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环保主题As is realistically revealed in the drawing above, our planet is sweating all over and can hardly move forward due to global warming-up effect. And the heat from the sun has posed a hazard to the earth because of the destruction of ozone layer. What is conveyed in the drawing is most thought-provoking and should arouse the concern of the international community.As the planet warms,rainfall patterns shift,and extreme events such as droughts,floods,and forest fires become more and more frequent.Millions in densely populated coastal areas and in island nations will lose their homes as the sea level rises.In Africa,Asia,and elsewhere,poor people face prospects of tragic crop failures,reduced agricultural productivity,and increasing hunger,malnutrition,and disease.It will become even harder to attain the Millennium Development Goals-and ensure a safe and sustainable future beyong 2015.A “climate-smart” world is possible in our time.We must act now,because what we do today determines both the climate of tomorrow and the choices that shape our future.We must act together,because climate change is a crisis of the commons.Climate change cannot be solved without countries cooperating on a global scale.We need to protect human life and ecological resources.Much more is needed.We need action on climate issues before it is too late.If we act now,act together,and act differently,there are real opportunities to shape our climate future for a safe,inclusive,and sustainable globalization.China will cut carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by 40 to 45 percent by 2020,taking 2005 as the base year.We du not need to wait for a low-carbon future.It starts now.社会主题,60年国庆,变化、发展As is realistically displayed in the drawing above, great changes have taken place in the bags and other aspects of our routine life over the past decades. The changes from soldiers bags in the 1970s on to the current computer bag reflect the rapid development of our society since the opening-up and reform.Lifestyle choices have changed gradually in the past 60 years but exploded in the past three decades.In the 1970s,the CPC decided everything from clothes and length of hair to what books to read and music to listen.A huge change is traveling.In 1976,few people traveled within China,let alone abroad.Many Chinese have now visited other countries.Travel within China has exploded,too.Many domestic flights are often full.Tourist spots are rarely without crowds.Apartments today are stuffed with domestic appliances undreamed of in the 1970s,when most people aspired to include a fridge,a washing machine,a TV set,a CD player and a vacuum cleaner.Now Chinese consumers have become among the most discerning in the world and like to have the latest gadgets,most of them made in China.Chinas provision of sufficient food and clothing to its large population,one-fifth of the worlds total,is itself a big contribution to world peace and security.Chinas rapid development has also provided other countries with extensive market opportunities and thus helped promote a joint development with them.We are just happy and proud. 醉酒驾车As is vividly depicted in the drawing above,a drunk-driver is scolding a pedestrian who is crossing a street at zebra crossing.What is revealed in the drawing is not uncommon in our routine life and the phenomenon is most thought-provoking to each responsible citizen of our society.The intention of its painter can be interpreted in terms of personal manners and moral values.To begin with,good manners should be advocated in our daily life.Some people are quite self-fish and only care about their own interests.Sometimes,they even violate the social rules and regulation in pursuit of their own convenience and benefits.As a consequence,our society would be filled with selfishness and hatred.Whats more,traditional moral values should be upheld.There is no doubt that over the past decades our material life has been considerably improved.However,such traditional moral values as mutual help,understanding,courtesy are ignored.As a result,we are alien to each other and building a harmonious society is beyond our reach.In short,the drawing does awaken us to a grim reality.As far as I am concerned,strict measures must be immediately taken so as to reverse the current situation.On one hand,a nation-wide campaign should be launched to educate people about the significance of good manners and moral values.On the other hand,relevant laws and regulation must be established and strictly implemented.Only in these ways can we live in a harmonious society and enjoy the benefits of modern civilization.爱爱相生 As is artistically revealed in the drawing above, hearts are linked to each other, making a love circuit. Simple as the drawing seems to be, it is most inspiring and makes us reflect on the meaning of the capption “Love begets Love.”Martin Luther King,Jr. once said“Hatred paralyzes life;love relrases it .Hatred confuses life;love harmonize
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