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期末复习 词形填空专练、重点句型操练(八年级上)Unit 1 1. How often _he _? -He _twice a week. (exercise)2. Maria _(hard) ever eats junk food. She _(have) a _(health) lifestyle.3. My mother goes to the shop _(one ) a week. She plays sports _(two) a day. She goes to the movies three _(time) a month.4. Tim likes doing some _(surf). He is a very good _(surf).5. _(do) more exercise can help keep in good _(health). It _(mean) it can help you stay _(health).6. There are a few _(different) between _(they).7. They are _(difference) from each other.8. The girl has a lot of coffee every day. She has an _(health) lifestyle.9. They _(keep) _(work) the whole day yesterday.10. You must-_(look) after _(you) ,boys.11. Can you do _(good) work with_(little) money?12. Here _(be ) the results of the_(students) activity survey.13. My good lifestyle _(help) _(I)_(get) better grades.14. Good food and exercise _(help )me to study better.15. How _(more) hours do you _(usual) sleep every night?Unit 2 1.- Whats the matter with _(she)? -She _(have) a bad _(stomach).2. Look! The baby has only three _(tooth). 3. Her father has a _(tooth). He should see a dentist.4. People who are too _(stress) out must eat some yin food like tofu.5. The old man _(be) ill two days ago, but we _(know) _(he) _(ill) this morning. _(luck), he has nothing much wrong.6. MidAutumn Day is a _(tradition) festival in China.7. At the moment _(China) medicine is very popular in _(west) countries.8. Chinese doctors _(相信) they need a _(balance) of yin and yang _(be) healthy.9. My brother has a _(balance) lifestyle.10. Dont be _(anger) any more.11. Everyone _(get) angry _(sometime). Dont worry.12. Be quiet, everybody! I have something _(important) to tell you.13. Its important_(eat) a balanced diet.14. Now let me _(tell) you the _(important) about it.15. I study late every night, sometimes until 2 am, but I _(not think) Im _(improve).16.I am sorry_(hear) that youre ill. But I _(hear) you fought with someone yesterday afternoon.17. Dont worry about it. We still have _(few) vegetables at home.18. Hurry up(快点)! Theres _(a little) time left.Unit 3 1. What _you _(do) for vacation? -I _(go) _(camp) in the countryside. -How long _you _(stay) there? -About three days.2. Hes_(plan) to go bike _(ride) with his best friend.3. -Whats she doing for vacation? -She_(go) _(hike).4. _are you staying? Im staying _ four _(week).5.He _(think) about _(go) to Greece or Spain, but decided _ Canada.6. This time I want to do_ _(不同的事).7. I just finished _(make) my last movie.8. I want_(ask)you about places _(visit) in China.9. What should _(tour) take with them?10. My sister _(send) me a lot of beautiful _(postcard) last week.11. They _(leave) Panzhihua for Shanghai two days ago. They _(come) back in five days. 12. Mike _(ride) his bicycle to school yesterday, but Tom _(run) .13. Im sorry I_(forget) _(bring) my homework here.14. I remember _(close) the door, why is it open at the moment?!15. He_(not be) at school last night.Unit 4 1.- How _he_(get) to school? -He _(take) the subway.2. How far is it from her home to school? -Its ten _(minute) walk.3. There are five _(hundred) students in our school.4. There are _(hundred) of books in his study.5. The writer finished his _(forty) novel.6. Lucy _(have) a _(quickly) breakfast and then hurried to school.7. Before he went to bed, Hector _(take) a shower.8. - How long _- it _(take) him to go to work from his house? -It _(take) 25 minutes by bus.9. In China, it _(depend) on where you are.10. That must _(be) more fun than _(take) a bus.11 In Japan, the three most popular ways of _
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