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一.本课要点及示例 在这一课里, 我们要学习几个由动词和介词构成的常用语, 比方 竞选 run for, r-u-n f-o-r, run for, 依赖 depend on, d-e-p-e-n-d o-n, depend on, 参预 take part in, t-a-k-e p-a-r-t i-n, take part in 等等. 我们也要学习许多跟选举有关系的词汇.现在我们先来听今天这一课的对话, 内容是说亨利跟同事南希谈起竞选话动的事情. 请你注意听两位英文老师的发音和语调. F: Are you going to vote today, Henry? M: I dont think so. There arent any candidates Im interested in. F: Havent you kept up on the issues? M: Ive seen the ads on TV, but Im not up on whats going on. F: You should be, you know. This is an important election. And a friend of mine is running for office. M: Thats why youve been bringing in all the campaign buttons. F: Yes, Joe Brown is a really good candidate. He has taken part in a lot of community activities and he knows what needs to be done. M: And you would vote for him even if you werent friends, right? F: Right! 现在我们来听老师用慢速度把整段对话念一遍. F: Are you going to vote today, Henry? M: I dont think so. There arent any candidates Im interested in. F: Havent you kept up on the issues? M: Ive seen the ads on TV, but Im not up on whats going on. F: You should be, you know. This is an important election. And a friend of mine is running for office. M: Thats why youve been bringing in all the campaign buttons. F: Yes, Joe Brown is a really good candidate. He has taken part in a lot of community activities and he knows what needs to be done. M: And you would vote for him even if you werent friends, right? F: Right! 现在老师把对话里包含了我们今天要学的常用语的句子挑出来, 再念一遍给你听. M: There arent any candidates Im interested in. F: Havent you kept up on the issues? M: Im not up on whats going on. F: A friend of mine is running for office. M: Youve been bringing in all the campaign buttons. F: He has taken part in a lot of community activities.二.RUN FOR 听完了对话, 现在我们来练习对话里包含的常用语. 首先我们学习怎么用 run for 作句子. 比方有一句话: 有些律师在竞选总统. 这句话英文可以这样说:Some lawyers are running for the presidency. 下面我们作一组代换练习,学学这种说法. 在这一组练习里你可以学习到其他公职的名称, 比方市政会, 郡委会等等.现在我们开始作练习. 请你在学生作练习的时候也一起作. M: Some lawyers are running for the presidency. M: congressional office F: Some lawyers are running for the congressional office M: governors office F: Some lawyers are running for the governors office. M: mayors office F: Some lawyers are running for the mayors office. M: city council F: Some lawyers are running for the city council. M: county board F: Some lawyers are running for the county board.三.DEPEND ON 刚才我们作的几组练习都是有关竞选的事情. 下面我们作一组代换练习, 看看在美国参加竞选的人必须依赖谁的帮助才能够当选. 练习的作法是老师念一个句子, 比方: 候选人依赖竞选委员会主管人员来赢得选举.The candidates depend on their campaign managers to win the election. 你跟着重复一遍,接着老师念出一些助选人员的名称, 比方 竞选顾问 campaign advisors, 演讲稿撰写人 speech writers, 竞选工作人员 campaign staff. 支持者 supporters等等, 请你把你听到的代换到原来的句子里. 每作完一句就请你听老师念正确答案. M: The candidates depend on their campaign managers to win the election. M: campaign advisors F: The candidates depend on their campaign advisors to win the election. M: speech writers F: The candidates depend on their speech writers to win the election. M: campaign staff F: The candidates depend on their campaign staff to win the election. M: supporters F: The candidates depend on their supporters to win the election.四.BE INTERESTED IN 在上面那组练习里我们学习了怎么用 依赖 depend on 作句子,下面我们要学习用interested in, i-n-t-e-r-e-s-t-e-d i-n, interested in,再加上动名词词组来表示对什么什么感兴趣. 比方有一句话: 有些候选人对制造就业机会有兴趣. 这句话英文应该这样说:Some candidates are interested in creating job opportunities.下面我们作一组代换练习, 一方面学习 to be interested in 的用法, 一方面学一学候选人所感兴趣的政治问题,比方 争取女权 getting equal rights for women.对抗贪污 fighting corruption. 平衡政府预算 balancing government budget,削减联邦政府规模cutting the size of the federal government, 改善教育计划improving educational programs 等等. 现在我们开始练习. M: Some candidates are interested in creating job opportunities. M: getting equal rights for women F: Some candidates are interested in getting equal rights for women. M: fighting corruption F: Some candidates are interested in fighting corruption. M: balancing government budget F: Some candidates are interested in balancing government budget. M: cutting the size of the federal government F: Some candidates are interested in cutting the size of the federal government. M: improving educational programs F: Some candidates are interested in improving educational programs.五.TAKE PART IN 下面我们作一组练习, 学一学 参与 take part in 的用法. 首先由老师提出问题, 然后学生作肯定的答覆. 练习的内容还是跟政治活动有关系. 在学生作练习的时候请你也一起作. M: Did he take part in creating job opportunities? F: Yes, he took part in creating job opportunities. M: Did he take part in getting equal rights for women? F: Yes, he took part in getting equal rights for women. M:
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