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Introduction and OverviewThe objective of the forecast is to help plan the actual revenue and expenses for the fiscal year and to be able to identify any financial issues regarding funding and errors to the fund centre.An Excel template has been provided and is required to be used to complete the forecast. As the forecast template is periodically updated it is always best to download the most recent template from the Business Services website for each forecast.NOTE: It is discouraged to use a previous forecast worksheet because any errors that might be reported previously may be carried forward to the current forecast.You can find the Forecast Template at: httD:There are fivedistinct sections in the forecasting exercise:1. BUDGET (includes Original Plan, Transfers Received, Revised Plan, and Transfers worksheet)2. ACTUALS(includes Actuals May - xxx 20xx, Commitments and Total to Date)3. FORECAST (includes Forecast xxx - April 20xx and Total Fiscal Year)4. EXPECTED TRANSFERS (includes Expected Transfersworksheet)5. VARIANCE6. NOTES (includes Notes worksheet)An “ADDendix” is available to help familiarize you with the different report selection screens.Please contact your Financial Officer if you have any questions.DatesFigures used should be as atyour forecast date (July 31, October 31 or January 31).FIS reports requiredOnly sixFIS reports need to be run to complete the forecast. Some reports are used in more than one field in the forecast template. These instructionsdescribe what reports need to be run at each step. For more information on what reports to run and what they are for, please refer to Appendix A.Please contact your Financial Officer if you need assistance.Monthly ReconciliationsIt is strongly recommended that all monthly reconciliationsare completedprior to the end of next month. This will reduce discrepancies between Cost Center and Funds Center and make the forecast a lot easier.Link to the Monthly Reconciliation reference: httD:/www.finance.utoronto.ca/Assets/Finance+Diqital+Assets/course/rpt/reconcilemonthend.pdfList of reports to run(from page 1)The table below lists all the reports you need to run to complete the forecast package.If you need assistance on how to run the reports, please refer to the links to the Financial Services documentation.FIS Report NameCodePurpose1CC with 10sZSO1To get original budget for operating FC and I OsCC without 10sZSO3To get original budget for operating FChltp:/2Funds Center ReportZFTR111To view all/total transfershtto:/www.finance.utoronto.ca/Assets/Finance+Diaial+Assets/qrq/reportina/financialsum/fcrpt.Ddf?method=13CC Plans with Long TextZFIR071To confirm which GL the transfers pertain to4IO Planning Cost and ActivityKPF7To confirm which GL and IO the transfers affect5Payroll Distribution ReportZHJR ZHJR004To see if payroll reserves are sufficienthttp:/www.finance.utoronto.ca/Assets/Finance+Diqital+Assets/qrq/reportinq/monthend/payrolldistn.pdf?method=16Statement of AccountsZFTR106To view up-to-date expenditure and commitmentAppendix B(a) Original Budget Plan & Actuals FIS reportCasesFIS report NameCode in FISI DO have IO(s)CC with IO: Plan & ActualZS01I do NOT have IO(s)CC without IO: Plan & ActualZS03Field NameCommentsControlling AreaUOFTFiscal YearForecasting fiscal yearFrom Period1To period12 (For Original budget column) 3 (For May 一 July Actuals)6 (For May - OctActuals)9 (For May 一 JanActuals)Plan Version1: Original (For Original budget) 0: Current (For Forecasting Actuals)YTD Actuals - ZSO1 - CC with IO: Plan & ActualsCC with 10: Plan & Actuals: Selection0年0年Data SourcePeriods are numbered May = 1. June =2, July = 3.April = 12.Periods are numbered May = 1. June =2, July = 3.April = 12.UOFT2014Selection values Controlling Area Fiscal YearRequest reports From Period 1, To Period 3=Julv. 6=Oct. 9=JanSelection groupsCost Center GroupOr value(s)Cost Element GroupOr value(s)Order GroupOr value(s)Selection groupsCost Center GroupOr value(s)Cost Element GroupOr value(s)Order GroupOr value(s)xxxxx700000CCXXXXX? toto899999toSee next page to find your Order groupHow to find correct IO GroupAccountingControllinglnternal OrdersMaster DataOrder GroupDisplayUnder ,4Order Group, put CC+ your Cost Center* (e.g. CC10228*) and enter1) Out of all the IO groups displayed, choose the IO Group that doesnt include conference lOs (4xxxxx).If you are unsure which IO Group to use, please contact your Financial Officer at Business Services for assistance.Run the report by clicking Wl (execute icon) on your FIS screen.Change the report to Excel modeDisplay the report by CC with IO: Plan & Actuals - Columns.FIS Report NameCode in FISNotesCC Plans with Long TextZFIR071Plan version: 0 (current)Beginni
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