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2. Flight 飞行2.1. Booking & Reconfirming 预订机票& 确认机票Word tips 航班flight / flait /预订book / buk /票 ticket /ti ki t /团体party /p: ti /多少many /me ni /多少much / m t /经济舱economy Class / ik n mi / / kl:s /头等舱first class / f:st /商务舱business class /biz nis /素食vegetarian meal /ve d te ri:n / / mi:l /吸烟smoking /sm k /禁烟 non-smoking / nu /往返程roundtrip / raund trip /单程one-way / wn/ / wei /费用 fare / fe(r) /现金cash / k /信用卡charge card / t:d/ / k:d/登机check-in / te kin /离开departure / di p: t /确认reconfirm /ri: kn f:m /号码number /nm b /离开leaving / li: vi /最初的initial /ini l /一One /wn/ 二two /tu:/ 三 three /ri:/ 四 four /f:/ 五five /faiv/ 六six /siks/ 七seven /se vn/ 八eight /eit/ 九 nine /nain/ 十ten /ten/十一Eleven /ile vn/ 十二 twelve /twel ve/ 十三thirteen /:ti:n/ 十四fourteen /f:ti:n/ 十五 fifteen /fifti:n/ 十六 sixteen /siksti:n/ 十七seventeen /se vnti:n/ 十八 eighteen /eiti:n/ 十九nineteen /nainti:n/二十Twenty /twen ti/ 三十Thirty /:ti:/ 四十forty /f:ti:/ 五十fifty /fif ti:/ 六十 sixty /siks ti:/ 七十seventy /se vn ti:/ 八十eighty /ei ti:/ 九十 ninety /nainti:/ 一百hundred /hn drd/第一First /f:st/ second /se knd/ third /:d/ fourth /f:/ fifth /fif/ sixth /siks/ seventh /sevn/ eighth /eit/ ninth /nain/ tenth /ten/周一Monday /mn di/ Tuesday /tju:z di/ Wednesday /wenz di/ Thursday /:z di/ Friday /frai di/ Saturday /s t di/ Sunday/sn di/ 一月January /d nju ri/ February /feb ru ri/ March /m:t/ April /ei prl/ May /mei/ June /du:n/ July /du:lai/ August /: gst /September /sptem b/ October /ktu b/ November /nuvem b/ December /disem b/Useful expressions1. Id like a round-trip ticket from Beijing to New York City, leaving on August 14th, and returning on August 25th. 我想要订北京飞纽约的往返机票。8月14号从北京飞往纽约,8月25号从纽 约飞回北京。2. Whats the fare please? 多少钱?3. May I have your last name and first initial? 请问您的姓和名字的第一个字母是什么?4. Id like to/ I want to 我想要。5. 钟点的表达:10:00 10 oclock a.m. 10 oclock in the morning20:00 20 oclock 8 oclock p.m. 8 oclock in the evening12:00 12 oclock noon24:00 24 oclock midnight 8: 30 eight thirty 8:15 eight fifteen a quarter past eight8:45 eight forty-five a quarter to nineModel dialogues Model p.s. 预订航班: 预订时要说明起始地点,时间,人数,舱别,单双程,吸烟区,费用,支付方式,姓名,及食物。A: Hello, United Airlines, how can I help you? 您好, 联合航空. 有什么能为您服务的?B: Id like to book a ticket from Beijing to NYC (New York City). 我想订张去纽约的机票。A: When would you like to fly? 什么时间的B: ASAP. Do you have a flight on August 14th? 越快越好。有八月14号的吗?A: OK, let me check. We have flights leaving Beijing at 10:15 a.m., noon, and 3:00 p.m. 我看看。我们有上午10:15,中午12点和下午3点从北京起飞的班机。B: The 10:15 flight would be fine.A: Yes. How many in your party? 有的。您有几人?B: Just me this time. 只有我一人。A: What class will you fly? 您想订什么舱位的?B: Economy class will be fine. 经济舱就好。A: Would you like the vegetarian meal? 您喜欢吃素食吗?B: No, thanks. I like to eat meat. 不,谢谢。我想要肉食。A: Smoking or non? 吸烟区还是禁烟区。B: Non-smoking, please. 禁烟区。A: Roundtrip or one way? 往返程还是单程?B: Id like to book roundtrip, please. 往返吧。A: When would you like to return? 那您想订什么时候回来的票呢?B: How about Aug. 25th ? 八月25号吧。A: OK. There are flights at 7:00 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. 好。从纽约回来的有早上7点,中午12点30分及下午5点30分的班级。B: Well Id like to take the 12:30 flight. And how much will the ticket come to? 那么,我要12点30分的班机。 票价多少?A: $426. How will you pay, cash or charge? 426 美元。您用现金还是信用卡付款?B: Ill pay by charge card then. 信用卡吧 A: Great. What name shall I put the reservation under? 好的。请问登记谁的名字呢?B: Ms. Li Zhou. L-I, Li. Z-H-O-U, Zhou. A: Youre booked, Ms Zhou. 您的票订好了。周小姐。B: Thank you. What time do you start check-in? 谢谢。你们何时开始办理登机?A: Two hours before departure time. You must check-in at least one hourbefore.起飞前2小时。你必须在至少1小时前办理登机。B: Thank you. A: Youre welcome. Model 2 p.s. 确认航班: 虽然现在许多航空公司已取消72小时前需确认机位的手续,然而,以防万一,最好仍在回程或前往下一段旅程前打电话确认机位无误。若机位预订有问题,最好马上重新订位,以免延误行程。 A: United Airlines. 联合航空。B: Hello. Id like to reconfirm my flight. 您好。我想确认一下航班信息。A: May I have your flight number, please? 请问您的航班号是多少?B: My flight number is 232, leaving JFK Airport at 10:00 in the morning on July 10. 我的航班号是232,7月10号上午十点,从JFK机场起飞。A: Yes, thats our regular flight to Shanghai. Whats your name, please? 是的。那是我们飞往上海的一般常规航班。请问您的姓名?B: Im Linda Hunt. My first initial is “L”. 我是 Linda Hunt. 第一个字母是L。A: Just a secondOh, yes, here we are. Youre flying economy class. It that correct? 请
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