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1.询问地点:whereWhere is the cinema?(The cinema) /It is next to the bookstore.Where are the tigers?(The tigers )/They are in the forest.2. (1)询问交通用How canHow can you get to the Restaurant?I can get there on foot.How can we get there?Turn left/right at the hospital.Go straight on Xinhua Road.(2) 询问交通用How doHow do you come to school?I come to school on foot.(3) 询问交通用How doesHow does he come to school?He comes to school by bus.3. 询问标志地点whereWhere can you see this sign?I can see this sign in the library.4. (1)询问标志的作用What doWhat do these signs mean?They mean “stop and look right”(2) 询问标志的作用What doesWhat does this sign mean?It means stop.5. 询问这是什么WhatWhats this?Its a helmet.6. (1)询问对方想要做什么What do . do(buy)What do you want to do(buy)?I want to buy a postcard(2)询问对方想要做什么What does . do(buy)What does she want to do (buy)?She wants to buy some books.7.(1)询问对方想要做什么Where do.goWhere do you want to go?I want to go to the bookstore.(2) 询问对方想要做什么Where does.goWhere does he want to go?He wants to go to the library.8. 询问应该干的事情What.doWhat shou you do at a red light?I should wait and stop.What shou you do at a yellow light?I should slow down and stop.What shou you do at a green light?I should go.一般将来时1.询问将来所做的事情what.do?What are you going to do tomorrow?I am going to see films.2.询问将来所用的地点Where.go?Where is he going next weekend?He is going to the zoo.3. 询问将来所用的交通How.going?How is she going to the science museum today?She is going there by plane.4. 询问将来所用的时间When(What time).going?When are your parents going to work ?My parents are going to workthis morning.5. 询问将来搭档Who.with?Who are they going to visit their grandparents with?They are going there with my parents.6. 询问将来买的东西what.buy?What are you going to buy?Im going to buy a comicbook.10.询问爱好(hobby)What is your hobby?My hobby is reading stories.What do you like?I like doing kungfu.What is his hobby?His hobby is singing.What does he like?He likes going hiking.What is her hobby?Her hobby is dancing.What does she like?She likes playing football.What are theirs hobbies?Theirs hobbies are doing word puddles.What do they like?They like cooking Chinese food.小结:询问带有hobby 的句子,主语不能用he,she,it ,或直接点名,而要用his,her,its,Johns. (birthday, name)Is your hobby dancing?(物作主语it代替)Yes,it is. No, it isnt.11. (1)询问居住地点Where do.live?Where do you live?I live on a farm.(2) 询问居住地点Where does.live?Where does John live?He lives on a farm.12询问对方的名字Whats.name?Whats your name?My name is Ann.Whats his name?His name is Mike.Whats her name?Her name isSarah13. 询问对方的职业WhatWhat are you?Im a factory worker.What is yur job?My job is a postman.What do you do?I am a police officer.What is he?He is a businessman.What is his job?His job is a fisherman.What does he do?He is a pilot.What is she?She is a coach.What is her job?Her job is a scientist.What does she do ?She is an engineer.What are they?They are drivers.What are theirs job?Theirs job are divers.What do they do ?They are drivers.14. 询问将来的梦想what.be?What do you want to be?I want to be ateacher.What does he want to be ?He wants to be a doctor.What are you going to be?Im going to be a singer.What is she going to be ?She is going to be a dancer.15. (1)工作地点where do.work?Where do you work?I work in a school.(2) 工作地点where does.work?Where does he work?He works at a university.16. 询问对方的电话号码what.number?What is your phone number?My phone numbe is 3654654.What is his phone number?His phone numbe is 3654654.What is her phone number?Her phone numbe is 3654654.17. 询问关于什么what.about?What is this cartoon about?Its about a cat.18. 询问心情howHow are you (feeling)?Im(feeling) happy.How do you feel?I feel excited.How is he (feeling) ?He is (feeling) worried.How does he feel?He feels afraid.How are they (feeling)?They are (feeling) sad.How do they feel?They feel angry.19. 询问对方发生什么事情或病情whats wrong?Whats wrong (with you)?I have a fever.Whats wrong with Mike?He has a toothache.20. 询问对方该做什么事情what should.do?What should you do ?I should see a doctor.What should she do ?She should wear warm clothes.感叹句1. What a great museum!2. What an interesting film!祈使句(否定)Dont+动词原形1. Dont go at a red light!2. Please dont sit on me!3. Dont be sad!4. Dont be angry!祈使句(肯定)动词原形开头1.Go at a red light!2.Sit on me,please!3.Be sad!同义句1.Thank you (very much).=Thanks(a lot).=Many thanks.2. Why dont you go ?=Why not go?句子1.turn left (right) at the bookstore.2.Go straight on Dongfang Street.3. Go that way.4. Thats good exercise5. So many pictures of bikes!6. Slow down and stop at a yellow light.7. Stop and wait at a red light.8. Go at a green
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