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初二英语导学提纲课题:8B Unit7 Grammar 课前参与: 一. 预习P98-100,完成书本上的练习。二. 重点难点解析:一)什么是被动语态? 语态是动词的一种形式,表示的是主语和谓语之间的关系。英语中的语态有两种:主动语态和被动语态。二)什么情况下用被动语态? 当主语是谓语的执行者时,用主动语态。当主语是谓语的承受者时,用被动语态。如:We clean the classroom every day. 我们每天都打扫教室。 (主语We是动作clean的实施者,所以用主动语态。)The classroom _ _ (by us) every day. 教室每天都被(我们)打扫。(主语The classroom是动作clean的承受者,所以用被动语态。)三)被动语态的基本构成:1.一般现在时: 主语+be (am, is,are)+过去分词2.一般过去时: 主语+be (was/were)+过去分词注意:有些动词常用被动语态。 如:He _ _ in Nanjing. 他出生于南京。This mobile phone _ _ in China. 这部手机是中国制造的。动词被动语态的用法及注意点详见P138-139.课中参与一、词汇:根据句意,汉语或所给单词写出单词的正确形式:1.The 29th Olympic Games was _ (举行) by Beijing in the year 2008.2.The poor girl makes money by handing out _(传单).3.Oxfam was _ (建立) up in the UK in 1942.4.The shop sells a lots of things, _ (包括) comic books.5.Now more and more foreigners are interested in Chinese _ (medical).6.Were all _ (pride) of the athletes in the Special Olympics.7.I believe China will be a _ (develop) country in the near future.8.John had to stay at home for two days because of his _ (ill).二、选择题:( )1. The old palace looks so great! I heard that it _ nearly 1000 years ago. A. was building B. was built C. has built D. is built( )2.Today is her birthday. A delicious cake _ her this morning. A. makes B. make C . was made on D. was made for( )3.Henry, you _ on the phone. Oh, _. Thank you. A. are wanted, Im coming B. are wanted, I come C. are being wanted, I come D. are wanting, Im coming( )4. You may watch TV after your homework _. A . was done B .is done C. has done D. will be done( )5. The red shoes cost more because they _ leather. A. makes of B. made of C. are made of D. are made from( )6.Chinese _ by the largest number of people.A. speak B. is speaking C. speaks D. is spoken( )7.The books mustnt _ from the library. A. be taken away B. take away C. taken away D. are taken away( )8. I will go to the party if I _. A. will invite B. was invited C. am invited D. will be invited( )9.The radio says a water sports centre is to _ in our city. A. be building B. build C. built D. be built( )10.Mr Johnsons story _ by everyone who heard it. A. laughed at B. was laughed at C. laughed D. was laughed三、用所给动词的正确形式填空:1.The teacher told us most of the earth _ (cover) with water.2.Nobody likes to _ (laugh) at.3.That day each of us _ (give) ten dollars after we finished the work.4._ the problem _ (discuss) yesterday?5.Liu Mei with her friends _ (see) working in the Home for the Old yesterday.6.Every day an old man can be seen _ (clean) the street in the early morning.7.The Great Wall _ (know) all over the world.8.The accident _ (happen) on a cold winter night last year.四、同义转换:1.Where did they grow vegetables? Where _ vegetables _? 2.He told us a story. We _ _ a story by him. / A story _ _ _ us by him.3.Her mother bought her a new pen. A new pen _ _ _ her by her mother.4.The garden needs watering. The garden needs _ _ _.5.Nobody can answer the question. The question _ _ _ by _.五、根据汉语完成句子:1.志愿者们正在街上给人们分发广告。Advertisements _ _ _ _ people in the street _ _.2.经常有人听到她在房间里唱歌。She is often _ _ _ in her room.3.敬老院的老人得到了很好的照顾。 The old people _ _ _ _ _ in the home for the elderly.4.玩具和唱片被卖了用来筹钱。Toys and CDs _.5.在希望工程的帮助下,全国数百万的贫困儿童得到了基础教育。_ Project Hope, _ poor children all over the country _.6.他的眼疾是半年前治愈的。 His eye problem _.7.乐施会是什么时候成立的? _?8.许多盲人受到了奥比斯医生的帮助?Many blind people _.
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