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2013-2014 学年度小学英语毕业考试模拟试卷亲爱的同学们,经过六年的英语学习,有不少收获吧?在你离开母校之际,这份试卷将为你提供展示自己才华和学识的舞台,好好表现自己吧!为自己的童年图上最美、最亮的色彩!本试卷满分100分,答卷时间为60分钟。现在我们从听力开始吧!Part I Listening 第一部分 听力共四大题(40分)一、你将听到一个单词,请根据读音选择正确的答案,答案填在括号内。每个单词读两遍。听前先迅速默读单词哦! (10分)( ) 1. A. play B. plane C. plate ( ) 2. A. wait B. want C. what( ) 3. A. talk B. take C. tell ( ) 4. A. work B. walk C. wake( ) 5. A. feel B. fall C. fail ( ) 6. A. angry B. hungry C. hurry( ) 7. A. skate B. skirt C. shirt ( ) 8. A. watch B. water C. wash( ) 9. A. stop B. shop C. drop ( ) 10.A. seed B. seat C. said二. 听问句,选择最合适的答句,把答案填在括号内。每小题读两遍。记住听前先浏览选项。(10分)( ) 1. A. Im fine. B. Im five. C. Im sorry.( ) 2. A. fish B. grapes C. spring( ) 3. A. Im 155cm tall. B. Im 45 kg. C. Its 30cm long.( ) 4. A. car company B. by car C. engineer( ) 5. A. Yes, he is. B. No, he doesnt C. Yes, she does.三. 你将听到一段短文,根据短文内容选择正确的答案。答案填在括号内。该短文读三遍。听前浏览题目,预测短文内容,有助于听力理解。(10分)( )1. There are _ people in Toms family. A. 3 B. 4 C. 2( )2. _is in the room. A. Tom B. His parents C. Julie( )3. _ is singing . A. Tom B. Toms father C. Julie ( )4. _ are in the garden. A. Tom and his parents B. Toms parents C. Tom and his bird( )5. A tree is _. A. on the hill B. in the garden C. near the garden 四你将听到一个句子或一组对话,根据听到的内容,在每小题的大图中圈出相符的小图片。每小题读两遍。先浏览选项,有助于做出准确而快速的判断!(10分) 1. 2. 3. 4.5. . Part 2 Written Test Part 第二部分 笔试 共七题五、请按顺序默写出26个英文字母的大小写(13分) 六.Read and choose:(选出一个划线部分发音不同于其他单词的单词)(5分) ( )1.A. sheep B.be C.bread D.read ( ) 2.A. doctor B.door C.hot D.orange ( ) 3.A. make B.cake C.play D.Sunday ( ) 4.A. three B.there C.thank D.fourth ( ) 5.A. is B.nice C.books D.yes七、根据要求写单词(5分)1.cold (反义词)_2.big(比较级)_3.read(ing形式)_4.long(反义词)_ 5.book(复数形式)_八、单项填空:(15分)(1) ( )I have English book.A. a B. an C./(2) ( ) Last weekend we in the park.A. read books B. sing C. climb the mountain(3) ( ) How are you today? A. Im five. B. I am fine C. I can jump.(4) ( ) Did you learn English? A. Yes,I do. B. Yes,I did. C. Yes,you did.(5) ( ) Its 11:30. Its time lunch.A. to B. for C. at(6) ( ) The dogs tail is long. The monkeys tail is .A. long B. longer C. longest(7) ( )I am 165cm. She is 170cm. So I am 5cm than her.A.taller B. shorter C. thinner(8) ( )I like TV.A.watch B.watching C.watched(9) ( ) did you go on your holiday? -I went to Xinjiang.A.What B.Where C.How(10) ( )The traffic light is yellow,you may .A.stop B.wait C.go(11) ( )How many do you have? A.pencil B.books C.ruler (12) ( ) season do you like best?-Spring A.Which B.Where C.When( 13) ( )When is your birthday?- . A.May.10 B.Sept.12th C.Dec13(14) ( )Do you like pears? - . A.Yes,I do B.Yes,I dont C.Yes,I did( 15) ( )How do you ruler? -R-u-l-e-r. A.spell B.say sing九、把下面短文补充完整。每空只填一词,每词只用一次。注意大小写的规范哦!(5分)stay, with, fe
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