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2022四级仔细阅读练习及答案解析(2)Passage Two Questions 61 to 65 are based oB thefollowingpassage. When companies consider their benefits mix.coverage for medical care is often top.of-mind.Yet there may be another,even more powerful concern driving employee coverage preferences:vision care.Roughly 75%of adults in the United States require some type of vision correction.and 84 percent of adults believe that vision benefits are somewhat or very important to them.As a result.vision assistance is moving higher and higher on the list of sought.after employee benefits. Whats driving the trend?One factor is the increasing power of eye examinations to detect systemic illness.In addition to identifying nearsightedness,farsightedness and astigmatism,routine eye exanls now play a role in diagnosing conditions such as diabetes,brain aneurysms(脑动脉瘤),liver disease and stroke risk. Early identification,in turn,translates into markedly lower expenditures for employers.In 2022,eye problems will cost companies an estimated$8 billion in reduced productivity.Making sure employees get the right eye care helps employers reduce these losses.At the same time,it boosts their ability to retain loyal workers. So whats the best way to get patients into the exam chair?One way is to provide a vision plan that lowers out-of-pocket(自已付费的)expenses.Indeed,research shows that out-of-pocket expense-not premiums-is the number-one factor employees consider when choosing a-vision plan.“And thats just smart.”says independent insurance broker Shannon Enders.“Premiums make up only about 30 percent of total out.of-pocket expenses.So it pays to100k beyond the premium and see the real cost of a plan.” A study conducted by Service Excellence Group Inc.,a leading market research company,shows how the right vision insurance plan can result in acrossthe-board(全面的)savings for employees.The study compared the prices customers with different insurance plans paid for the same popular pair of eyeglasses at independent doctors and retail chains.It found that customers with insurance plans that were most successful at keeping out-of-pocket expenses low saved hundreds of dollars. With eyeglasses becoming as much of a fashion accessory(装饰品)as a vision aid,forward-thinking companies are beginning to take note.Enders says more of his clients are saying yes to vision care plans.“Employees care about their eyes,”he says.“And offering benefits packages with the features employees care most about will become an even more important corporate strategy going forward.” 61.What is the meaning of the last sentence of paragraph one? A.Vision assistance is listed on the list of popular worker interests. B.Vision assistance is becoming more and more popular among employees。 C.Vision assistance is considered as one of the employee benefits. D.Vision assistance is the top concern of the employees. 62.What are the functions of eye examinations? A.Identilying nearsightedness,farsightedness and astigmatism. B.Diagnosing systemic illness. C.Diagnosing diabetes,brain aneurysms,liver disease and stroke risk. D.Identifying eyesight problems and detecting systemic illness. 63.What are the advantages of right vision care plan for the employers? A. It can reduce the losses caused by eye problems. B.It helps the employers keep the employees. C. It can lower the expenses of the employers and keep the workers. D.It can help increase the employeesincome. 64.What does the study of Service Excellence Group Inc.suggest? A.The most successful vision insurance plan helps employees save the most money. B.A vision insurance plan helps employees save hundreds of dollars at a time. C.Eyeglasses at independent doctors cost more than in retail chains. D.Eyeglasses at independent doctors cost less than in retail chains. 65.What can be learned from Shannon Enderswords? A.It takes a lot of money to look beyond the premium. B. Considering the real cost of a plan costs too much. C.The company should take employeesmost concerned benefits seriously. D.The company should vision insurance plan as a strategy. 61.What is the meaning ofthe last sentence ofparagraph one?第一段话最终一句是什么意思? A.Vision assistance is listed on the list ofpopular worker interests.视力补助被列入受欢送的员工福利清单。 B.Vision assistance is becoming more and more popular among employees.视力补助在员工中正变得越来越受欢送。 C.Vision assistance is considered as one ofthe employee benefits.视力补助是员工福利之一。 D.Vision assistance is the top concern ofthe employees.视力补助是员工考虑的首要问题。 62.What are the functions ofeye examinations?眼科检查有哪些功能7 A.Identifying nearsightedness,farsightedness and astigmatism.检查近视、远视及散光。 B.Diagnosing systemic illness.诊断全身性疾病。 C.Diagnosing diabetes,brain aneu
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