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新概念1B知识点概括Uni16- n thLondonEye生词与短语: Lndon eye fun beve ger iver Thames rige ower idg real pass binclr ay ship someWstinter own her Bi Bn its classroom rk churc na语音:/ffun foball fld air rontefere ot fifty nepw /v/-very clevr silver rver heay five eeneleven elve重难点:一般疑问句:I thre .? / A there、? s that。? The be 句型nit1-ile, please生词与短语:smile watc lace do ty wleasy o onesnees ood gynastic seles aths muictake take aphoo gym dificu drive ride pak tens语音:/atch wake weeloe ll woman Wetminster Whington one tweve qustion qui wasingmachie重难点:情态动词-an 具有助动词得作用,可以用来构成否定句,疑问句及用于简单得回答、 I cang a son、 /I an sing a ong。an yosinga song? Ye, can. /No, I cnt。Unit8-Mncancook, too生词与短语:cok die hlp rice er pan hop oion son t fork drawer had wet yose,. open retrant , yea mst jug dry food suar milk scanne puter pace cofee t otte orage jice friesea 语音:/-my mm mother meet droom fmly hadsme cmer /-me neigr night knie pononion sdn hsband重难点:在the e 句型中,当主语就是不可数名词或可数名词单数时,b动词要用单数形式,当主语就是可数名词复数时,be动词要用a。例如:s theany ric inth rawer? / Thereis a bottle on th tabl、 /There aresom plat on shl.Uni 19-You ust e 生词与短语:eat finish why why no tre poble otsof fsh saladdsh rnk must each hep ourselfeat rapb brad cketi heese butter语音: /-hungy ving-room interesi in dng-dong things Eglis 重难点:情态动词mut-mus跟ca一样,不能在句子中独立做谓语,而必须跟其她动词原形一起构成谓语,并且也没有人称与数得变化。含must得肯定句变一般疑问句时要把must提到句首,其她部分不变。例如: must o now、 / Must you go now? 否定句就是 mstt o nw。t20-Wa asurprise生词与短语:srprse lsso half past tal aquater find y whe okfo next homewor ah hen 语音: /l/-Lin Luy ook ess lots appl k bowl elenoclock重难点:特殊疑问词-hen,它针对时间提问,跟学过得what te一样,不同得就是wn比whttime更广泛。hat tm 只针对钟点提问,而we还可以针对星期,月份,年份以及所有表示时间得短语提问。例如:对句子My muic ls i 4:3。中得时间提问,既可以说Whn isyour music eson? 也可以说httme is our music lesson? 对句子u can calltoorow。 中得tomorrow提问,就只能用Whn can c you?Un 21-Brekfst blues生词与短语:beafas bles d ant no really soethin train stomah hae go homuh p sart mrnin yogut cantee h fruit cholate b paper strin mone spae od ornin 语音: / /-a a Kar tudent othe ubad nighbor fmos :/-bid ar girl thirte th or shirt dirt重难点:助动词do 在句子中不能独立使用作谓语,并通常用于主语为第一人称,第二人称或第三人称复数得疑问句与否定句中、将肯定句变为疑问时,应将do放在主语得前面,变为否定句时则要在谓语动词前面加do not, 缩写为dnt、Hav got-I haegome offee、 在这句肯定句中,ave 表示有,肯定句变否定句时在hav后面直接加not,缩写为haet,遍一般疑问句要把ae提到主语得前面。要注意得就是当主语就是第一人称,第二人称或第三人称得复数时,才用have、som与any-e用于肯定句,an用于否定句与疑问句中。nt 2-thin the neighbours生词与短语: a lot f hy man introduce t suitre alway C DV jace magaze vieo blouse irt vegeale rati 语音:/-hre ea hea near beer ear ar 重难点:aot-当主语就是第三人称单数时,he应该变为ha。肯定句中直接用a got,肯定变疑问时把has提到主语前面,而变否定时在as后加not,缩写为hasnt、 口诀:您“有”我“有大家“有,have got最有用,她“有她“有”它也“有”,就用has换have、her be句型与have/has got都表示“有,但这两个“有”表达得含义不同。herebe 句型主要指“某处有某物”,表示存在与位置,而ae/ha got主要指“某人拥有某物”,表示所属与拥有。例如:我有一件夹克衫,应该说Ihe got a k. 床上有一件夹克,应该说Theres a cket on thebd、Uni 23A pensive camera生词与短语: kind let etink Japane remembr I kno lucky anoth like birthyt any time Btish Gra sic lath CDplayer Iai wtch Korea habg ok Swss vey uch语音:/e/hre Crchair fairdonsarwhere reful重难点:助动词-doesoes 就是用在第三人称单数做主语得句子中,其她用法跟d 就是一样得。当句子中出现do 与dosnt 得时候,谓语动词要使用原形。Does 就是d 得第三人称单数形式,例如:tr 想要啤酒,Ptwants someee、而否定句就是etrost want a ber、一般疑问句就是Dos Pter wnt nybee?特殊疑问句就是atdoes eerwat?Unit 24-A lghtdine生词与短语:lve salmo pce onight poat etue cucume fansic pic awbrry est healthy ml worry cre firsthte seet wine 语音: /-poor sre jury -pure ce urope重难点:英语中,三餐与球类运动这些名词得前面就是不加冠词得。例如:ave reakfs, hae lunch,havedinner. Playbaseal, play ootball。Unt 5he wknd shping生词与短语:weeken shpping spermarket mke shong ls eed lof Suy lch Suday brng e cem ast aything elebar sop lag ath girfrie 语音:/ /- tweny happy hav family eay bus uc trawbry /ju: /-bautiul msic new neew stude stpid usal es 重难点:可数名词与不可数名词-不可数名词得数量可以借助一些表示容器得名
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