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英语毕业论文解读皆大欢喜中的浪漫主义AbstractRomanticism, as a historical phase of the 19th century in literature, stresses the close relationship between man and nature, and continues a change of direction from the attention paid to the outer world of social civilization to the inner world of the human spirit. Romantics feel that the present society denies peoples essential human need, and their expectation to live in countryside, which is beautiful, quiet and could prevent human from sadness, terror, and fear. As You Like It is one of Shakespeares four famous comedies. The whole story happens in Arden forest. The duke senior and his old followers take residence in the forest, and when they arrive there and live for some days, they are fully attracted by the beautiful scenery and forget the courts sadness. Country life makes people get refreshed. Romanticism critics give a high praise to As You Like it.This paper tries to analyze the close relationship between As You like It and Romanticism. In the play, the author demonstrates a living world which has close relationship with men and is the source of their life. Based on the analysis of the close relationship between the play and Romanticism, and four scenes extracted from the play, the paper aims at the exploration and interpretation of Romanticism in the play.Key WordsRomanticism; As You Like It; nature; emotion; comedy 摘要发生在19世纪的浪漫主义文学铸造了文学史上的一段神话,对后世产生了深远的影响。浪漫主义文学注重描写人的内心感受,并认为现实社会忽略了人的本质追求,并主张回归原始的田园生活,在宁静幽雅的自然乡村生活能让人身心得以放松,远离尘世生活的压力,喧嚣。皆大欢喜作为莎士比亚的四大喜剧之一,整个剧情在宁静、秀美的亚登森林中展开,讲述了被其弟篡夺了爵位后的老公爵和他的忠实的随从们来到森林里,忘却宫廷的虚伪与争夺,享受着自然的洗礼,心灵也得以净化和升华,给人一种浪漫的情怀。19 世纪的浪漫主义学者对这部喜剧情有独钟。在作品中作者展现了一个与人类有着密切联系,并赋予人类生活的自然世界。论文通过对作品与浪漫主义的密切关系以及四幕精彩剧情的分析,揭示与解读皆大欢喜中的浪漫主义。关键词浪漫主义;皆大欢喜;自然;情感;喜剧 IntroductionRomance has a close relationship with people. It does not only make life colorful, but also lets people understand how to live a better life. Facing the stresses from work, one can do some romantic things to relax. It is known to all, that Romanticism was popular in Europe in the 19th century. Romantics stressed the close relationship between man and nature. They expected to live in countryside, and they always viewed intuition and emotions more important than reason and common sense. There was much greater stress on emotions in the writing of the romantic period. Romantics held the notion that one could find truth through ones feelings. They thought the world as a lively, breathing being, and admired those who could speak the words from their inner world, and expect every person to express their feeling freely. They believed everybodys inner self (subconscious) was meaningful, and everybody should have an opportunity to be creative and to express his own thoughts. The 19th century romantic critics regarded As You Like It as the declaration of Romanticism. As You Like It is one of Shakespeares four comedies which was seen as a perfect comedy. From the writing background and the contents of Act ii scene i, Act iii scene ii, Act iii scene ii, Act iii scene v, there is a conclusion that everyone looks forward to having a romantic life.Through analysis of As You Like It, readers can understand the demonstration of Romanticism in the play and know more about Romanticism which makes peoples life more lively, interesting and harmonious. I. A Brief Introduction to RomanticismRomanticism (the Romantic Movement), a literary movement, is profound shift in sensibility, which took place in Britain and throughout Europe during 1770-1848. Intellectually it marked a violent reaction to the Enlightenment. Politically it was inspired by the revolutions in America and France and popular wars of independence in Poland, Spain, Greece, and elsewhere. Emotionally it expressed an extreme assertion of the self and the value of individual experience (the egotistical sublime), together with the sense of the infinite and transcendental. Socially it championed progressive causes, though when these were frustrated it often produced a bitter, gloomy, and despairing outlook. The romantics paid great attention to the spiritual and emotional life of man. Personified nature plays an important role in the pages of their works.A. The Characteristics of Romanticism(1) Romanticism was a rebellion against the objectivity of rationalism. It was a movement of conscious rebellion against being too objective. The romantic spirit was one of subjectivity of inward feelings that one could trust ones subjective responses. Romantics placed a high premium upon the creative function of imagination, and saw art as a formulation of intuitive and imaginative perceptions that tend to speak a nobler truth than that of fact.(2) For romantics, the feelings, intuitions and emotions were more important than reason and common sense. The controversy was one between head thinking and heart feeling. There was a much greater stress on emotions in the writing of the romantic period. Romantics held
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