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在健身房里的聊天口语句子Regular exercise makes me feel more energized. 有规律的锻炼让我感觉更有活力。1. Jogging in morning makes you feel more energetic during the day. 晨跑让人白天更加精力充沛。2. Yoga, Pilates and Latin dancing are fashionable figure-shaping programs with many women followers.瑜伽,普拉提和拉丁舞是很多女士热爱的时尚塑身运动。3. The fitness club will tailor a work-out plan according to the customers, physical conditions and personal needs.健身俱乐部会根据客户的身体状况和个人需求定做一个健身计划。4. Your personal trainer at the gym will advise you on your diet and can help you come up with a work-out plan.健身俱乐部的私人教练会对你的饮食计划建议,还能帮你制定出健身计划。5. I havent gone to the fitness club for a long time because of work. 因为工作忙,我已经很久没去健身房锻炼了。6. You look like in a perfect condition.你看起来状态很好。7. r m a little bit out of shape. I should get some exercises to keep fit. 我身材不太好,应该做点运动来保持身形。
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