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UNIT7Whatsthehighestmountainintheworld?课时课时3SectionA(GrammarFocus-4c)一、一、用所给词的适当形式填空。用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Youve done a good job,and Im sure you can do it better(well).better一一二二三三四四2.Cindy,you sing the English song themostbeautifully(beautiful)among all the singers.themostbeautifully一一二二三三四四3.Daniel is as tall(tall)as his twin brother.tall一一二二三三四四4.The city has the second largest(large)population in the country.largest一一二二三三四四二、二、同义句转换,每空一词。同义句转换,每空一词。5.Mike is not as strong as Jackson.Jackson is stronger than Mike.strongerthan一一二二三三四四6.I have three physics books,and he has five.I have three physics books and he has two more physics books than I do.morethan一一二二三三四四7.Susan writes more carefully than any other student in the class.Susan writes the most carefully in the class.themostcarefully一一二二三三四四8.Of all the tourist attractions in Shanghai,Wendy likes the Bund best.Wendy likes the Bund better than any other tourist attraction in Shanghai.betterthan一一二二三三四四9.The newly-built school is almost four times bigger than ours.The newly-built school is almost fivetimes the size of ours.fivetimes一一二二三三四四三、三、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。10.你学习越努力,你的成绩就会越好。Theharderyou study,the better grades you will get.Theharderthebetter一一二二三三四四11.河南人文信息题洛阳白云山景区是河南最有名的景点之一。Baiyun Mountain Scenic Spot,Luoyang is one of the most famous scenic spots of Henan.oneofthemostfamous一一二二三三四四四、四、【高效练词汇】语篇填空。语篇填空。fulllongnaturebutcareful alongsendprotectmosttourist一一二二三三四四If you visit China,you must visit the Great Wall.Its one of the 12.most popular places in China.Its a wonderful experience to walk 13.along the wall.mostalongThe Great Wall is known for its long history.The wall we see today was mostly built during the Ming Dynasty.Its about 8,850 kilometers 14.long.The first parts were built over two thousand years ago in order to 15.protect the central areas of the country.longprotect一一二二三三四四fulllongnaturebutcareful alongsendprotectmosttouristAll along the wall,special buildings called“beacon towers(烽火台)”were built.When some parts were attacked by enemies,fires were lit in the beacon towers so that people on other towers could see them and 16.send warnings to the army.send一一二二三三四四fulllongnaturebutcareful alongsendprotectmosttouristNow some parts are broken,17.but other parts have been repaired.Badaling is the most famous part.There is a cable car to take 18.tourists there.It is often 19.full of people.Youd better wear strong shoes and walk 20.carefully when you visit it.The best time to visit it is in spring or autumn.You can enjoy fantastic views and get close to 21.nature.buttouristsfullcarefullynature一一二二三三四四fulllongnaturebutcareful alongsendprotectmosttourist
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