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小升初面试英语自我介绍2X年小升初面试英语自我介绍范文 小升初面试是我们学生家长都十分重视的,在准备英语自我介绍时,学生们会感到有些棘手,为此,小编收集整理了X年小升初面试英语自我介绍范文,欢迎阅读借鉴,更多资讯请继续关注自我介绍栏目。 0年小升初面试英语自我介绍范文(一) m_ Ias bonin _. I gradu frmsnior highshol an mjorin nlis.I tarted earnng nlihsic I wa 2 years ol. My parens ave a lotof Americn rinds. Tas wy I ve n roblm cmmicang witmericanso oter by speaking glsh. n myspae time, ie o dontigltig to Eglish uchs lein to nglih sog,atcigEglh movies or V programs, or evnatten the acitis hel by oe Engish ub or istitute. Iusedto go br for a sr tem Engish suy. uring hat tie, lened a lot o diy ie Engh nd sawloo diferen this Ithnk lnguage i very iteetg. I oldexpressnesubstance by us ifrentsounds. Iwish Icoud study an read mr nglihlerture andenarge my nledge.202X年小升初面试英语自我介绍范文(二) My name i _. Iam graduat fom _ seni igh scholan ajor n_.There ar _peoein my ail. My ather worsin a opt company. Andmy mthrisa houseif.I m he yungt one in my fmiy. In y re tme, I lik to d ovs. Ihink rading could nlarge y knowedg. As or novls,I could magn htve I lie suh a awelknown ientistora kung-fu mter nadditionto reaing, also liketo play PC games.A lot f grownus hinkplaying PC games ndersthe sudes fom lrning.ut I thnk PC gas old moivae m o ear somethingsuch Englis r apanse.yvorte ourse iEglis baus I tink t is inter osay o thingviifferen sn. ih yEgli ul beiroved the next fyers ande a o pekfuent English in the futre. 02X年小升初面试英语自我介绍范文(三) nm i_ Thee ar pople n my family M ftesahemisty tacher. H teachs cemiry in nior high schol. My moteris a English teacer. Sh eches Elish in h nersty. I ave ayongerbroth, he a junior highscholtuen is perig or th ntranc exa. I iko read English stoybook in m eetime. Sotimes I rf th neret anwlad the E-bookst ra.Reain - book is fun In addion, it also enae my vocabulary words bcas f hadvancd technologand the vivid animatons. I hpe to sudy boh Englhan comput technolbecas I amntereste n boh f tesujects.Myone day I could comine oth of the and appl to my rarch in the ftue. 202X年小升初面试英语自我介绍范文(四) nme is _. Imfrom_. Tre ar pp in myamily. father or incompute compan. He is a cotgineer Mmher wksin nternaioal trae pn. e isalabuy woma. Ihave a oldesten a younr boher.My iteris ajunior i Ntionalaiwanniversit. Se mjr in Eglsh. Myrthr is an elemenaryscoolstden. He years old. ease o mfathr, I loe surfinghe Iteret eymuch. play the nlineamefor about hurs ery day. wish coul ba omputergram esgnein fuure nd ttis why I ping for the elctronis prgram inyor scoo 202X年小升初面试英语自我介绍范文(五) My nme i AA. I am a outoing girloy. havemanyhobbie, such asbasktball,foobal, eading an so on.mong thm Iieeading best beausewhenIm redin, am ery hapy. Rading helps me to now thi that I dnot know befe. In maly tere a four otmmbrs, my granfter,grandmothr, father and ohe.Myparent are str ithme whle my grndarentare kindtom I love them al ad I wanto stud had i reur for their kindness to me. 20年小升初面试英语自我介绍范文(六)ell! (sir / mdm / ladis andgentlma) M naes (中文名字), a you ca allm(英文名字) Imlvn years old. stu inPriry chl,nI in Ca ,rad 5.heree repeople in myfail,theyremyother s (职业)my father isa (职业)I dole my hapy arm fmly!In adiin,m sunny boywith lotf hbbe,instae,stmp-ollcti, immig,redng, tc.But I pefrbeauseandI have leard si asyearldoon iladutfrmprimay shool, and I sinceelhop that Ica continue sudyat this choolha for yur attetio! 小升初自我介绍注意事项: 一、小升初自我介绍要突出个人的优点和特长,并要有相当的可信度。比如参加过哪些比赛,获得了哪些奖项。 二、小升初自我介绍要实事求是,不要夸大。面试老师还是比较喜欢谦虚好学的孩子。 三、自我介绍要层次分明,重点突出。让自己的优势很自然地逐步显露,不要一上来就急于罗列自己的优点。 四、小升初考生一定要树立敢于表达,勇于发言的信心,这样子才会不怯场,现场发挥得更好。小升初自我介绍主要包括哪些内容1、个人基本情况:比如姓名,年龄,学校,班级等。 、自己的家庭情况,主要家庭成员简单介绍; 3、特长爱好。选择最有成就感的特长介绍给老师。 4、对目标学校的看法。表达想度这所学校的愿望。
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