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Module 3 Unit 2I dont like riding my bike.教学设计一、教学目标1.知识目标:学生能听说、认、读swimming,skipping,riding bikes等单词。知道字母DdEeFf 的写法。2.能力目标:初步感知I like football/I dont like morning exercises.I like swimming/I dont like skipping等句子,理解其含义。3.情感目标:培养学生合作学习的能力,及学习英语的兴趣,树立自信心。二、 教学重点1. 学习新词swimming, skipping ,riding bikes,能正确认读。2. 能让学生灵活运用句型I like. Idont like.三、 教学难点1. 培养学生合作学习的能力,及学习英语的兴趣,树立自信心。2. 能让学生熟练运用句型I like. Idont like.来表达自己的观点四、教学过程一、热身复习1.Greetings.2.Lets chant.(出示幻灯片)边说边做动作I like coffee.I like tea.I like catsand they like me.I like coffee.I like tea.I dont like lions.And they dont like me.3.Revision教师出示运动图片,进行问答;T: Which sport? Ss:Football , basketball, table tennis , morning exercises T:Which sport do you like and dont like? S:二、呈现与导入T: I like football.(边说边做动作) 走到学生跟前问:“Do you like football?”S1: Yes I like football, too.S2: I dont like football.T: I dont like table tennis. What about you?S1: I like table tennis.S2: I dont like table tennis, too.T: Ok, very good. Today well learn new a lesson.T: Look at the picture! Who is he?(出示幻灯片) You can say it in Chinese. S: 他是菲尔普斯。T: Yes, youre clever.给孩子发贴画,调动全班同学的积极性。T: What is he doing ? (他正在干什么?)S:他正在游泳。T: Yes, youre right. 同时出示swimming单词卡片,走入学生中间,边做动作边教授单词,采用领读、齐读、分组读、排火车、拼读等形式进行教学并板书。T: Do you like swimming?.S1:Yes, I like swimming.S2:No, I dont like swimming.2.T: Look! Whats this?(出示跳绳)S:跳绳。T:出示skipping卡片,采用同样方法进行单词教学。3.T:Please look at the screen.(出示幻灯片) What is she doing? You can say it in Chinese.S: 她正在骑自行车。T:Ok,youre wonderful.同时出示riding bikes词组卡片,采用以上方法教学单词及词组。三、课文教学1、Listen to the tape, then fill in the blanks.(连听两遍)(同时出示小黑板Fill in the blanks). T: Who can have a try?S:依次回答。T:采用多种方法评价学生。2、播放CD-ROM。Listen and follow it.( 连听两遍)S: Listen and repeat.3、Now practice in groups.(师巡视指导个别差生)4、T: Do you have any questions?S1:举手指出不会读的地方。T: Who can help her him?S2:举手领读。T:对S1说:“You should say thank you”.S1对S2说:Thank you. T: You are welcome!5、教授字母的写法四、课堂练习Play a game. (看口型猜单词)T: For example, 小声说:“swimming” S: 猜单词并说出来。五、布置作业
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