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units12综合试题第一部分:单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. The beauty contest offered a grand _for the eyes of the viewers with so many beauties. A. dinner B. feast C. party D. treat 2. _ of their ancestors who made their living by hunting, the grown-ups _up as hunters and the children as different animals. A. In honor; put B. In memory; dressed C. In honor; were dressed D. In memory; wore 3. In an open society, people enjoy complete freedom of different religious _, as long as they dont do harm to the stability of the society and its people. A. ideas B. beliefs C. believes D. origins 4. It is really foolish of you to _into believing that she is going to marry you. A. have tricked B. have cheated C. have been tricked D. be cheated 5. On their arrival on the airport, _. A. a group of children welcomed them with flowers B. bunches of flowers were presented to them by a group of children C. they were presented with flowers by a group of children. D. they were welcome by children with flowers 6. The American journalist as well as several other foreigners _ with the August Medal for helping the Chinese people _independence from the Japanese A. were awarded; get B. was rewarded; gain C. was awarded; achieve D. were rewarded; gain 7. It is a worldwide custom that the energetic young are _ for their youth, vitality and creativity. A. admired B. looked forward to C. respected D. looked on 8. It is obvious that she _, for she looks much slimmer than she did last year. A. has gone on diet B. has lost weight C. has put on weight D. has cut down weight 9. You should have apologized to them for not _ at the party. -I _ but they didnt forgive me anyway. A. coming up; did B. turning up; did C. showing up; should have D. appearing; should 10. My grandfather is such a forgetful person that he has to _ many things, even his daily meals. A. be remembered by B. be reminded of C. be memorized D. be reminded 11. The graduate never expected that his graduation essay would _ such a heated discussion among scholars. A. set off B. set about C . set out D. set up 12. Your friend acts _ he were a trustworthy person but as a matter of fact he seldom keeps_. So remember not to trust him with anything important. A. as if; his words B. as though; his word B. even if; his promise D. even though; his promises 13. In common _ other boys of his age, my young son is looking forward to _ the permission to date. A. to; be given B. with; being given C. like; being given D. as; be given 14. Day and night, the little boy is at his computer, playing computer games, as if _ with them. A. to have great fun B. having great fun C. having a great fun D. to have a great fun 15. A group of children _ around the old man, listening to him telling the story and they _ when it came to something really exciting. A. were gathered; held their breaths B. gathered; held their breath C. gathered; held their breaths D. were gathered; held their breath 16. There was so much noise produced by the machine outside that the professor had to _ his voice so that it would not _. A. rise; be drowned B. lift; drown C. increase; drown D. raise; be drowned 17. Children brought up in cities are often full of _ about how beans, peas, cucumbers, eggplants, mushrooms carrots, which they eat as daily vegetables, _. A. ideas; are grown B. curiosity; are grown C. fantasies; grow D. imagination; plant 18. The spy caught _ the military base was sentenced to 20 years in prison and was limited _ no relative visiting. A. to spy on; to B. spying on; to C. to spy on; with D. spying on; with 19. If you are not sure _ your strengths and weaknesses _, you may _ a professional expert so that you can develop yourself to the full. A. what; lie; talk with B. where; lie; consult C. which; lay; refer to D. where; lay; go to 20. _of both sides, the two companies decided to _ to become more competitive in the global market. A. For the benefit; combine B. In the interest; be combined C. On the basis; combine D. With the help; be combined 21. It is hard to make a living nowadays and since we are slightly _, the amount of your weekly pocket money has to _ A. with debt; be reduced B. in debt; be cut down C. with debts; cut down D. in debts; be cut down 22. In order to _ the heart of his former sweetheart, the young man gave up smoking and alcohol, worked extra hard but all his effort _ waste.
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