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UNIT8HaveyoureadTreasure Island yet?课时课时3SectionA(GrammarFocus-4c)一、一、用所给词的适当形式填空。用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Does Mr.Green still live here?No,he hasmoved(move)to Paris already.hasmoved一一二二三三四四2.中考德阳Have you heard(hear)that Wang Qiang won a game yesterday?Yes,its a piece of good news.heard一一二二三三四四3.Jim hasntcleaned(not clean)the classroom yet.Now it is still dirty.hasntcleaned一一二二三三四四4.【易易错错题题】Cindy bought(buy)the book last month,and she hasread(read)it twice.点点拨拨:由由“lastmonth”可可知知第第一一空空处处填填动动词词的的过过去去式式,buy的的过过去去式式为为bought;后后文文句句意意:她她读读了了两两次次了了。可可知知第第二二个空为现在完成时,故填个空为现在完成时,故填hasread。boughthasread一一二二三三四四5.What great progress Huawei hasmade(make)in recent years!hasmade一一二二三三四四6.Have you decided(decide)where to go yet?Havedecided一一二二三三四四二、二、从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空。从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空。fictiontechnologyFrancebe interested incant wait to7.My mother buys me my favorite book,Little Women.I cantwaitto read it.cantwaitto一一二二三三四四fictiontechnologyFrancebe interested incant wait to8.The Wandering Earth is fantastic science fiction.fiction一一二二三三四四fictiontechnologyFrancebe interested incant wait to9.We all know that the Eiffel Tower is a famous French building.French一一二二三三四四10.Nowadays,technology is changing very fast.technology一一二二三三四四fictiontechnologyFrancebe interested incant wait to11.In Henan,more and more young people areinterestedin the traditional culture.areinterestedin一一二二三三四四fictiontechnologyFrancebe interested incant wait to三、三、按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。12.I have already cleaned the classroom.(改为否定句)I haventcleanedthe classroom yet.haventcleanedyet一一二二三三四四13.Paul has already finished the report.(改为一般疑问句)Has Paul finishedthe report yet?Hasfinishedyet一一二二三三四四14.Have you found your watch yet?(作否定回答)No,I havent.NoIhavent一一二二三三四四四、四、【高效练语法】【高效练语法】语篇填空。语篇填空。moveimprovelearnreadasjoinmakehavethinkgive一一二二三三四四We all know English is very important to us.However,different people 15.have different ways to learn it.Here are some kids experiences of English learning.Lets have a look.haveLi Nan 16.moved to New York in 2020 and she has been there for four years.She 17.joined a language club and started talking with others in English.So far,she has 18.made a lot of friends in the club.They have helped her a lot with her English.movedjoinedmade一一二二三三四四moveimprovelearnreadasjoinmakehavethinkgiveJohn likes music and he thinks listening to music is useful for English learning.Tina is his favorite singer.He has already 19.learned three of her songs.learned一一二二三三四四moveimprovelearnreadasjoinmakehavethinkgiveJessica 20.thinks reading is a good way to improve her English.She has already 21.read a lot of books,such as Alice in Wonderland,Tom Sawyer and so on.In her opinion,reading 22.gives her a good chance(机会)to know about the world.Whats more,she has 23.improved her vocabulary through reading.thinksreadgivesimproved一一二二三三四四moveimprovelearnreadasjoinmakehavethinkgive24.As we can see,there are different ways of learning English.We have to choose a proper way and keep on learning English.After all,learning is a lifelong journey.As一一二二三三四四moveimprovelearnreadasjoinmakehavethinkgive
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