, care for lives, try to be a polite man. You can?(归纳总结教育学生:我们知道骑自行车 的一些安全规则,学习了条件状语从句。认识交通标志、遵守交通规则,对我们很重要,我们应该热爱生活,关爱生命,和我们的生活联系起来,做文明礼貌的人。你们能做到吗?)Step 9 Homework: Let students collect some traffic signs and write some slogans about traffic safety, using adverbial clauses of condition in group .Make a post about traffic(signs,rules,accidents) (家庭作业:让学生收集一些关于交通标识,规则,事故等等的图片,并条件状语从句写些有关交通安全的句子,制作一份海报。) Step 10 Sing this song.(根据两只老虎的曲子唱“交通标识”这首歌。) Traffic SignsA: Whats the meaning, everyone? B: It means “danger”, A: Be careful.A: Whats the meaning, boys?B: We can park here, A: Oh ,I see.A: Whats the meaning, girls? B: There is a crossing, A: More careful.Exercise-designing.(作业设计)(根据提示完成句子,每空一词。)1.Our parents often warn us _ _ _(不在路上玩)on the road.2.If you _ _(做得仔细)it more careful ,you _ _ fewer (犯的错误)3.If we _ _ (努力学习),we _ _ (一定)success.4.It will not rain tomorrow. They will go hiking.(用if合并为一句)They _ _ hiking _ it _ _ tomorrowBlackboard-designing for Section B.(板书设计) 1.(1). If we ride at night , we should have lights on the bicycle or wear light-colored clothes. (如果我们在晚上骑车,我们应该用自行车灯或穿浅色衣服.)(2).If we break the traffic rules, we will get a fine and even be in danger. (如果我们违反交通规则,就会被罚款甚至处于危险中。) (注意:由if引导的条件状语从句,如果主句是将来时, 或含有情态动词的句子,从句常用一般现在时。)2.It warned us to be more careful.(它提醒我们要更小心。) warn sb. to do sth.(提醒/警告某人做某事。) Miss Shang is warning us to be quiet . (尚老师在提醒我们保持安静。)warn sb. not to do sth. (警告/提醒某人不要做某事。) Our parents often warn us not to play basketball on the road.( 我们的父母经常警告我们不要在路上打球。)
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