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UNIT 9What does he look like?课时课时 2Section A(Grammar Focus-3d)一、用一、用 be 或或 have 的正确形式填空。的正确形式填空。1.The actor is handsome and has a beard(胡子).2.Some persons are short.But their children are tall.3.I am of medium height and have short straight black hair.ishasareaream have一一二二三三四四4.Toms hair is short.His eyes are big.5.The actress is thin and tall.And she has curly hair.isareishas二、单项选择。二、单项选择。(D)6.大连月考改编 Bob has curly hair.Oh,he is cool!A.manyB.anC.theD./D一一二二三三四四(C)7.沈阳和平区月考 Linda is medium height long hair.A.in;ofB.in;withC.of;withD.of;ofC一一二二三三四四(D)8.盘锦育才学校月考 What does your friend look like?.A.She likes musicB.She is a kind girlC.She has a little dogD.She is tall and thinD一一二二三三四四(D)9.Is Sally thin or heavy?.Shes of medium build(身材).A.Yes,shes thinB.No,shes heavyC.Shes thinD.She isnt thin or heavyD一一二二三三四四(A)10.丹东月考 My mother glasses.Her eyes are very good!A.doesnt wearB.isnt wearC.wearD.to wearA一一二二三三四四三、按要求完成句子,每空一词。三、按要求完成句子,每空一词。11.Sam is tall and has short hair.(对画线部分提问)What does Sam look like?12.Linda has a long face.(改为否定句)Linda doesnt have a long face.13.My pen pal isnt tall or short.(改为同义句)My pen pal is of medium height.Whatlooklikedoesnthaveofmediumheight一一二二三三四四14.Peter has a big nose.(用 a small nose 改为选择疑问句)Does Peter have a big nose ora small nose?15.His father is of medium build.(改为同义句)His father isnt heavy or thin.Doeshaveorheavyorthin一一二二三三四四四、【四、【高效练词汇高效练词汇】语篇填空。】语篇填空。Mark is 16.from Australia.Hes a student.Hes fourteen years old.What 17.does(do)he look like?He is tall and 18.has(have)brown hair and big eyes.He is a little heavy.19.His(he)sister is Ann.Shes a student with a pair of 20.glasses(glass).But they are not in the same school.fromdoeshasHisglasses一一二二三三四四Marks father works 21.in a bank.Hes of medium 22.height(high).He looks handsome.He likes watching 23.movies(movie)in the cinema.Who is his favorite 24.actress(act)?Of course Marks mother.She is thin 25.and beautiful.She has short hair and looks young.inheightmoviesactressand一一二二三三四四
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