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小学英语PEP四年级上册Unit 6 At a farm ( Part B Lets learn)赣州市滨江一校 文娟一、 教学内容PEP小学英语四年级下册第六单元Part B 部分 Lets learn 和Lets chant.二、 教学目标1. 能力目标(1)能够用学到的句型询问和回答蔬菜: What are these ? They are Are these ? Yes , they are . / No, they arent .(2)能简单描述出所学蔬菜的名称和味道2知识目标(1)学习蔬菜词汇及其复数形式:potato(es), tomato(es), onion(s), cucumber(s), carrot(s).(2)学习句型:What are these ? They are Are these ? Yes,they are . / No, they arent .3情感、策略、文化等有关目标培养学生多食蔬菜水果的意识, 让他们明白新鲜的蔬菜水果是健康食品,应该多吃;肉类应适量,少吃或不吃油炸的垃圾食品。二、 教学重、难点1 三会(听说读)单词:potato, tomato, onion, cucumber, carrot.2 单词potato , tomato的复数形式。3 理解并会说chant中描述蔬菜特点的形容词:juicy, tasty, tender, yummy, smelly.4. 会熟练运用句型。三课前准备1 准备水果和蔬菜的图卡。2 准备所学的新鲜蔬菜。3 准备磁带和录音机。4 准备放蔬菜的袋子两个。5薯片一罐6凉拌黄瓜一份。四教学过程1 热身&复习:(1) Llisten to music : (2) Chant : I like coffee . I like tea . I like both and both and tea . Yes , no , maybe so . Yes , no , maybe so .(3.) 出示幻灯片,介绍我的农场: Vegetables room Magic vegetables room vebetable playground 2呈现&操练(1)教学tomatoa. 出示课件,介绍Vegetables room 问学生,你们认识这些蔬菜吗?T:What are these ? 引起学生学习的兴趣。师总体介绍:Theyare tomatoes , They are potatoes . They are onions b. 学习单词tomato (a) 出示卡片,先教单数的tomato . (学生跟读,师音标教学单词。学生手写单词,老师板书两个两个读。)(b) 出示卡片,教复数的tomatoes . (学生跟读,师把es读音强调)(c) 学习句型:What are these ? They are (d) 学习单词 juicy : They are tomatoes . They are juicy . Juicy , juicy , juicy , juicy tomatoes . (2) 教学potatoa. 用同样的方法呈现单词potato。(学生跟读,师音标教学单词。学生手写单词,老师板书一个一个读。)b. 学习potatoes,让学生对照单词tomato 的复数形式,把单词变成potatoes.c. 学习句型:What are these ? They are d. 从potatoes引到fries, 让学生尝一尝fries, 体会形容词tasty后,让学生说:potatoes, potatoes, tasty, tasty, tasty. 学生说对了,奖励学生一块fries . (3) 教学 oniona.在“可比克”袋子后面藏一个卡片做的onion ,拿出之后问学生:What is it ?b.教授单词onion . (学生跟读,师音标教学单词。学生手写单词,老师板书横排的一个一个读。)c.学习onions. 师直接问:What are these ? 鼓励学生回答:They are onions . 跟读:onions onions They are onions.b闻一闻onion,作难闻的表情说:smelly , smelly. 让几个学生上来闻一闻,教师教读词汇:smelly。d. 把全班分开两大组说一说:onions, onions, smelly, smelly , smelly. potatoes, potatoes , tasty , tasty ,tasty tomatoes, tomatoes , juicy , juicy ,juicy.(4) 教学carrota.用课件猜物的方法来呈现单词。b. 学习单词carrot(学生跟读,师音标教学单词。学生手写单词,老师板书组组读。)c. 学习carrots:师拿出实物:tomatoes, potapoes, onions。教授句型:Are these ? Yes, they are . No, they arent .同时学习carrots.c. 师用粗细不同的声音带读 carrots ,carrots, yummy, yummy, yummy. 学生有感情地跟读并做动作。(5)教学 cucumbera. 师问:Are these carrots ?让学生根据不透明袋子中蔬菜的形状猜一猜: No, they are. 师: They are green. 学生知道黄瓜后,教读cucumber. (学生跟读,师音标教学单词。学生手写单词,老师板书个个读。)b.单数变复数cucumbers。c. 教师拿出一份凉拌黄瓜,给学生尝一尝,让学生体会行容词tender 的意思。让学生说一说:Cucumbers, cucumbers, tender, tender, tender.(6)操练句型:What are these ? They are Are these ? Yes,they are . No, they arent.a. 让学生自已编对话,操练句型。b. 学生上台展示句型。3、巩固和拓展(1)进入a. 学习Chant a) 打开视频,学生跟读Chant 。b) 重放一遍,让学生一起say chant 。b.运用句型播放魔术视频,请学生运用学过的语言变魔术。运用语言:What are these ? They are Are these ? Yes, these are .(2)进入vegetable playground a. 比赛1 :看电脑写单词 。b. 比赛 2 :写对话,并诵读。c. 比赛 3 :编对话 向琳达介绍中国菜。 在动物园向唔西迪西介绍小动物d. 比赛4 :读课文总结比赛结果。唱歌曲If you are happy给学生发奖状。4、情感教育:多吃蔬菜有益身体健康。5、布置家庭作业 。
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