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英语老师自我介绍20篇英语老师自我介绍20篇英语教师自我介绍(一):各位考官好!很高兴能有这次宝贵的机会参加贵校的面试,应聘中学英语教师一职。我叫xx,毕业于xx,主修商务英语专业。毕业后获得文学学士学位,在校期间经过了专四,普六普四考试,普通话获二级甲等,并且能熟练运用办公软件。我性格开朗,平易近人,做事细心有耐心,并且我喜欢和孩子们相处。大学期间我曾做过初中生英语家教,对初中生的英语水平有了必须的了解。我深知初中正式打基础的时候,所以我针对初中生基础薄弱的特点专门制定了一个课程计划,如果能有幸经过面试的话,我将在试讲时向大家讲解我的课程计划。教师是一个神圣的职业。在我求学的十几年中,我见证了身边教师们兢兢业业无私奉献的教学精神,并深深体会到作为一名“人类灵魂的工程师”的重要意义,这更加坚定了我想成为一名教师的愿望。我是本市考出去的学生,对这片生我养我的土地有很深的感情。此刻毕业了我想为家乡的教育事业出分力做出一份贡献。贵校是我的母校,我很高兴能有幸与众多教过我课的教师们做同事。我是一个学习本事强,有上进心的人。我将虚心的向前辈们请教学习,做一个尽职尽责的好教师。我的家族中出了三个教师,我想成为第四个。上学时同学们以往说我看起来像教师,此刻我想把梦想变成现实。请众位考官慎重研究我的请求,如能经过我将不胜感激。多谢!Every examiner is good!I am very pleased to have this precious opportunity to attend your school interview and apply for a position as an English teacher in secondary school。 My name is xx, I graduated from xx and majored in Business English。 After graduating, he received a bachelor's degree in literature。 During the school he passed a special four, general six general examinations, Mandarin two grade A, and can skillfully use office software。 I am cheerful, approachable, and am patient and patient, and I like to get along with my children。During my college days, I used to teach English as a junior high school student。 I have a good understanding of junior high school students' English proficiency。 I know that when junior middle school formally establishes the foundation, I have developed a curriculum plan specifically for junior students who are weak in basics。 If I have the honour to pass the interview, I will explain my lesson plan to everyone during the lecture。Teachers are a sacred profession。 During the more than 10 years of my schooling, I have witnessed the teaching spirit of the dedicated and dedicated teachers of the nearby school。 I have also deeply realized the importance of being an “engineer of the human soul。” This has strengthened my desire to bee a teacher。 Desire。I am a student who passed the exam in this city and I have deep feelings for the land where I have my children。 Now that I am graduating, I want to make a contribution to the education of my hometown。 Your school is my alma mater, and I am very happy to have the honor to be a colleague with many teachers who have taught my class。 I am a person with strong learning ability and self-motivated ability。 I will humbly ask for learning and be a good teacher with due diligence。There are three teachers in my family。 I want to be the fourth one。 When I was at school, my classmates once said that I looked like a teacher。 Now I want to make my dream e true。 Please examine all of my requests carefully by the examiners。 I would be very grateful if you pass me。 Thank you!英语教师自我介绍(二):各位考官好!请允许我用一分钟的时光做自我介绍。我叫xx,毕业于师范大学英语系专业,此刻已过口语等级六级水平。本人稳重,工作踏实勤奋,具有较强的团队合作精神,好学,能吃苦耐劳,能够服从上级的命令听从指挥。在校期间进取参加各项活动,连续三年当任学习委员,商务英语写作本事强,有过短暂的英语教学经验。在课堂上,我鼓励学生表达自我的意见和方法以其英语学习方式,因为我认为学习是一种个性化的过程。每个人都应当成为重要的思想家班上,我想成为一个好教师在其真正意义上的。我不是传统的教师。我想在我的课堂英语教学改革。期望我能做点什么来改变现状的英语教学。最终我期望在英语教师的岗位上发挥个人的专业特长,为教育事业贡献力量。Every examiner is good!Please allow me to introduce myself in one minute。 My name is xx。 I graduated from the English Department of Normal University。 I have now passed the sixth level of spoken English。I am stable, work diligently and hard-working, have a strong teamwork spirit, are studious, can work hard, and can obey orders from superiors。 During the school, he actively participated in various activities。 He was a member of the study mittee for three consecutive years。 He has strong business English writing skills and has had a short period of English teaching experience。In class, I encourage students to express their opinions and methods in their English learning style because I think learning is a personalized process。 Everyone should bee an important thinker in class and I want to be a good teacher in its true sense。 I am not a traditional teacher。 I want to reform English teaching in my classroom。 I hope I can do something to change the status of English teaching。In the end, I hope that I will play my personal professional talents in my English teacher job and contribute to the education。英语教师自我介绍(三):Good morning everyoneFirst of all, please allow me to express my greatest appreciation for you give me this opportunity for an interview。 And I hope I can make a good performance today I will do my best for this interview。My name is MengShengnan, 25 years, graduated from the Mudanjiang Normal College major in English and I have been got the eight professional certificate in English (test for English majors) and senior English teacher qualification certificate。 Perhaps my situation on this place is pretty unlikely, after graduation because of personal interests I am gone to the Heilongjiang University graduate college major in history。 I'm outgoing and open-minded。 In my spare time, I have broad interests。 Such as reading, surfing the internet, listening to music。 I like children very muc
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