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Unit 6 Enjoying CyclingTopic 2 How about exploring the Ming Tombs?Section BSection B needs 1 period. Section B需用1课时。The main activities are 1a and 3a. 本课重点活动是1a 和3a。. Aims and demands 目标要求1. (1)Learn the new words about directions: east, north, southeast, northeast, northwest(2)Learn some other new words:mark, camel2. Learn useful expressions about direction and distance:They surveyed the area to make sure their tombs faced south and had mountains behind them. Qingling is to the east of Yuling. Its in the southeast of China.Its about two and a half hours by bike.3. Go on learning the usages of adverbial clauses of time: Did most emperors start to build their tombs when they became emperors?4. Learn about the tombs of ancient Chinese emperors. Teaching aids 教具录音机/Section A, 2中的图片/十三陵的详图及各景点图片/介绍十三陵的扑克牌/幻灯片/3a中的图片. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 5分钟)复习Section A,导入新课。1. (学生对话,复习could, would, shall, will 和can引导的表示请求、许可、建议的句子。鼓励几组学生表演他们的对话。)T:Please make dialogs using “could, would, shall, will and can”, and then act them out.S1:Could I?S2:Yes, S3:Would you?S4:No, T:Good!(教师及时提醒学生,注意使用正确的答语。)2. (教师出示Section A, 2中的图片,让学生用while/when看图说句子,复习时间状语从句。)T: Look at the pictures. Make some sentences using “while” or “when”.(教师出示第2幅图。)S1: Kangkangs mother was cooking while Kangkang was playing computer games.(教师用同样的方法完成其余的图片。)3. (师生对话,导入新课。)T:Well done! Do you like traveling? Ss:Yes, of course. / No, I dont.T:Did you visit Beijing?Ss:Yes, / No, T:Do you know any places of interest in Beijing?Ss:Yes. The Summer Palace, the Great WallT:Yes. Today we will learn something about the Ming Tombs.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 10分钟)呈现1a并教学生词。1. (教师用幻灯片/3a中的图片介绍十三陵,教师边说边填充准备好的表格,同时解释生词。)T: Here is a map of the Ming Tombs. They are at the foot of the Tianshou Mountains, in the northwest of Beijing. The Tombs spread overThe Ming TombsWhere are they?At the foot of the Tianshou Mountains, northwest of Beijing.How big are they?Over an area of 40 km2.What marks the beginning of the Sacred Way to the Tombs?The Stone Arch.Whats on both sides of the way?Stone animals and stone officials.Who built them?The emperors.What are their features(特点)?Faced south and had mountains behind them.How far is it from Beijing?Its about two and a half hours by bike.(要求学生掌握mark;理解northwest, beginning和official;了解arch;学习掌握Its 表距离的句型。)2. (学生听1a的录音并跟读,标出生词。)T: Please listen and repeat. Mark the new words at the same time.3. (板书并让学生了解生词。)sacred, surveyStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 15分钟)巩固1a,完成1b和2。1. (让学生分角色扮演1a,然后两人一组进行问答练习,完成1b。)T: Role-play 1a, and then finish 1b in pairs.2. (让学生自读1a,找出时间状语从句和表距离的句子。然后根据Step 2,1中的表格用自己的语言介绍the Ming Tombs。)Example:The Ming Tombs are at the foot of the Tianshou Mountains, in the northwest of Beijing. They spread over an area of 40 km23. (让学生更多的了解十三陵。)T:The Ming Tombs are so wonderful. Do you want to visit them?Ss:Yes.T:Do you want to know more about them?Ss:Yes, of course.T:Now, please look at these cards.(把事先准备好的介绍十三陵的扑克牌/图片给学生传看,同时板书要求学生掌握的单词camel和了解的词汇prestige,并附有相关介绍。如手里拿着Qilin的扑克牌/图片介绍,然后传给学生。)T: Look at this card. Its a Qilin. Its an animal in ancient story.(给学生一定的时间去了解扑克牌/图片上关于十三陵的详细信息。)4. (引入2。)T:Now lets look at the pictures in 2. Do you know what these animals stand for?S1:I dont know.S2:I dont know.S3:(多数学生都不知道,也许有个别学生会用汉语说出一些。)T: OK. Lets read the phrases in 2 together.(几分钟后)T: Please listen to 2 and fill in the names of the stone animals.(根据学生的实际情况,可以放13遍。)(学生完成练习,教师核对答案。)5. (教师出示神道上的某一种动物图片,学生便立即说出该动物所代表的含义。) T:Now, please tell me what the animal stands for, Xiezhi. Ss:It can tell the difference between good and bad. It can keep the bad away. T:Qilin. Ss: Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 10分钟)练习并完成3a和3b。1. (教师用方位图,以旧带新,教学生词east。)T:Where is“S”?Ss:Its in the south.T:Where is“W”?Ss:Its in the west.T:Where is“E”?Ss:Its in the east.(教师帮助学生说出,并在“E”旁边板书east。)(用同样的方法教学其他方位名词:north, northeast, southeast, eastern。通过板书把3a中的方位示意图呈现在黑板上。为3a,3b活动提供图示,降低难度。)2. (教师向学生介绍方向介词的区别,为导入3a做准备。) (板书)T:Look at the blackboard. Where is A? Ss:Its in B. T:Yes. And C is on the west of D. C is very close to D, so we use “on”. E is a little far away from D. So E is to the east of D. Are you clear? Ss:Yes. T:Now. Where is F? Ss:Its to the east of E. T:Where is D? Ss:Its on the east of C. T:Very good.3. (把十三陵的详细平面分布图挂在黑板上,导出3a。)T:Look at the map carefully. Use the words of directions to introduce the Ming Tombs to us. Now, who would like to introduce it to us?S1:Changling is to the west of Jingling.S2:(叫几名学生指着平面图上的各个陵墓的位置用方向词介绍,升华本活动。)T: Please do 3a quickly. When you finish, please put up your hands at once. (表扬前三名学生。)4. (导入3b。)T:Now, look at th
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