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:They walk现以speak被动语态一、考点、热点回顾【词汇辨析】1. across, through 穿过across指从一定范围的一边到另一边。动作是在物体的表面进行。常用于横穿街道、河流,穿过桥梁等。egacross the bridge.他们步行走过了这座桥。through侧重从物体的内部空间穿过,动作是在物体内部进行。常用于门、窗户、森林等。eg: He walks through the park. 他步行穿过公园。2. ill,sick 生病的”。ill 只在系动词后作表语eg: Her mother was ill in bed.5 sick 既可作表语 eg: Her mother was sick in bed. I 也可作定语 eg: Jane is taking care of her sick mother.若ill作定语,译为 坏的,恶劣的”eg:an ill person 个坏人sick作表语时也常译为恶心的,想吐的“eg:The boy always feels sick whe n he travels by car.【固定搭配】 动词+名词/代词/副词+介词make room for 给.腾出地方 eg: We can make room for her at this table.play a joke on 戏弄人; 对人恶作居 U eg: We can play a joke on law.speak highly of 称赞 eg: The customs speak highly of their quality of service .say good bye to 告另U; 告辞 eg:I dont want to say good bye to them.take an active part in 积极参力口 eg: They take an active part in school activities.take care of 照顾; 照料; 注意 eg: Could you take care of my plants while rm on vacation?【被动语态】(一)语态:英语的语态是通过动词形式的变化表现出来的。英语中有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态 。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者。例如: Many people speak Chin ese.谓语:speak的动作是由主语 many people来执行的。被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者,即行为动作的对象。例如: Chinese is spoken by many people.主语 English 是动词 speak 的承受者。(二)被动语态的构成被动语态由|助动词be+及物动词的过去分词 ”|构成。人称、数和时态的变化是通过be的变化表现出来的。为例说明被动语态在各种时态中的构成。一般现在时:am / is/ are + spoke n一般过去时:was/ were + spoke n一般将来时:will / shall be + spoken现在进行时:am / is/ are being + spoke n过去进行时:was/were being + spoke n现在完成时:have/ has bee n+ spoke n过去完成时:had bee n + spoke n(三)被动语态的用法(1 )不知道或没有必要说明动作的执行者是谁。例如:Some new computers were stole n last night. 一些新电脑在昨晚被盗了。(不知道是谁偷的)This bridge was founded in 1981.这座桥竣工于 1981 年。(2)强调动作的承受者,而不强调动作的执行者。例如:The glass was broken by Mike.玻璃杯是迈克打破的。 This book was written by him.这本书是他写的。Your homework must be finished on time.你们的家庭作业必须及时完成。(四)主动语态变被动语态的方法(1)把主动语态的 宾语变为被动语态的 主语。(2) 把谓语变成被动结构(be +过去分词)(根据被动语态句子里的主语的人称和数,以及原来主动语态句子中动 词的时态来决定be的形式)。(3) 把主动语态中的主语放在介词by之后作宾语,将主格改为宾格。例如:All the people laughed at himHe was laughed at by all people .They make the bikes in the factory. The bikes are made by them in the factory.He cut down a treeA tree was cut down by him .(五)含有情态动词的被动语态含有情态动词的主动句变成被动句时,由情态动词+ be +过去分词构成We can repair this watch in two days.t This watch can be repaired in two days.They should do it at once. t It should be done at once.(六)特殊情况1. He made the boy work for two hours yesterday.t The boy was made to work by him for two hours yesterday.2. Mother never lets me watch TV .t i am never let to watch TV by mother.3. Jack gave Peter a Christmas prese nt just now.t( 1) a Christmas present was given to Peter by Jack just now.t( 2) Peter was given a Christmas present by Jack just now.常见的句型结构:It is (was) agreed(believed/decided/hoped/thought )that大家同意(相信、决定、希望、认为) It is (was) well known that 众所周知It is (was) taken for gran ted that 被视为当然It must be remembered that 务必记住It mustn t be forgotten that.千万另U忘记 It is (was) said( reported , heard , told , suggested) that 据说(报道、听说、告知、建议 )典型例题()1. The Olympic Gamesevery four years.A are heldB were heldC. are holdingD. will hold( )2. In the art show , a lot of laughter _to foreign friends by the Chinese paintings .A .is givingB was givenC will give D has give()3. Today Chinese is becoming more and more popular. Itin. many schools around the world.A. teachesB. is teach ingC. has taught D. is taught()4. Ba Jin,one of the greatest writers in China,asPeoples Writer.A. is regarded B. has regarded C. is regard ingD. regards()5. Usually computersto search the Internet.A. useB. are usingC. are usedD. used()6. -Do you often clean your classroom?-Yes.Our classroom every day.A. it clea nsB. we are clea ns C. we clea n()7.一 Did you hear that water in Tai Lake smells terrible?一 Yes. In fact, it.Thats all because of the factories around .A . pollutedB was pollutedC has pollutedD. was po11ute()8. -Our environment is getting worse than before.-Youre right. But thanks to Earth Day,people have done more and more to protect( 保护)the earth.A. is startedB. was startedC. has started()9. -I feel very happy that Ito be the host. -Congratulations!A. choose(选择) B. am chosenC. was chosen D. haven chosen()10. Many trees and flowersin our school last year .A . plant B . plantedC. have plantedD. were planted()11. Some famous paintingsin the hall next week.A. will showB. were show nC. is show nD. will be show n()12. A talk on developme nts in scie nee and tech no logyin the school hall next week .A. give nB. will be give nC. has bee n give nD. gives()13.-Great cha nges have take n place in this city.-Right. Many moder n tall build ings have bee nthese days.A. build B. buildi ngC. builtD. are built()14.Twelve-year-olds should n otto drive in Chi na.A. allowB. be allowC. allowed
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