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强调句教学设计Learning Aims【学习目标】Knowledge and Skills【知识与技能】Learn the usages of the Emphasis sentences.Get the students to know how to use the Emphasis sentences.Process and Strategies【过程与方法】Devote yourself with passion and improve the solving problems abilities by self-learning, cooperation and discussion.Feelings and Value【情感态度与价值观】Build up the students confidence.Learning Important Points【学习重点】Master the usages of the emphasis structures:1.Itis/was+被强调部分+that/who+句子其余成分;2.Is/Was it+被强调部分+that/who+句子其余成分;3. 特殊疑问词+is/wasit+that+句子其余成分;4. It + is / was + not until.+ that +句子其余成分。Learning Difficult Points【学习难点】1. How to contrast the Emphasis sentences and the Attributive Clause.2. How to use the Emphasis sentences in different situation.Learning Methods(学习方法) Self-learning,cooperation and discussion自学(独学、对学、群学)、合作、讨论Instructions and Requirements(学法指导及要求)Write down the problems you cannot settle after finishing the tasks independently.(独立完成学习任务后,将你解决不了的问题记录下来,待展示时解决)。Preparation and Self-learning 【自主学习、为新课奠基】(B级 理解类 )(C层学生展示,B、A层学生补充)学一学:一、强调句型1.强调句型的陈述句形式:Itis/was+被强调部分+that/who+句子其余成分。被强调的部分放在 It is (was) 之后,其它部分置于that之后。被强调部分可以是主语、宾语或状语。强调的主语如果是人,可以用who代替that。被强调的成分举例:(1)强调主语I met Tom in the street last week.It was I that/who met Tom in the street last week.正是我上周在大街上遇到了汤姆。(2) 强调宾语I met Tom in the street last week.It was Tom that I met in the street last week.我上周在街道上见到的是汤姆。(3) 强调状语I met Tom in the street last week.It was in the street that I met him last week.我上周是在街道上见到她的。I met Tom in the street last week.It was last week that I met him in the street .我是上周在街道上见到她的。2. 强调句型的一般疑问式:直接把is或was提到it之前,即Is/Was it+被强调部分+that/who+句子其余成分,例如:Was it you that broke the window?Is it Professor Wang who teaches you English?3. 强调句型的特殊疑问式:只需在一般疑问句前加上疑问词即可。即特殊疑问词+is/wasit+that+句子其余成分,特殊疑问词即是被强调部分。例如:Who was it that broke the window?When was it that you called me yesterday?二、not until 句型的强调句在强调“not.until”结构中由until所引导的短语(或从句)作时间状语时,要用固定的强调句型:“It + is / was + not until.+ that +句子其余成分”,that所引导的从句中的谓语动词用肯定式。如:His father didnt come back from work until 12 oclock .= It was not until 12 oclock that his father came home form work. 直到12点他的爸爸才下班回家.三、强调句型与状语从句、定语从句的判断判断是否是强调句,可采用“还原法”。如果把句子中的It + is / was. that去掉,仍然是完整的句子,则是强调句,否则不是。测一测:你能写出下面几个强调句的句型结构吗?1. It is at 7:00 that he will leave for Hong Kong.2. Is it at 7:00 that he will leave for Hong Kong?3. When is it that he will leave for Hong Kong?4. It was not until 5:00 that I finished my homework. Discussion and Show【课堂交流展示】(C级 应用类)( B、C层学生展示,A层学生补充)1. 强调句可以强调主语、宾语、状语等。It 、that本身没有词义,只起引导作用。 典例:I saw Kate in the park last week. (原句)It was _I_ that/who saw Kate in the park last week.(强调主语)It was _ that/who/whom I saw in the park last week. (强调宾语)It was _ that I saw Kate last week. (强调地点状语)It was _ that I saw Kate in the park. (强调时间状语)2. 在强调句中,如果叙述的是现在或将来的事情,be动词用is; 如果叙述的是过去的事情,be动词用was。练习:(填空)It _ he that will go to the cinema. It _ from the sun that we get light and heat. It _in Shanghai that I was born.3. 当被强调部分指人时,可以用that连接,也可用who / whom连接;指物时,只用that 连接。练习:It was Tom _ I met last week. It is a new book _ his brother wants to buy. 4. 强调时间、地点状语时 , 只用that ,不用when , where 。 练习:It is at 5 oclock _ the train will arrive.It was in the park _I saw Kate last week.5.若被强调的部分是句子的主语时,那么that/who之后的谓语动词和被强调的主语保持一致。填空练习: It was he who _ late. It is I who_ late. It is they that _ late. 6.与否定词not连用的until短语或从句在被强调时应注意否定转移。其结构为“It is/was not untilthat” 典例:1)I didnt finish my homework until 5:00.(变强调句)2)He didnt realize his mistakes until he graduated from high school. (变强调句)7. 判断下面两个句子,看看哪个是强调句?为什么?你能把它还原回来吗?1)ItwasonMarch1thatIhadmyhaircut.( )2)ItwasMarch1whenIhadmyhaircut.( )可还原成:Testing in Class and Improvement【当堂检测、拓展提升】(D级 拓展类)(C、B层学生展示,A层学生补充)高考真题:1. It was not until she got home_ Jennifer realized she had lost her keys. A. when B. that C. where D. before2. It was in Newland _ Elizabeth first met Mr. SmithA. That B. how C. which D. when3. It was on the National Day_ she met with her separated sister. A. that B. when C. where D. which4. Was it during the Second War _he died? A. that B. while C. in which D. then5. Who _ helped you work out the math problem? A. was he B. it was who C. was it that D. it wasSummary 【总结】(C、B、A层学生共同参与)1.学生自我总结;2.学科长总结学科长对本节课的内容进行总结,评出优秀小组、个人以及进步小组、个人。Homework 【家庭作业】Revise the usages of the Emphasis sentences.Reflections课后反思宜君县高级中学 苟亚琴
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