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新版四年级下学期单词、短语、句型归纳Class_ Name_ No._一、单词1. 形容词:kind, shy, round, friendly, tired, free, bored, interesting, fun, fast, clever, high,beautiful, pretty, handsome, tall, short, strong, thin, weak, heavy, fit2. 星期:(on) Sunday,Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday3. 月份: (in) January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December4. 季节: (in) spring, summer, autumn, winter5. 节日: Christmas, Mothers Day, Teachers Day, Halloween, Spring Festival6. 运动: football, basketball, skate, kung fu, table tennis, tennis, chess, swimming, volleyball, badminton, the long jump, the high jump7. 动词: look like, know, sleep, swim, run, jump, visit, listen, email, fish, dance, think, try, dress, fly8. 名词: glasses, uniform, routine, lunch, dinner, day, breakfast, exercise, week, today, parent, housework, park, film, cartoon, king, picnic, water, present, card, party, candle, 二、短语Unit 1look like 看起来像 with glasses 戴着眼镜 know him/her 认识他/她in a white hat 戴着白色帽子的 * in 后面跟颜色衣着 eg: in a black uniform, in a blue jacket, in red jeans with 后面跟饰品或物品等 eg: with a bag, with long hair, with grey hairUnit 2What islike? 像什么? a round face 一张圆圆的脸 long hair 长头发turn on the light 开灯 one of+复数 其中一个 Unit 3get up 起床 go to school 上学 time for class 该是上课的时候go back home 回家 do my homework 完成作业 so tired 太累了* time to 该是的时候 ( time to 跟动作 eg: time to go to school ) time for ( time for 跟名词 eg: time for school ) * half past 半点 eg: half past one 一点半 half past six 六点半 past 过几分 eg: eight past ten 八点十 twenty past four 四点二十 a quarter past 十五分 eg: a quarter past three 三点十五分 a quarter to +小时+1 eg: a quarter to seven 六点四十五分 oclock 整点 eg: twelve oclock 十二点正Unit 4have breakfast/ lunch/ dinner 吃早餐、午餐、晚餐 have classes 上课take exercise 做运动 go running 去跑步 go swimming 去游泳do ones homework 做作业 watch TV 看电视 on weekdays 在平日play with my dog 与我的小狗玩 read story books 读故事书go to bed 去睡觉 wake up 叫醒 fromto 从到Unit 5favourite day 最喜欢的一天 play games 玩游戏 have fun 玩得开心*love + 动词ing love singing, love dancing, love skating love + 名词 love sports, love EnglishUnit 6do housework 做家务 clean my room 打扫我的房间 go to the park 去公园visit my friends 拜访我的朋友 see a film 看电影 go shopping 去购物Unit 7 do some reading 读点书 an interesting book一本有趣的书 watch cartoons 看卡通 take photos 拍照 listen to music 听音乐draw a picture 画画 email my friends 发电子邮件给朋友 have a picnic 去野餐 water the flowers 浇花 enjoy the weekend 享受周末Unit 8fish in the park 在公园钓鱼 swim in the pool 在泳池游泳 fly a kite 放风筝eat in the kitchen 在厨房吃东西 play music 玩音乐 play cards 打牌sing karaoke 唱K surf the Internet 上网 go hiking 远足Unit 9play football 踢足球 play basketball 打篮球 play tennis 打网球play table tennis 打乒乓球 do the long jump 跳远 do the high jump 跳高do kung fu 打武功 play chess 下棋Unit 10take a bath 洗澡 play volleyball 打排球 run fast 跑得快chess player 棋手 jump high 跳得高 play well 弹得好Unit 11go on 继续 a birthday party 生日派对 Happy birthday 生日快乐all the presents 全部的礼物 go on 继续 have a party 举行派对was born in+月份 出生于月 putcandles on the cake 放蜡烛在蛋糕上Unit 12come soon 快到了 like doing for 喜欢做 in my home 在我家have a big dinner 吃大餐 lots of 许多 great food 好的食物dress up 打扮 make cards 做卡片 for you 给你三、句子1. Which? The one in/ with. 哪一个是? 那个穿着.。2. He/ She looks like a . 他/ 她看起来像一位。3. What is he/ she like?他/ 她是怎样的? He/ She is tall. He/ She is kind。4. What time is it? Its +时间。 现在几点了?5. Its time to+ 动作 Its time for + 名词 该是的时候了。6. What time do you/ they usually + 动词原形? 你、你们是几点钟.? At + 时间。7. When do you / they usually + 动词原形? 你、你们是几点钟.? At + 时间。8. What day is it today? Its + 星期. 今天星期几?9. Why do you like + 星期? Because I . 为什么你喜欢星期? 10. What lessons do you/ they have today? 今天你、你们、他们上什么课? I/ We/ They + 动词原形。11. I like/ love + 动作ing. 我喜欢。12. What do you / they do on + 星期? 你、你们、他们在星期几做什么? I/ We/ They + 动词原形。13. What do you do when you have free time? 你有空的时候会做什么? I + 动词原形。 我会。14. What are you doing? Im / I am + 动词ing. 你正在做什么?* 1). 动词后直接加ing Eg: eating, playing, drawing, listening2). 不发音e 结尾去e + ing. Eg: writing, dancing, taking, making3) 重读闭音节双写末尾字母+ing Eg: swimming, running, shopping, getting15. What is he/ she/ it 单数人名 doing? He/ She/ It + 动词ing.16. Ar
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