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Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?Period 5 Section B(2a-2e)一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1.He has traveled in _(south)cities.southern2.2022 大连 When Davids first book came out,it was a big _(successful).3.As we got close to the hall,we could hear the _(laugh).successlaughter4.Mike always feels nervous about _(introduce)himself in front of others.5.More than 15,000 Liverpool _(fan)attended Saturdays game.introducingfans二、从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空二、从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空6.Before you go _,you need to know about table manners in that country.forever,abroad,modern,beautiful,line【点拨】句意:在你出国之前,你需要了解那个国家的餐桌礼仪。go abroad 意为“出国”,是固定短语,故填abroad。abroad 7.By means of _ technology,we are able to communicate with each other instantly(立刻).forever,abroad,modern,beautiful,line【点拨】句意:通过现代技术,我们可以即时通信。modern 意为“现代的;当代的”,此处表示“现代技术”,故填modern。modern 8.I went to the country to enjoy the _ of nature.forever,abroad,modern,beautiful,line【点拨】句意:我去乡下欣赏大自然的美景。根据空前的the 可知,此处需填名词,the beauty of nature 意为“大自然的美景”,故填beauty。beauty 9.With the Internet,we dont need to wait in _ to pay and we can buy goods from all over the world.forever,abroad,modern,beautiful,line【点拨】句意:有了互联网,我们不需要排队付款,我们可以从世界各地购买商品。wait in line 意为“排队等候”,是固定短语,故填line。line 10.We must remember that our good luck couldnt hold _.forever,abroad,modern,beautiful,line【点拨】句意:我们必须记住,我们的好运不可能永远保持不变。forever 意为“永远”,符合语境,故填forever。forever 三、根据汉语提示完成句子三、根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词每空一词 11.Liz and I have known each other _ _(自从)a few years ago.ever since12.I think music is one way people can get to know _ _(互相)better.each other/one another13.Longmen Grottoes(龙门石窟)_ _ _(记录着)the history of Buddhism(佛教)in China.keep records of14._ _(乡村音乐)is popular with some young people.Country music15.The cat _ _(属于)the people who live upstairs.belongs to四、四、2023 遂宁遂宁 完形填空完形填空 Have you heard of Zhu Yanjun,a middle-aged builder from a small village in Gansu Province?Can you believe that he _16 the second prize in the Chinese Poetry Competition hosted by CCTV in February,2023?16.A.invented B.won C.created D.discovered【点拨】根据后面的prize 可知他获得了二等奖,故选B。BBorn in a family of farmers,Zhus love for _17 started from a very young age under the influence of his Chinese teacher.17.A.reading B.singing C.drawing D.running【点拨】根据上文他在中国诗词大会上获奖,那么此处就应阐述他对阅读的热爱开始于很小的年纪,故选A。AHe dreamed of writing his own books one day,just like his teacher._18 he finished middle school,Zhu went to big cities to look for jobs.18.A.If B.During C.After D.Unless CHe worked for house building in more than ten _19.Wherever he was,he went to local bookstores with a notebook.19.A.museums B.villages C.countries D.cities【点拨】根据上文,他去大城市找工作,因此应该是在十多个城市里做房屋建筑的工作,故选D。DHe would take notes from the books and _20 the words in a dictionary to check the meanings.20.A.put up B.write down C.look up D.take out CAt the beginning,he read poems from the Tang Dynasty and poems written by Chairman Mao Zedong.As time went by,he found some _21 methods to remember them.21.A.useful B.fair C.real D.ancient AHe especially likes Chairman Maos words:_22 in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.22.A.something B.nothingC.everything D.anything BOver the years,he has read _23 poems and can memorize more than 1,000 of them.23.A.several B.a few C.thousands of D.a couple of CThere is an old Chinese saying,“Reading 10,000 books is not as good as traveling 10,000 miles.”Zhu said,“_24 I have been to many different cities,it is not for travel.I get to know the history and traditions of many places by reading books and poems.It opens up a new _25 for me.”24.A.As soon as B.Because C.Until D.Although 25.A.building B.house C.school D.world DDReading also helps him live _26 and he never complains(抱怨)about hard work.26.A.politely B.peacefully C.heavily D.safely【点拨】根据下文他从来不抱怨辛苦的工作,说明他心态平和,故选B。BThere are _27 everywhere in his home,so he can read whenever he wants.27.A.books B.clothes C.letters D.pictures AZhu was very _28 in his childrens study.The children were required to finish their homework and do some reading before they play.28.A.talented B.strict C.interested D.pleased B“Getting a good education is very important for my kids,because knowledge can bring _29 a better life,”said Zhu.29.A.her B.him C.me D.them DZhu is already 50 years old,but he keeps on learning all the time.His story tells us that learning is a lifelong journey.Whether we are old or _30,we should always learn to improve ourselves.Our lifetime is limited.Lets put it to good use.30.A.rich B.poor C.young D.kindC五五、语语篇填空篇填空 阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。Do you know that many things in the world can sing?31._ you ever heard a sand dune(沙丘)sing?Its like music to your ears!Have【点拨】根据后面的ever 和heard 可知,本句为现在完成时的一般疑问句,主语为you,且空处单词首字母要大写,故填Have。Many people say they have heard all kinds of sounds coming 32._ sand dunes.They hum,croak(呱呱叫)and even bark(吠叫)!【点拨】come from 意为“来自”,是固定短语,故填from。from When sand grains(沙砾)move against each other,they make these sounds.Grains of different sizes can make different sounds.Some sand dunes can make no
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