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Unit 1 1 和玩play with sb2 不再not any more3 不同时期的交通工具transport at different times4 阳光镇的变化the changes to Sunshine Town5 非常了解这个地方know the place well6 从那时起since then7 自从2005年以来since 20058 自从去年以来since last year9 自从三个星期前以来since three weeks ago10 搬家move house11 搬到南京move to Nanjing12 搬进一座新公寓move to/ into a new flat13 在南部in the southern part of14 结婚get married15 和某人结婚be/ get married to sb/ marry sb16 变化很大change a lot17 在过去in the past18 在现在at present19 这些年以来over/ during the years20 把变成turn into21 在周末at weekends22 打牌play cards23 下中国象棋play Chinese chess24 愉快的假期pleasant holiday25 玩得很开心have a pleasant time26 水污染water pollution27 噪音污染noise pollution28 过去经常做某事used to do sth29 像以前一样经常地as often as before30 把排进/ 倒进dump into31 一个很严重的问题a very serious problem32 采取行动做某事take action to do sth33 减少污染reduce the pollution34 在某种程度上in some ways35 顺便问一下by the way36 在去的路上on the way to37 挡路in the way38 开阔的空间/ 户外活动场所open space39 不时地,偶尔from time to time40 从搬出去move out of41 事实上,实际上in fact42 一处自然景点地方a place of natural beauty43 一个新的火车站a new railway station44从借borrow sth from sb45借给某人/把借给lend sb sth= lend sth to sb46 例如for example/ such as47 在使用中be in use= be in service48 带去take sb to 49 一所小学a primary school50 我也是Me, too.51 独自地on ones own= by oneself= alone52 空余时间free time53 有同感have the same feeling54 青山环绕green hills around55 清新的空气fresh air56 良好的环境a good environment57 发展缓慢less development58 离远be far (away) from59 离近be close to60 给造成许多麻烦cause many problems for61 近期照片recent photos62 在近几年中in recent years63 的反义词the opposite of64 有好运have good luck65 把扔掉throw sth away66 一个真正的问题a real problem67 写一篇有关阳光镇的文章write an article on Sunshine Town68在过去的一个世纪over the past century69关于北京的过去和现在about Beijings past and present70感冒have a cold71 患重感冒have a bad cold72 受到某人的来信hear from sb= receive a letter from73 乘飞机旅行travel by plane/ by air74 享受阳光和沙滩enjoy the sun and the beach Unit 2 1 到作一次旅行go on a trip to2 一定很有趣must be great fun3 带出去几天take out for a few days4 把带在身边bring sth with sb5 快点;加油come on6 旅游景点tourist attractions7 的象征a symbol of8 去滑雪go skiing9 去远足go hiking10 看美丽的风景see the beautiful view11 拍照take photos12 欢迎到welcome to13 写信给write to sb14 玩得很高兴have a fantastic time15 整天the whole day16 乘地铁by underground17 在入口处at the entrance18 高速运行move at high speed19 一家快餐店a fast food restaurant20 对感兴趣be interested in21 不停地拍照cant stop taking photos22 迪斯尼人物的游行a parade of Disney characters23 下午晚些时候later in the afternoon24 一天中最精彩的部分the best part of the day25 向挥手致意wave to 26 一路上all the way27 像魔术一样be like magic28 精彩的狮王表演the great Lion King show29 买一些纪念品buy some souvenirs30 在结束时at the end of31 观看烟火watch fireworks32 在烟火映衬下看起来很闪亮look shiny and beautiful under the fireworks33 一共,总计in all34 一次刺激的旅行an exciting trip35 把某物给某人看show sth to sb36 一队人a line of people37 排队等候wait in line38 一次有意义的经历a meaningful experience39 一次真得令人高兴的假日a really delightful holiday40 多姿多彩的服饰colourful costumes41 一名成员a member of42 到深圳旅游travel to Shengzhen43 全年all year around44 在即将到来的假日in the coming holiday45 依次/轮流做某事take turns to do sth46 计划出国旅游plan to travel abroad47 希望做某事hope to do sth48 希望某人做某事wish sb to do sth49 飞往某地fly to 50 新鲜的空气fresh air51 宜人的天气pleasant weather52 名胜古迹places of interest53 我们去香港旅游的日子the day of our trip to Hongkong54 三个半小时three and a half hours= three hours and a half55 鸟瞰香港的景色have a birds-eye view of Hongkong56 一座高楼耸立、夜晚灯光闪烁的现代化城市a modern city of tall buildings with lights shining in the evening57 文化中心cultural centreUnit3 1 不知道have no idea(=I dont know)2 看起来像look like3 同意某人agree with sb4 遥控器remote control5 打开(电视、电灯)turn on6 关掉(电视、电灯)turn off7 换频道change the channel8 写作竞赛writing competition9 绘画与设计drawing and designing10 玩游戏play games11 搜索信息search for information12 收发电子邮件send and receive e-mails13 文字处理word processing14 编写电脑程序write computer programs15 新的教育光盘a new educational CD-ROM16 八小时环游地球Around the world in eight hours17 发行,问世come out18 同时at the same time19 学生最喜爱的光盘的设计者the designer of childrens favourite CD-ROM20 在线旅行者Online Traveller21 主要人物main character22 一个十三岁的男孩a thirteen-year-old boy23 躺在草地上lie on the grass24 看着美丽的蓝天look at the beautiful blue sky25 睡着了fall asleep26 做了个奇怪的梦have a strange dream27 在梦里in the dream28 一片金色的云a golden cloud29 得一分get a point30 载着某人去一个地方carry sb off to a place31 扮演角色play the role of32 环游世界travel around the world33 测试你的英语语法知识test your knowledge of English grammar34 在屏幕上on the screen35 伦敦博物馆the Museum of London36 闯过一关pass a level37 世界地图the map of the world38 用亮紫色标出来mark in bright purple39 查明,弄清楚find out40 卖光,售完sell out41打份报告type a report42 点击click on 43 把打印出来print out44 你要买些什么? Can I help you?/What can I do for you?45 个人电脑
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